
(20826 KB) Pobierz
ISSN 1681-4789
Statistical books
Europe in gures
Eurostat yearbook 2009
(with CD-ROM)
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Statistical books
Europe in gures
Eurostat yearbook 2009
(with CD-ROM)
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Luxembourg: Oce for Ocial Publications of the European Communities, 2009
ISBN 978-92-79-11625-4
ISSN 1681-4789
DOI 10.2785/29733
Cat. No. KS-CD-09-001-EN-C
Theme: General and regional statistics
Collection: Statistical books
© European Communities, 2009
© Cover photo: European Communities
Copyright for the p otos: page 1: Statistiches Bundesamt (Destatis), page 20: Phovoir, page 64: Philippe
Devanne –, page 126: Pavel Losevsky –, page 174: European Communities,
page 204: Phovoir, page 232: Phovoir, page 264: Phovoir, page 292: nyul –, page 332: Phovoir,
page 370: Stephen Coburn –, page 394: European Communities, page 414: European
Communities, page 448: European Communities, page 474: European Communities, page 516: goKyoto –, page 532: fderib –
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O cial statistics play a fundamental role in today’s society. Public adminis-
trations, policy-makers, economic operators, markets, researchers and citi-
zens rely on high quality statistics to describe developments in the economic,
social, environmental and cultural spheres as accurately as possible. Statisti-
cal authorities respond to the needs of these users who require easy and time-
ly access to such high quality information.
Impartial and objective statistical information is essential in order to enable
well informed decisions based on an accurate and relevant picture of society.
Statistical information underpins transparency and openness of policy deci-
sions; o cial statistics therefore are a public good and a basis for the smooth
functioning of democracy.
At a European level, statistics are increasingly important for the de nition,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies. Europe needs a pleth-
ora of statistical data which meet the highest possible standards in terms of quality. For example, reliable
statistics are needed to assess macro-economic developments such as in ation, employment, govern-
ment nances, economic growth and the business cycle in general: in order to facilitate economic policy
coordination among Member States, which is especially important in the current economic situation; to
keep Europe on the path to sustainable development; and nally, to reinforce a commitment to solidar-
ity and social justice. European statistics thus constitute an essential information tool that may help
monitor European Union strategic objectives, as well as sustaining underlying policies and supporting
Eurostat, the Statistical O ce of the European Communities, ensures the development, production and
dissemination of harmonised statistics at European level. Eurostat gets most of its data from the national
statistical authorities in the Member States. It then processes, analyses and publishes that data at a Euro-
pean level, following common statistical concepts, methods and standards. Eurostat also supports and
encourages the development of similar statistical systems within countries neighbouring the European
Union, driving thereby a process of statistical harmonisation.
is year, 2009, is the European year of Creativity and Innovation; therefore, the spotlight (opening)
chapter of this publication re ects this by focusing on statistics relevant to these topics. I hope this pub-
lication will encourage you to use Eurostat’s data for your information needs and daily work. Please
consult our website at which o ers you free access to nearly all Eurostat data
and publications.
Wa lter R ader macher
Director-General, Eurostat
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Europe in fi gures – Eurostat yearbook 2009 – presents a comprehensive selection of statisti-
cal data on Europe. The yearbook may be viewed as an introduction to European statistics
and provides guidance to the vast range of data freely available from the Eurostat website at
Most data cover the period 1997-2007 for the European Union and some indicators are provided for
other countries such as candidate countries to the European Union, members of EFTA, Japan or the
United States (subject to availability). With just over 500 statistical tables, graphs and maps, the year-
book treats the following areas: the economy, population, education, health, living conditions and wel-
fare, the labour market, industry and services, agriculture, forestry and fi sheries, external trade, trans-
port, the environment, energy, science and technology and Europe’s regions. This edition’s spotlight
chapter covers creativity and innovation – the theme of the European year 2009.
Gunter Schäfer
Eurostat, Head of Dissemination unit
Diana Ivan, Annika Johansson Augier, Jukka Piirto, Ulrich Wieland
Eurostat, Dissemination unit
Contact details
Statistical O ce of the European Communities,
Bâtiment Joseph Bech,
5, rue Alphonse Weicker
2721 Luxembourg
Production, desktop publishing
Informa sàrl
Giovanni Albertone, Simon Allen, Edward Cook, Sabine Joham Allen, Séverine Gautron, Andrew Redpath
For more information please consult
Data extracted
September 2008
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