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The Ultimate Female Orgasm
Ths secton on the Femae Orgasm s here to hep al men out there. It s a gude of
sorts, of thngs to do, as wel as thngs not to do. Even f you feel qute comfortabe
wth where your at sexuay wth your partner, take a few moments and ook ths
artce over, you may stl pck up somethng you can use.
Forepay! Forepay! Forepay!
What is foreplay?
Forepay s anythng before the act of ntercourse that gets you excted. It takes
women a ot onger than men to get aroused. A woman needs a ot of kssng
caressng, and carng words. Wherever you begn, make sure ts comfortabe and
prvate. You want no nterruptons.
How important is kissing?
Kssng s a great form of forepay. It can aso be wdey exctng n tsef. Start your
kssng sow and gente, but be frm and authortatve. Dont mmedatey open your
mouth. Focus on usng your ps to kss her cheeks, her chn, and her neck. Then you
can draw her ower p nto your mouth and run the tp of your tongue across her
teeth. Caress her whe you are kssng her. When you start to use your tongue try to
keep your tongue sghty ponted and pay tte games wth her tongue. Try focusng
on teasng her a tte. One thng you aso mght want to do s expore her gum ne a
tte. That area can be very senstve.
What should I do with my hands when I am kissing her?
What you do wth your hands s very mportant n arousng a woman. As the kssng
goes on fonde her through her cothes. Genty caress her breasts and ocate her
nppes through the garment. Whe you are kssng her ps and massagng her
breasts, begn to unbutton, unzp, or sp down the top of her garment. As you are
pung her garment down, kss aong her sensual areas. The key to undressng s to
take a ot of tme wth each tem of cothng and as you remove each part of her
cothng show specal attenton to that area.
Where are her erogenous (sensitive) zones?
Each body part s an erogenous zone, so treat t accordngy. Take t porton by
porton. Rushng shows tte confdence, so take t sow. Remember the best takes
tme. Pay specal attenton to these senstve areas: Toes, ps, ower back, gums,
teeth, tongue, nppes, earobes, eyebrows, buttocks, ears, tempe, nsde of thgh.
Why is teasing important?
A woman wants sef control n a over. Brngng her sowy to what she wants
sexuay s the key to al femae peasure. Be patent and wat untl she s derous,
cravng and beggng for you. Women ove t when a man takes tme to get to the
pont and just smpy deays for a whe. Untl a womans desre s ntense, she enjoys
beng touched non-drecty. For exampe, before a man shoud touch her breasts, he
frst shoud crce them for a whe, gettng coser and coser. Instead of just touchng
a woman n her most senstve paces, a woman wants to be teased or ed up to the
pace where she s ongng to be touched. You need to remember and focus on
deayng drect stmuaton to ncrease a womans peasure. You shoud never touch a
woman between the egs untl you are sure she s wet. A skful mae wl frst
stmuate a womans east senstve areas frst, defned above. The best way to tease
a woman s by gvng a tte and then backng up to start over agan.
What happens physically to a woman when she gets sexually aroused?
When you frst excte a woman, her body goes through a number of physcal
changes. The most notceabe change you go through s the erecton of your pens. A
womans vuva becomes congested wth bood, just as your pens does. The aba
majora swel and ths causes them to draw back, exposng the nner ps and the
entrance to the vagna. The nner ps may swel and change to a darker pnk. The
ctors may aso swel and stffen. Another notceabe effect of sexual exctement n a
womans body s the secreton of ubrcant by gands nsde the was of the vagna.
Ths prepares the vagna for the nserton of your erect pens. Your partners nppes
wl may stffen and her breasts can swe. Her vagna wl reax and deepen to gve
your pens penty of room.
How can I tell if she's having an orgasm?
She wl frst feel her orgasm n the ower secton of her vagna. The vagna wl begn
to contract rapdy and her anal musces wl contract nvountary. Her urethra
musces go through the same spasm. Durng your partners orgasm, her nppes wl
reman erect. Immedatey after orgasm, her vagna wl become very jucy wth
ubrcant. The nppes graduay soften and the vuva oses ts sweng.
Secrets about the G-Spot:
What is the G-Spot?
