The Jelqing Manual.doc

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The only thing missing here are a few pictures Word just could not handle for some reason. It also includes the advertisements which I did not edit out





This is the section that will start you out the RIGHT WAY on our Program. Please do not attempt to use our exercises until you know exactly what you are wanting to achieve with our exercises, and what exercises you will want to spend the most time on. Our Program is designed with ease of use and comprehension in mind so that you may navigate easily. Before you continue on to any of our manual make sure that you have read our LEGAL NOTICE. Also, before you decide to partake in our exercises, make sure you read all of the "Intro's" so that you know the basics of how our exercises work. Below you will see an index of MAIN TOPICS and what exercises really focus on that chosen topic. Please read all of the information below before you decide to continue.


·         The Power Jelq

·         The Power Stretch

·         The Length Xtender

·         Jelq and Hold

·         PC Blaster

·         Mental Imagery and Visualization

·         Breathing Exercises

·         Nutrition & Health


·         PC Blaster

·         The Squeeze and Flex

·         The Power Jelq

·         Mental Imagery and Visualization

·         Breathing Exercises

·         Nutrition & Health


·         PC Blaster

·         The Squeeze and Flex

·         Mental Imagery and Visualization

·         Breathing Exercises

·         Nutrition & Health


·         PC Blaster

·         The Squeeze and Flex

·         The Power Jelq

·         Mental Imagery and Visualization

·         Breathing Exercises

·         Nutrition & Health

These topics are the main topics of our Penile Enhancement Program. Now remember, before you start jumping into exercises you aren't ready for, please do the following:

·         Read all of the Intro's so that you know the basics of the exercises

·         Always start out with a Hot Wrap Warm Up to maximize your efforts

·         Utilize Breathing Exercises and Mental Imagery and Visualization, they help more then you could possibly ever realize if done properly.

·         HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH!!! Listen, the most important part of this manual is the Nutrition & Health section. Simply put, you are going to die many years earlier than you should, in HORRIBLE pain, and all because hospitals and pharmaceutical companies lie to you about health. You NEED supplements and vitamins in your life, and you CANNOT get them at stores. BUT, as a very special and respected client to us, we can show where to get the BEST, grade A supplements and vitamins in the world, and better yet we can show you how to get them FREE or at wholesale COST to you.

Take care and we hope that you utilize the information within our manual to change your life for the better. Penis enlargement and enhancement is possible, it's up to you to do something with our Program. God Bless and Take Care...


The purpose in penis enlargement the right way is to enlarge the Corpora Cavernosa and all surrounding spongy tissue that fills with blood when you get an erection. If you start out performing the exercises cold, you will experience more blood spots and bumps than you would if you prepared your penis for the physical workout it is about to undergo. Just as you should warm up your body and muscle tissue before you workout, the same should go for your penis. This will prepare your penis for the workout ahead by making the blood spaces in the Corpora Cavernosa hot, which expands the tissue and makes it more flexible and spongy. This exercise is called the hot wrap warm up, and should be done before and after every workout you do to your penis and testicles.

First off, start out by taking your penis in the flaccid state and grabbing around the head firmly, but not hard enough to cause pain. Now, pull out with medium force, feeling a stretch at the base and the middle of the penis. Release every 10 seconds and repeat 10 times. For a few of the stretches rotate your penis in a circle, 10 times to the left, and 10 times to the right. This exercise will stretch out your penis and help prepare for the workout ahead. After you feel that your penis has been stretched out thoroughly, message yourself to a partial erection.

Now, we call this warm up technique the "hot wrap" because you utilize a hot wash cloth to expand and warm the tissue in your penis and testicles. BUT, there are other effective if not more effective methods of warming up that you may wish to utilize instead of the using a wash cloth. Regardless, we are going to explain the wash cloth technique first, then list the others last. Here we go:

After stretching out your penis as outlined above, get a large wash cloth and soak it under hot water for a minute or so. Stand in the tub and wrap the wash cloth around your penis and testicles. This will feel HOT and you will be tempted to pull it away, but persevere because the hot sensation will subside very quickly. Now, sit on the edge of the tub with your feet in the tub so that you will be comfortable and the water dripping from the cloth will run into the tub and not the floor. Hold this cloth onto your penis and testicles for 2 minutes, and repeat the process 5 times to ensure the cloth keeps its heat. This warm up is done to promote and keep blood within the penis, keeping the blood spaces larger and and more flexible. This will aid in faster progress and size gain, as well as promote good blood circulation.

