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Thursday, February 20, 2003
Kelsey Blackwell, 865-8443
of duds
As spring approaches, love is in the air and
single college girls everywhere are becoming
serious about snagging that perfect mate.
Before the games begin, I believe it
necessary to warn those looking for “that
special someone” of the potential undatable
duds that are ubiquitous throughout campus.
While I am no dating expert, I believe no one
should needlessly suffer through the rotten
rendezvous I’ve experienced during my dating
I have given pseudonyms to past dates who I
would like to forget. Though their identities
are protected, the situations were real and
remain poignant in my memory.
Kevin was a lot of fun. His only problem was
he suffered from a slight case of halitosis and
continually had food in his teeth.
Kevin was an amateur dater.
While hanging out with an amateur can be
fun, generally long-term relationships are
ruled out primarily for one reason. The level of
physical attraction most girls have with an
amateur is comparable to their desire to make-
out with their brothers.
Watch out girls, these guys are sensitive. If
you don’t return their phone calls for that
second date you risk breaking their hearts0 and
losing a good shopping partner.
Verdict — Date an amateur only if he knows
it’s nothing more than friendship, otherwise
steer clear.
Shawn held a great conversation and was an
expert flirt. I did a double take, however, when
I noticed he was wearing a wedding ring.
Married daters believe society owes them a
favor for letting them get into a marriage that
has proven to be unsuccessful.
Most have gained weight since relaxing into
marriage but still consider themselves quite
If turned down by a conquest, married daters
become defensive and pretend as if they never
had interest in dating you in the first place.
Watch out girls, married daters are never up
front with their girls. After the third date, if you
still don’t know where he lives, ask him why he’s
being so secretive. He just might come clean.
Verdict — Never date a married man. These
guys are the lowest of
the low and cheating is
sport. They’ll never be
true to one girl.
Leon was the guy who
would hit on you in
January, invite you on
date and then forget to
pick you up. Come
February you might run
into him and he would
reintroduce himself
because he’s forgotten
you’ve already met.
Leon was a serial dater.
To this type of guy, every girl is a potential date.
Serials think they are God’s gift to women and
by sharing their congeniality they believe they
are performing a community service. It doesn’t
take long to figure out who a serial dater is,
especially when you catch them in the library
using the same pickup lines they used on you
— twice. Watch out girls, these guys are
charming and might tempt you to make dinner
for them.
Verdict — If your date knows more girls on
campus than you do, check out ASAP.
Dating Scott was like interviewing for a job.
After returning home from his mission he was
looking for a wife with the right credentials.
These type of daters carry a checklist (at the
top of which is “likes to cook” and “plans to
bear more than four children”). While these
guys are perfect for girls who are ready to get
hitched, dates can be boring as they rattle off
relentlessly long details about their mission and
highlight the knowledge they obtained through
their experiences as an Eagle Scout. Watch out
girls, if you do find yourself swooning you
could be replaced by someone who better
meets his needs.
Verdict — Dating is acceptable but not for the
weak hearted. If you want to be in a wedding
gown by June, this is they guy for you.
Though we never dated, Slade sure gave it
his all to get my number. Though I don’t want
to sound harsh, Slade was slightly lower on the
totem pole of social standards and is
considered a desperate dater. To a desperate,
dating is like fishing. They’ll throw out their
bait all day but are lucky if they catch a girl.
Though repeatedly shut down, desperates are
never discouraged. After a bad day of
searching for a date at the library, they’re not
afraid to jump into the pool of untapped
resources at different location. Watch out girls,
Slades are nice, but not nice enough to date. If
you do end up getting tricked or are just too
nice to turn them down politely you might be
in for a bumpy ride.
Once these guys get a bite they are relentless.
It is impossible to tell them they don’t have a
chance with out being flat-out rude.
Verdict — Be nice but not encouraging. Tell
them you have a boyfriend.
Kelsey is the Accent Editor for the University
Journal she can be reached at
What to do . . .
before saying ‘I do’
Prenuptial planner
He’s given the engagement ring and asked the question; she’s
delightfully said “Yes!” Spreading out tasks can the reduce the
mad-dash at the last minute.
By two months before
The bride and groom should:
Find a caterer.
Prepare annoucement
for the newspaper.
The bride should:
Set wedding date.
Reserve wedding site.
Make invitation list.
Enjoy bridal shower.
Plan reception.
Have bridal portrait taken.
Discuss wedding cost.
Make sure gown is ready.
Select photographer.
Purchase attendants’ gifts.
Order invitations.
Purchase groom’s gift.
The groom should:
Plan honeymoon and
make reservations.
Enjoy bachelor party.
Arrange for a member of
clergy or a judge to
perform ceremony.
Purchase gift for best man.
Purchase gift for the bride.
By two weeks before
The bride and groom should:
Purchase wedding album.
Make post wedding plans
such as finding a house.
The bride should:
Obtain marriage license.
Place annoucement.
Choose attendants.
Finish reception plans.
Select dress.
Make sure all invitations
are mailed.
Pick dress for attendants.
Complete trousseau.
Pack belongings for move.
Purchase the groom’s ring.
The groom should:
Verify honeymoon plans.
Select best man.
By one week before
The bride and groom should:
Select ushers.
Choose men’s attire.