Unke men, women can orgasm several dfferent ways, va ctora, vagna, or G-
spot stmuaton. Your partner may aready cmax fary easy wth ctoral
stmuaton or durng ntercourse. However, there s an area for stmuaton nsde
her vagna caed the G-Spot that you may not have found. Most peope dont know
about t. The G-spot s a bean shaped mass of nerve tssue ocated about hafway
between the back of the pubc bone and the top of the cervx. The G-spot s the focal
pont of the femae sexual arousa. The sze and ocaton of the G-spot wl vary from
woman to woman, but ts usuay about the sze of a quarter, and es two to three
nches nsde the vagna drecty behnd the pubc bone. You may be abe to hep her
have added peasure, experence new sensatons, and perhaps have a new type of
Where can I find the G-spot?
The G spot s not easy ocated. Sometmes women have a hard tme fndng t and
do not even beeve they have one. Here s an easy method to fndng t.
To expore ths area, have your partner e down, knees bent and feet fat on the
bed, wth a smal pow under her buttocks. Insert the ength of your ubrcated
fngers nto her vagna towards her nave. Ths wl be about two nches nsde the
vagna. Press wth one or two fngers aganst the front wal of her vagna. Because
ts surrounded wth tssue and s deep n the vagnal wa, you may want to appy a
tte more pressure than usua. When you stmuate the rght spot, t wl swel the
way your pens does. Sde your fngers from sde to sde. Have your partner tel you
when you ht the rght pace. She wl be abe to te. When you fnd the senstve
spot, contnue stmuatng t and you may fnd that t becomes frm and swes much
ke the erecte tssue n your pens.
How do I stimulate the G-spot?
Now that youve found the G-Spot, kneeng between your partners egs you can use
the thumb of your other hand to genty stmuate her ctors at the same tme. Ths
combnaton shoud gve her very ntense sensatons. She may cmax n ths
poston, or you have the aternatve of contnung n a dfferent poston.
If your partner turns over onto her back, you can stmuate her G-Spot most easy f
you e between her egs. Then try nsertng two fngers and rub aganst the bottom
of the vagnal openng, press upward wth the tps of your fngers untl you are
pressng her G-Spot. Move your fngers from back and sde to sde. You can gve her
great peasure by ckng your partners ctors and stmuatng her G-Spot at the
same tme.
Another method s to have your partner e on her bey wth her egs spread apart
and her hps sghty eevated. Insert your fngers wth your pam down, nto her
vagna and expore the front wa. Have your partner move her pevs to make
contact wth your fngers. As you feel your partner become more aroused, sp the
other hand under her abdomen above her pubc hars and sowy press.
Is there anything else I should know about the G-spot?
Many women enjoy the "doggy" poston durng ntercourse because t stmuates the
G-spot. Ths s because a mans pens has better access to the front wal of the
vagna. Most women need frmer pressure to the front of the vagna, quck rhythm,
and a ot of frcton to have a G-spot orgasm.
Some women get a feeng of the need to urnate at frst when the G-Spot s
stmuated. Your partner may need to empty her badder before you begn ove
Its possbe that by stmuatng the G-Spot your partner may ejacuate a smal
amount of whte or cear fud when she cmaxes.
Mastering the Touch of the Female Clitoris:
Where can I find the clitoris?
To fnd the ctors, peel apart the aba mnora, the smal ps, wth the tp of your
fnger and sde t upward untl you reach the tte pnk bump of fesh n the front. If
you are n front of her, you can fnd t where al the whors and fods of skn come
together at the top of the vagna. The ctors s about the sze of the tp of your tte
fnger. Ths s the most erotcay senstve spot n a womans body.
How is the clitoris similar to my penis?
The ctors s the exact equvaent to the pens, even though t s a ot smaer. In the
eary stages of fetal deveopment, a pens deveops n the mae from the same tssue
that deveops nto a ctors n the femae. Lke the pens, the ctors has many bood
vesses and t becomes erect durng sexual exctement. Because t s so smal and a
man generay doesnt reaze how great t s for a woman when he touches her
there. Imagne the ctors ke the entre head of your pens shrunk down to an area
smaer than a pea. Unke the pens, t does not carry urne; ts soe purpose s
recevng peasure.
What else should I know about the clitoris?
The ctors s very senstve and requres a tte fap of skn, ke a hood, to protect
t. Ths s aso hghy senstve. The frcton aone from ths fap of skn s what
precptates most femae orgasms.