Another way to warm up with this general type of idea is to submerse in a hot bath or hot-tub, whichever you have access to. After performing the stretching warm up, fill the bath tub with hot water, filling it just high enough to submerse yourself up to your waist. If you have a hot-tub, turn the temperature up to 104 degrees and submerse yourself the same way as the tub. Once in and adjusted to the heat, stretch and message your penis, pulling it out and rotating it within the tub. Do this for 10-15 minutes before getting out. Do not stay in too long due to the fact that the temperature should be a great deal higher than normal. Prolonged exposure to this kind of heat will cause heat exhaustion and dehydration.

Whichever technique you choose to perform to warm up, always do it before and after your workout. This will ensure faster, better results with less chance of spots, bumps, and injury from an unprepared Corpora Cavernosa


No matter what you've heard from doctors, friends, or whoever, penis enlargement is possible. Whether you are wanting a longer penis, a thicker penis, or harder more frequent erections, it is ALL possible through the proper exercise. I feel that the whole medical industry in itself is a fraud and should be imprisoned. I know that's a strong statement, but it's true. From the beginning they have ruined peoples lives by hiding the truth about things and masking them with their "medical marvels" that brake peoples bank accounts and 80% of the time FAIL at what they were paid to do. Surgery is not the way to go, and pumps don't do anything but temporarily inflate your penis. Thorough exercise to your penis and testicles is the only way you will be able to get the results you desire, and it certainly won't brake your wallet or your expectations through doing so. They work IF you use them, and if you must use them to see the results we've hyped about. In fact, the ONLY thing that should cost you to aid in your exercises is a little Vaseline or Baby Oil for lubrication. This is penis enhancement the right way, not some $1,000 piece of crap contraption like the J** Extender that you could replicate for about 20 bucks at a hardware store. It's really sad that there are thousands of heartless profiteering gluttons creating worthless crap to sell to men with confidence problems about their penis size. This should be criminal, but it's not. Why? Because it's BIG business. From Vacuum Pumps, to weights, to horrible surgery, there are soulless bastards just waiting to prey on poor men with a penis size complex. That's why I love doing what I do, my Program works and penis enlargement is only the tip of the iceberg. Our Program will promote good health and strength to your penis as well, something the others cannot duplicate. Below is a brief description of what exercises within our manual will enlarge your penis, a how they do so:

The Arabic Jelq Method, The Power Jelq, and The Jelq & Hold:

The Jelq method was first used by Saundanese Arabs many centuries ago as part of their culture amongst the males. Having a large, well developed penis showed fertility and power and that was very appealing to the women. At the point of puberty, the boys of the culture was shown by their fathers how to Jelq (milk for enlargement). For 30 minutes every day, the young men jelqed their penis, and continued this exercise all the way to adulthood. Once adulthood was reached, they cut down their jelq sessions to 3 times a week to maintain their size and strength. This exercise was performed everyday, for 30 minutes, and was aided by mental imagery and breathing. Some of the Arab men attained sizes reaching over 18 and 20 inches in length and 8 inches in circumference. No doubt if all of us were instructed to do the same at boyhood, we would all be hung like horses. After a year of continual milking the average length of each young man extended 10 inches erect and 6 inches in circumference. Now, wouldn't you have loved to have this kind of size as you entered highschool? He he, anyway, this exercise will lengthen and thicken your penis unlike anything you will ever come across. Jelq works because as you milk your penis, you are forcing blood into spaces in the Corpora Cavernosa that are normally restricted to a certain size. As you continue milking, the spaces in the penis continually stretch larger and larger, breaking down the cell walls within the Corpora Cavernosa (erectile tissue). As your daily workout continues, the spaces just keep getting larger and stronger, healing at night while you sleep. Within a month, you will definitely see an improvement in size and firmness, but within 3-4 months of daily exercises, the results you will attain are indescribable. Your erections will be as hard as a length of pipe, your penis will be larger, thicker, hang lower while flaccid, and the improvement in circulation from the exercise will undoubtedly improve sensation and feeling 10 fold. After your first year of daily exercises, you should experience a gain of at least 4 inches in length. Some men have even been recorded as to DOUBLING their penis size in a years time of daily exercise. Now when I say daily exercise, I mean a jelq session of at least 30 minutes continuous without stopping. This is done to ensure the proper enlarging of blood spaces within your penis.

