Plastic Springs Crochet.pdf

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finished springs
Plastic Springs Crochet!
Donna Collinsworth
Donna’s Crochet Designs
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Copyright 2008 DCollinsworth 2
Published by:
Donna’s Crochet Designs
Copyright 2008 DCollinsworth. All rights to the material within this
e-book are reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage
and retrieval systems without written permission from the author.
What you may do:
Down load and store this book on your home computer, accessing it
whenever you want.
Print out any and all of the patterns as many times as you want.
What you Can Not Do
You can not re-sell this book or any of the patterns in this book.
You can not make a copy of this book or any of the patterns and give
it (them) to your relatives or friends.
You can not publish or make available on the web any contents of this book
including photographs without written permission from the author.
All rights are held by the author. No one can reproduce in any manner without written permission from the author
Sell any item you make using my patterns.
Copyright 2008 DCollinsworth 3
Pattern Index
Elephant and Pig 5
Doll with Plastic Spring Curls 10
Butterfly with Spring Wings . 18
Butterflies with Spring Body 21
Spring Snail . 23
UFO’s . 26
Mermaids with Spring* Tails . 30
Doll with Spring Skirt. . 34
Dog with Spring Sombrero 38
Sheep Dog with Spring Fur ...............................................................................page44
Smiley Spring Hat 49
Star Spring Necklace . 53
Star Spring Bracelet. . 54
Heart Spring Purse. . 55
Abbreviations used in this Book. 58
Patterns used in this Book .................................................................................page59
Resources . 60
All rights are held by the author. No one can reproduce in any manner without written permission from the author
Copyright 2008 DCollinsworth 4
I n t r o d u c t i o n
Why Plastic Springs?
I’m asked that question often. My reply is usually the same: “Why not? What else are
you going to do with them?”
Anyone with a child that has attended a birthday party or cashed in tickets at a prize
counter in the local arcade has ended up with countless of these plastic things. Things that were
fun to play with for all of about five seconds before being discarded back into the treat bag or
back seat of the car.
Come to think of it, they are pretty much useless.
That is until now!
I’ve taken the plastic spring and turned it into UFO’s, made them into a dog’s fur and
even attached them to a hat.
Who said recycling isn’t any fun?
Besides I love crochet and finding yet another way to push this wonderful craft into plac-
es never thought of before all the better.
Let’s get hookin’!
D o n na
All rights are held by the author. No one can reproduce in any manner without written permission from the author
Copyright 2008 DCollinsworth 5
Elephant & Pig
All rights are held by the author. No one can reproduce in any manner without written permission from the author
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