One sde of the ctors s normay more senstve than the other. If she doesnt know
whch, you may need to experment.
When a woman becomes aroused, the ctors becomes erect or engorged. The more
erect t s the more t craves to be touched. Once your partner s very excted, keep a
steady movement or pattern and you wl assst her n reachng even hgher eves of
Becoming an Expert at Oral Sex:
What is cunnilingus?
The arousal of a woman wth your mouth and tongue -cunnngus- s one of the most
useful sexual varatons known to man and s certany one of the most stmuatng
experences known to women. Your tongue and mouth are very versate. They can
suck, mosten, and use vared caresses. You can use cunnngus as a way of makng
sure that your partner s satsfed, as a way of arousng your woman before
ntercourse, or as a substtute for ntercourse.
How do I introduce cunnilingus to my partner?
When you ntroduce your partner to cunnngus, go softy. Kss the outer ps of her
vuva wthout nsertng your tongue. Wth the tp of your tongue ck at her ctors
very genty. Just use your tongue so you dont smother the ctors and deaden the
sensaton. Dont forget whe you are ckng that you can use your hands to reach up
and caress her breasts and her nppes. After you have stmuated the ctors, part
her outer ps wth your tongue and nsert your stffened tongue nto her vagna. At
ths pont, you can carefuy hod the outer ps apart and run your tongue tp back up
to her ctors. Lck t softy and steady untl she becomes more aroused. The
persstent rhythmc ckng of your tongue tp on her ctors s what wl eventuay
brng her to an orgasm.
You can ncrease your partners peasure whe you are ckng her by nsertng one of
your fngers nto her vagna. Ths can deepy ncrease her peasure.
Keep ckng the ctors for about 15 mnutes. It takes a woman a ot onger to
orgasm than a man. Ths s where stamna becomes very mportant.
Once she becomes very excted, ts mportant to keep a steady consstent
movement. Ths can assst her n reachng hgher eves of peasure.
A man mght feel more comfortabe performng oral sex on a women when he
reazes that as ong as she keeps hersef cean and s heathy, ckng her vagnal
secretons s qute santary. You may want to take a bath or shower wth your
partner before performng oral sex.
What are the most common mistakes?
A common mstake many men make s ckng the ctors too soon, before the proper
teasng has been done. Remember to take your tme. -Usng the same pattern on the
same spot can get borng. Try to be creatve -If you know a certan technque that
drves your woman wd wth exctement, try to bypass t and come back to t ater.
Ths wl drve her crazy.
Methods to Giving Your Partner an Orgasm:
What are the best methods to bring my partner to orgasm?
Method A:
1. Frst you need to e drecty between her egs.
2. Spread her vagnal ps far apart.
3. Locate her ctors beneath the ctoral hood.
4. Usng ony your tongue, ck very genty up and down or sde to sde.
5. Whe ckng the ctors you can sowy nsert your fnger nto her vagna,
twstng n and out.
Method B:
1. You need to frst wet two fngers usng your sava.
2. Insert your fngers sowy but deepy nsde her vagna.
3. Now very qucky sp your fngers out of her vagna and sde them over her
ctors agan.
4. Pace your fngers back nto her vagna agan.
5. Repeat, but proong your contact wth her ctors.
6. When you feel her havng an orgasm, pul out of her vagna and focus on her
Method C:
1. You need to frst obtan an erecton.
2. Use your hand and press the head of your pens usng a crcuar moton
aganst her ctors.
3. Sde t down to her vagna wth no penetraton then sde t back agan.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 several tmes before penetratng ony the head of your
5. Fnay, when your partner s very excted and wet you can enter the vagna
wth your pens.
Method D: "The Delayed Orgasm" You frst need to tel her you want her to e
back as stl as possbe whe you ck her ctors. The object s for her to resst
havng an orgasm as ong as she can. Why does ths work? You are reevng her of
al the pressure of havng to perform. She doesnt have to act because she has
enough tme to orgasm.
Female PC Muscle:
How can strengthening the female PC Muscle be important?
For women who have dffcuty achevng orgasm, there may be a souton: a seres
of smpe exercses. For men, these exercses seem to make erectons easer and
ncrease control of orgasm.
The ack of orgasm n women durng ntercourse s very common, from 33% to 80%
of al women. Doctors have confrmed that the abty to have orgasm correates wth
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