The Length Xtender and The Power Stretch:

This exercises stretch out the central tendon-like tissue in your penis, making in longer both while erect and flaccid. The Length Xtender simulates the best part of weight hanging without all the risk. It stretches your penis out at your own pace, and also allows you frequent stops to return circulation to the head of your penis. This exercises can be performed daily, but should be performed at least 3 times a week to aid in the lengthening process. The Power Stretch also stretches your penis in a similar manner, but also incorporates a undergripped pulling of the testicles to stretch out and lengthen the skin connecting the testicles to the penis, giving you a more "hung" appearance and lower hanging/larger testicles. This exercise also promotes an increase in testosterone and sperm count.


It's very sad that in America alone we have more than 30 million men with Impotence. This is horrifying because all Impotence is caused from is having a weak, underdeveloped PC muscle and Corpora Cavernosa (erectile tissue). Simply put, your penis is out of shape! Once you have Impotence, your body responds to the un-use of your sexual organ by decreasing testosterone, creating a DRASTIC decrease to a nonexistent sex drive which worsens. Even though this can be cured and prevented quite easily through simple exercise to your penis and Vitamin/Mineral supplementation, our Doctors would rather pump you full of drugs and bullsh*t half logic on your health. This is a very sad and pathetic state of health in America today. But never fear! Every once and a while comes a person that's had enough and wants to spread the word of truth and health to everyone who will listen to it with an open ear, that someone being myself. It makes me sick that men think that being Impotent is their fault, when in fact it's the fault of the medical industry NOT informing us about the truth. They would rather feed us full of bullsh*t so that they can sell the trillion dollars worth of life-destroying drugs every year. This section will explain what exercises will strengthen and develop your erections and ejaculatory control muscles, and how they work:

The Power Jelq:

The Power Jelq is more of a penis enlargement exercise, but it has many beneficial penile health inducing properties when done regularly. If you have weak erections or have bouts of Impotence regularly, you have VERY poor blood circulation to your penis and testicles. Having proper blood circulation to ANY part of your body is VITAL if good health is desired. A lack of blood circulation to the penis will weaken and shrink the Corpora Cavernosa, and also lessen the sensation and feeling during intercourse, hence promoting Impotence development. The milking action in The Power Jelq will force blood into the blood spaces within the Corpora Cavernosa, not only enlarging the penis but also training the body to accept more blood flow throughout the entire penis. Regular jelging will ensure a well circulated, healthy, and stronger penis after several months of vigorous exercise.

The PC Blaster and The Squeeze & Flex:

PC flexes, also know as "Kegels" are without a doubt the most important element of penile exercise. Make note of this and make it sink in. Your ejaculatory strength and ability, your erection strength and firmness, and your Prostate health and wellness is ALL directly involved in how much you perform these exercises. You CANNOT over do these exercises, and I promise that if you do nothing but PC exercises from this manual, it will totally change your life forever. Regular PC Blaster exercise will massively develop your PC muscle, which in turn will give you ROCK HARD erections of steel, drastically improve blood circulation to the penis, massively increase ejaculation volume and intensity, and actually give you a VERY healthy Prostate which actually helps prevent Prostate cancer, a leading cause of death in men. The Squeeze & Flex exercise is simply an advanced PC exercise that incorporates a medium to a tight grip around the erect penis as you perform Kegels. This ad's resistance to your PC workout by squeezing against the pulsating erection as you flex your PC muscle. Many months of PC Blaster exercise is needed for the average man to be able to last very long with this workout.

