Cthulhu Cult.pdf

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Cthulhu Cult ,
The accursed
writings of that
dreaded cult and its
ungodly practices
whereby the Old
Ones may be
Venger Satanis
Cult of Cthulhu High Priest
Cthulhu Cult is the bible for the religious, philoso-
phical, and magical organization: the Cult of Cthulhu.
Be forewarned, this tome gets into the more treacherous
areas of reality, consciousness, belief, and sorcery.
Published by Lulu
168 pages
© 2007 by Venger Satanis
also known as Darrick Dishaw
All rights reserved.
ISBN 978-1-4303-0631-3
Invaluable thanks are given to:
H.P. Lovecraft, Anton Szandor LaVey, Gurdjieff, Ouspen-
sky, Aleister Crowley, Friedrich Nietzsche, Thomas
Ligotti, Phil Hine, John J. Coughlin, my parents, girlfriend,
and all the Cthulhu Cultists for which this bible was writ-
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I. The Beginning …………….…page 16
II. Reality ………………………page 49
III. Unification …………………page 56
IV. Asleep ……………………...page 60
V. Laws ………………………...page 65
VI. Lovecraft …………………..page 71
VII. Man, Subjectivity ………...page 74
VIII. Chaos …………………….page 78
IX. Aeon of Cthulhu ……….....page 80
X. Theories, Fanatics …………page 84
XI. Awakening ………………..page 91
XII. Pleasure …………………..page 96
XIII. Spiritual Politics ………..page 100
XIV. Magic ……………………page 103
XV. The Cult of Cthulhu …….page 118
XVI. SoDOS …………………..page 124
XVII. Angles ……………….....page 135
XVIII. The End ………………..page 164
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