Black Serpent (autumn 2009).pdf

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Black Serpent
Volume 4, Issue 1
Autumn 2009
Inside this Issue:
3 - From the Editor
4- Letters from Readers
5 - Exploring the Elements – B. Morlan
12 - The Symbolism of the Pentagram – S. Connolly
14- Growing Up With Daemons Daniel Purswell
16- To Keep Silent: Discretion in Groups – M. Delaney
21- Ask Adrianna
24- Sigil Sculptures – Jeremy Carroll
27- Enochian Physics: The Concept of Dualities - Sentinel
29 - Meat For The Beast – Devil Man
32 – Reviews
34 - My God is Not Your God – Mac Tadhg
35– Daemonic Games
Black Serpent is a free PDF e-zine, or is available in print format POD for production cost
only from Black Serpent is a publication of DB Publishing and Ordo Flammeus
Serpens. PO Box 2011, Arvada, CO 80003
ISSN currently pending. All contents of this publication are Copyrighted by their respective
authors and artists ©2009 or earlier. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form,
electronic or other, without express written permission from the copyright holders. Black
Serpent, its design and any original content by the editor is © Copyright 2009 by DB Publishing
and OFS.
Writer’s Guidelines: All articles, poems, stories, and artwork from Daemonolators and
Theistic Satanists will be considered. We are a paying magazine beginning in 2010. A ll
contributors do receive a byline, brief author/artist bio, and free advertising for the author/artist
website, books, goods or business. Send articles, artwork, and queries to
By submission the author/artist gives Black Serpent the right to publish the material in Black
Serpent for the issue submitted. The author retains all other rights and may seek publication of
the same work elsewhere. Reprints welcome.
Cover Design – DB Publishing
Artwork Credits : Devil Man, C. Ortiz, Clipart, Stock Photos, or Artist noted with image
Staff: Devil Man, Aramon, J. Caven, S. Connolly, B. Morlan, J. Carroll
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From the Editor
Hail Leviathan & Eurynomous!
Eye opening spiritual revelation. ThatÓs what 2009
has meant for me. Autumn is always a wonderful time to
reflect on the first half of the year and to figure out how we
should proceed for the remainder.
This is our only issue for 2009. Admittedly weÓve
been somewhat scarce lately. A large part of that being due
to other projects, some of it due to lack of submissions to
Black Serpent. However, after some restructuring and
revamping, we have come up with a new plan that will
hopefully bring Black Serpent to you more regularly and
continue bringing you the interesting articles and
information weÓre known for.
As of 2010, Black Serpent will be a paying
magazine. See our writerÓs guidelines at The Forum or
contact us via or to have the guidelines
sent to you via e-mail. These new guidelines explain our
pay rates and what weÓre looking for. The fact that weÓre
turning into a magazine that pays its contributors also
means that the cost of print copies and downloads off of
Lulu will increase in cost by $2.00 per copy. You will still
be able to download the magazine for free via our website at .
We hope that this change will keep Black Serpent running and available to all
who want it for many years to come. This month you'll notice two new sections to the magazine.
Letters from Readers and Ask Adrianna. Readers are invited to submit their reactions, input,
and questions at any time.
Senior Editor & Publisher
Black Serpent Magazine
The OFS Symbol © 2000-2009 C. Ortiz and OFS. Baphometic Goat image by Eliphas Levi
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Letters From Readers
Black Serpent is one of my favorite magazines. I like the unconventional and experimental slant
to many of the articles about magic and working with demons. It’s always a pleasure to see a
new issue come out. Keep up the good work and I hope your magazine becomes more
frequent! ~ Gary M.
I recently came across Black Serpent when doing a search for information on qlippoth. The first
article I read was the Summer 2006 Symbolism of the Nine by S. Connolly. I had no idea
traditional Satanism or Demon worship could actually make sense like that before. Then I
started reading the rest of the issues. Each issue takes me by surprise and none of them are
the same. I like the diversity. I hope to see Black Serpent coming out more regularly. ~ P.D.
I keep copies of Black Serpent on my coffee table at home. I’m proud to display them and don’t
mind spending the money to have print copies that I can share with my family and those who
come into my home. Not only is the writing well done, but I feel it gives my belief system some
validity to know there is a quality publication out there devoted just to us. Thank you! ~ Ellen P.
What happened to Per Contra Movie and Music Reviews ? Bring them back! ~ Allen
I liked the In the News section of your magazine that you use to have some time back. It was
good to see what was going on in the world as it applies to those of alternative religious faiths.
Please consider bringing the news back. ~ Jack
M. Delaney’s articles about group mechanics and running a group have helped me a great deal.
Not with a Demonolatry group because there isn’t one near me, but with several hobby groups I
belong to. His advice is always sound and can be carried over into other areas of our lives
where we have to deal with groups. ~ Melissa
If you have a response to an article or you have something to say about our magazine,
send it to and put LETTERS SUBMISSION in the subject of your
e-mail. All submissions are subject to being printed in Black Serpent .
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Exploring the Elements
By Brad Morlan
Elemental Earth
The earth is what we stand upon, it's what gives us stability. Elemental Demons help
us to ground and center. This is what this element does. Have you ever gone
outside and laid down or sat on the ground and began to feel like you are heavy as a
stone and ready to fall asleep or just plain sluggish? This is Elemental Earth. It is
also associated with the 10 th Sephira of the Tree of Life. It is where we begin our
journey, and we will continue to move up with the other elements.
Also, it will be very helpful to do the following Elemental Balancing Rite By S.
Connolly after each lesson.
Standard Elemental Balancing Rite
S. Connolly
Set up your alter as you normally would, invoke your elemental demonic
circle, and sit comfortably in front of it. Some people prefer to do this ritual
skyclad (naked) as opposed to robed.
First you must remove all of your elements from you. Do this by imagining
you are holding a box. Into this box you put all of your elements, one at a
time, and then throw the box from you. You may have to fill the box with
each element more than once. Imagine Earth as soil and leaves. Imagine
air as smoke. Fire and Water etc...
Once you have removed all your elements - and you will be able to tell
because you will be exhausted-- you can begin replenishing that which
you have freed yourself of. Imagine refilling the box with "fresh" elements.
Only fill the box once with each element. Pull the box into you. When this
is done correctly you will feel invigorated and energetic. Then you close
the ritual as you normally would.
What properties does Elemental Earth represent? Strength, mass and stability. We
need these in order to have a firm foundation in our spiritual and mundane lives.
Without the stability and strength, our foundation will crack, and we will become
unbalanced. This is the essence of elemental Earth. Of course, I am only giving you
a very generic examination of the elements, it will be up to you to add to these
Exploring the Elements
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