Testicle Health Massage:

Your Testicles are the most important part of the reproductive organs because they hold the key to developing testosterone and sperm. If you neglect them, then you will not be able to perform sexually like you desire. Our Testicle Health Massage will explain in detail exactly how to massage your Testicles and surrounding areas, which will aid in the increased production of Testosterone, which in turn raises your drive for sex. This exercise also promotes better blood circulation to your testicles, increasing sperm count and ejaculation volume.


One of the key exercises in our manual is variations of the Arabic "Jelq" Method. This exercise is hundreds of years old, and is the most powerful penis enlargement exercise know to man. This introduction will explain the basics of how to do the exercise, what the exercise does exactly, why it works. No matter what methods you decide to do for enlargement, Jelq should be done every day to keep the Corpora Cavernosa in top notch shape and circulation. 3 months of daily exercise is needed to see significant gains, but MANY of our clients including myself have gained 1" within the first 6 weeks of daily 30 minute continuous Jelq sessions. Remember, before you ever start a penile exercise session, you should always start out by stretching out your penis lightly by grasping around the head and pulling outward. Rotate your penis once extended outward in a circular motion. Do this for a few minutes to make sure you are ready for a Hot Wrap. Once warm up is completed, dry off your penis and testicles with a soft towel so that the water doesn't contrast with your lubrication.

The Jelq method is also called "milking" because of the obvious milking technique the jelq resembles. How it works is like this:

·         By lightly massaging the penis to a partial erection, blood is held within the penis.

·         By grasping around the base (bottom) of the penis shaft with your thumb and forefinger, you trap the held blood within the penis. You must grasp ALL the way around. Make an "OK" sign with your forefinger and thumb, your penis would go in the middle as you grip tightly.

·         By taking your thumb and forefinger and squeezing all the way around your penis and sliding it forward slowly, the blood within the penis is forced forward into the Corpora Cavernosa (erectile tissue) and the Glans (head).

·         The blood spaces within the penis are forced larger every time you milk forward. As one hand milks forward to the beginning of the head, grasp around the base of the shaft just like before with the other hand, releasing the hand that has reached the head and repeat with the other hand, over and over again at a medium to slow pace (one second intervals).

After an intense Jelq session of at least 30 minutes, your penis should look and hang like the picture to your left (though it probably won't be this big). 30 minutes is the least amount of time you need to spend on a continuous Jelq session once you've overcome the soreness and red spots/bumps faze. In the beginning when you first start your Jelqing, most men experience red spots, bumps, or light bruising on the penis head and surrounding areas. Don't worry because this is perfectly normal and will usually subside within the first week of exercise. These are simply caused from the stretching of the blood spaces within your penis and the new increased blood circulation. To minimize these "battle wounds" start out slow, and build your self up where you should be. Below is an example of how you should start and what you should work your way up to:

·         In the beginning, start out by doing 300 milks a day. Follow this by a 15 minute Hot Wrap. Each milk should last 1 second from grasping the base and sliding to the head. Do this for one week, and be sure to do 100 Kegels a day. This will aid in the new circulation and strength building taking place within your penis.

·         The second week will be much harder than the first. 10 minutes of continuous Jelqing then follow by doing 200 Kegels (PC Flexes). Do not ease up unless you happen to feel pain which is highly unlikely. Apply a Hot Wrap for 10 minutes to finish the session.

·         The third week you should be ready for 30 minutes. Now, this takes will and desire. Not every man who reads this manual is going to do these exercises all the way simply because the are LAZY. Make sure you are real warmed up and have done a Hot Wrap for at least 10 minutes before exercise. Once you have started, don't stop!. Keep going and keep a watch near by so you know exactly how long you have been Jelqing for. Don't look too much though or you will get discouraged. Afterward finish off with a 10 minute Hot Wrap and a 300 Kegel workout. Continue on this program for 5 weeks, a total of 2 months since you first started. After the 2 months you will know exactly how you like to Jelq and may actually add your own style change to the exercise. Just do what feels good and feels like it's working.. I don't want to explain the Jelq exercise too much, it's simple to do and I don't want to complicate it for you.