Rehearse ceremony.
Buy bride’s wedding ring.
By one month before
The bride and groom should:
Complete final checks.
Move into new home.
Spend some time together
relaxing to calm jitters.
The bride should:
Order flowers.
Set up premarital exams.
Make personal preparations.
Make arrangements for
out-of-town guests.
Pack for honeymoon.
The groom should:
Finalize wedding and
reception plans.
Make personal preparations.
Mail invitations.
Pack for honeymoon.
Shanna Hales, a senior sociology major from Duchesne, and Adam Hales, a
senior engineering major from Redmond, cut the wedding cake during their
reception. The Hales celebrated theirst first anniversary this month.
Purchase traveler’s checks.
Source: Checklist adapted from Uncommon Common Sense by Lynn Poulson,
a professor of home and family studies at Snow College.
Order cake.
Are you ready?
Students relate their wedding experiences;
from finding ‘the one’ to planning the ceremony
keep in touch.” She said she didn’t know what would happen until he came home,
but that it ended up just being right.
“The feelings just grow and grow and you just grow closer, and he never annoyed me
and I didn’t get sick of him,” she said. “It wasn’t wonderland; he was just with it.”
Kelly Esplin, a junior elementary education major from Garland, got married on
Dec. 13, 2002. She said she knew her husband, Nick, was the one for her almost
the first time she saw him.
She said they met through a mutual friend and when he
walked into the room, she said she thought, “I could marry
“That thought freaked me out because I had just met him, so I
didn’t know why I was thinking that,” she said.
But she said she could just tell that he was right for her. She
had made a list of qualities she wanted in a husband, and she
said he was better than the list.
“We just match,” she said.
Once the right person is found and engagement is official,
planning for the big day begins.
Draney said planning for the future has been her favorite
aspect of the engagement so far.
“Planning where to live or little trips we can make when
we’re married is so fun,” she said. “Thinking of starting out
with each other, and knowing (I) have someone and I can stop
searching is great.”
Relationship TVshows like The Bachelor , Joe Millionaire and Blind Date draw
millions of viewers as Americans root for those searching for love.
Marriage is a part of life for more than one-third of SUU students. According to
records at the SUU Registrar’s Office, 2,129 students are married.
“That is an absurdly low number because when the men get
married, they don’t have to change their name, so they aren’t
usually recorded,” said Kathy Barrick, Registrar’s Office
With so many people to choose, finding “the one” can be a
daunting task. For those who have found that right relationship,
however, everything just falls into place.
Allison Draney, a senior communication major from Sandy,
became engaged on Dec. 14, 2002, and said she just knew he
was the one for her by the feelings she had when she was with
and without her fiance.
“Everyday I knew more and more and I didn’t want to see
anyone else,” she said.
Draney and her fiance, Brock Swensen, have known each
other for three years, two of which he spent serving a mission
for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
She said he wasn’t “her missionary,” and when she saw him
off at the airport, she thought, “I’m done; now I just have to
Shanna and Adam Hales dance
during their reception that took
place in Duchesne.
See MARRIAGE, Page 9
Moms carry heav y load
SUU’s honors band
entertains Saturday
many summer classes as I could,” Leavitt
A college degree was important to Debbi
Van Drimmelen, a senior family and
consumer science major from Las Vegas,
which is why she said she
decided to finish school
after the birth of her first
She said she thought it
would be helpful if she
ever needed it.
Van Drimmelen said her
biggest challenge is
juggling schedules with
her husband so they don’t
have to get a babysitter.
She said she and her husband have been
lucky so far because they have only had one
overlapping class.
Another challenge was the birth of her
daughter on Jan. 15. She said she got almost
a week off from school after the birth because
of a school holiday and no classes on Fridays.
Classes, homework, jobs and
extracurricular activities are usually enough
to make any student stress
out and scramble for more
time, but when marriage
and children are involved,
more time and energy are
Despite the hard work
and time involved, going to
school to finish a degree as
a mother is important to
some women at SUU.
Finding time to do homework is one of the
biggest challenges for Autumn Leavitt, a
senior biology major from Blythe, Calif.
Her son was born the day after Spring
semester classes began, but since she is in her
last semester with only seven credits
remaining, she said graduating is important.
“When I found out I was pregnant I took as
for two days and will rehearse a
total of 9 1 / 2 hours for a
performance that will last an
hour, Peterson said. He said
students rehearse so long
because they will work with a
guest conductor for whom they
have never played.
The concert takes place to
recruit freshman music majors to
SUU. Those students who have
committed to attend SUU will
also compete in a music
scholarship audition the day
before the concert, Peterson said.
SUU College of Performing &
Visual Arts plays host to the
event frequently.
The event will be $3 for students
and general public.
“When I found out
I was pregnant I
took as many
summer classes as
I could.”
— Autumn Leavitt
The SUU Honors Band will
perform its annual concert in the
Heritage Center Saturday at 7:30
John Cody Birdwell, director of
bands and associate professor of
music at Texas Tech University,
will be the guest
conductor/clinician for the concert.
Eric Peterson, SUU assistant
professor of music and director
of bands, said the Honors Band
consists of 100 high school
juniors and seniors from Utah
and Nevada. He said the students
are selected by invitation.
The students are in Cedar City
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