FM 5-104 - General Engineering.pdf

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FM 5-104
Field Manual
No. 5-104
*FM 5-104
Washington, DC, 12 November 1986
execution of general engineering in the Theater of Operations. General
engineering sustains military forces in the theater through the performance
of facility construction and repair, and through acquisition, maintenance,
and disposal of real property. The Theater of Operations is defined as “That
portion of an area of conflict necessary for military operations, either
offensive or defensive... , and for the administration incident to such
military operations.”
This manual will be primarily concerned with support to those noncom-
mitted forces within the corps and communications zone areas. It will
describe responsibilities, relationships, procedures, capabilities, con-
straints, and planning considerations in the conduct of general engineering
tasks. The manual was designed to highlight doctrinal procedures and to
give an overview of the general engineering functional area.
Field Manual 5-104 was developed for commanders and planning staffs at
all levels who require engineer assistance, or are required to give engineer
assistance in tasks falling under the general engineering purview.
The proponent agency of this publication is the US Army Engineer School.
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DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release, distrlbution is unlimlted
*This publication supersedes FM 5-1, 27 July 1971 and FM 5-162, 30 March 1973.
F ield Manual 5-104 provides a doctrinal basis for the planning and
FM 5-104
The provisions of this publication are the subject of International
Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 2885, Procedure for the Provision
of Potable Water in the Field.
Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculine gender is used, both men
and women are included.
This publication contains copyrighted material.
Chapter 1
increase the mobility, survivability, and sustainability of
tactical and logistical units to the rear of the forward line of
troops (FLOT). Such tasks include construction and repair of
lines of communication (LOC), main supply routes (MSR), air-
fields, and logistica] facilities. While these tasks may be per-
formed as far forward as the brigade rear area of the combat zone,
most general engineer tasks are performed behind the division
rear boundaries. Repair tasks dominate in well-developed
theaters. Construction tasks prevail in less-developed theaters.
General engineer missions are usually performed by Engineer
Combat Heavy Battalions, Port Construction Companies, Con-
struction Support Companies, Combat Support Equipment
Companies, Dump Truck Companies, and Pipeline Construction
Support Companies. Divisional and corps combat battalions may
also be required to perform limited general engineer tasks.
General engineer tasks in a mid-to high-intensity conflict focus
primarily on direct support of military forces. In such circum-
stances, little consideration can be given to nation-building
missions. In a low-intensity conflict, nation-building tasks may
G eneral engineering encompasses those engineer tasks which
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