Download Jelqing video (side view). (344K mpeg)
Download jelqing video (front view). (344K mpeg)
These videos are guidelines, what you do may be different.
Video's used courtesy of

Please finish this Program above for 2 months before attempting to proceed with the "Exercises" section of the manual. It is for advanced practitioners and most men will not be able to do them until they have worked their way up. Use this as a rule of thumb, you will appreciate this Program more if you do so.

T I P #1 :

Your choice for lubrication is a crucial one, because if you choose one that evaporates easily then you will get tired of reapplying it. Your best bets for Jelqing are Vaseline and Baby-Oil. I personally use Johnson's & Johnson's Baby Oil with Vitamin E added. I find that it is a good lube for exercise plus is also nice to apply to your penis and testicles after showering to keep them healthy and supple. I don't recommend using lotions or other forms of skin treatment products for Jelqing because they evaporate very fast and you will use them up quickly compared to Vaseline or Baby oil.

T I P #2 :

If the continuous exercise forms painful bruising on your penis, I suggest to stop all exercising and wait for the bruising to subside. You can always perform Kegels and stretching, and I suggest to get into the habit of doing Kegels while you drive or while you are sitting at work, school, etc. Kegels are so important to the overall development and health of your penis, you can't afford not to do them. Every man should do at least 500-1000 Kegels a day.

T I P #3 :

Take one day off every 6 days, and that's it. If you take excessive time off in-between Jelq sessions you will NOT see results like you want. Results will come over time, you MUST persevere and keep exercising. Please do not email me in 3 weeks and say "I want my money back, I didn't gain and inch in 3 weeks of exercising." Because if you do, I will NOT answer you back. 3 weeks is not long enough to do anything, let alone gain an inch. True, some men have in fact emailed me with a success email stating that they have gained an inch in 3 weeks to a month, so anything is possible. Simply put, the more you dedicate to the exercises, the more results you will see faster.

T I P #4 :

You must apply the Mental Imagery & Visualization and Breathing Exercises to your workout because it will allow you the best results possible. It will not only aid in keeping your penis at a partial erection, but also keep from getting a full erection and overcoming the urge to ejaculate, either when you are exercising or having intercourse. Please utilize all the information so that you may achieve the maximum results and benefits possible. If you can't keep a partial erection and begin to go limp, visualize blood filling your penis every time you milk, and try doing several Kegels while you jelq to send more blood to your penis. Remember to do at least 500 Kegels a day to develop your penis strength and ejaculatory strength plus control. Kegels are the key to ultimate penile power!

T I P #5 :

DO NOT Jelq in the shower! Most men won't stand up for the amount of time needed to have a good Jelq session, and if you use soap you will be sore for days! Please, for your sake, do not Jelq in the shower and do not use soap! A hot bath or hot-tub is good to submerse in after an intense Jelq session, and if you have either you are lucky! The heat will keep the blood spaces expanded longer and will also promote faster healing for faster results! IF you do not have either, a Hot Wrap is also good.

T I P #6 :

If you feel the uncontrollable urge to ejaculate while performing Jelq, you have a very weak and poorly developed ejaculatory muscle "PC". Upon the first sign of ejaculation, stop and wait for the feeling to subside. This will also teach restriction which will help when you make love. You need to really focus on PC strengthening if you can't help but to ejaculate when jelqing.


This exercise is very simple and was designed and incorporated in the penile workout to mimic the positive effects of weight hanging without all the hazards involved with weight hanging.


The Length Xtender stretches your penis longer by incorporating a simple "pulling" technique that last anywhere from 5-20 minutes from start to finish. When applied, this technique stretches the central "tendon like" tissue in the penis, forcing it to naturally stretch longer over a period of several months. Though this exercise will nicely lengthen your penis, it will not do anything for the thickening aspect. For optimal results in both lengthening and thickening, please utilize both the Length Xtender and The Arabic jelq Method when you work out. This not only will promote better blood circulation to your penis, but will develop your penis faster in both lengthening and thickening aspect. Remember, when these exercises are performed together in a single session, within several months a gain of 2+ inches will NOT be uncommon.


To achieve optimal results by stretching your penis, you mus...

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