Mental Magic IV.pdf

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ental Magick
of Basil
Volume Four
Edited by Martin Breese and Bob Gill
Illustrated by David Britland
Breese Books • London
Psychic Roulette
The Unlimited Principle
Ultimate Challenge Thought and Clairvoyance
The Hot Chair
£100 Challenge Mind Control Test
Challenge Incredible Memory
The Super ESP Body Language Test
ere are just a few of my thoughts and opinions on the use of mentalism and mental
magic. Many magical friends have commented that they are concerned that I use
playing cards in mentalism effects and a number of readers were disappointed that my
last book contained mentalism material relying on the use of playing cards. I feel that it
is important for me to explain that I have never ever had any problem with the use of
playing cards in my performance of mentalism and it is clear to me that my audiences
regard them as ordinary objects and are familiar with them.
I have often been asked by magicians what my attitude is to the mixing of magic and
mentalism. All I can say is that this has not been a problem for me. When I perform
close up magic at the table I explain that it is really something that I describe as ‘Magic
for the Hands’ and then when I perform my mentalism routines I explain that that is
‘Magic of the Mind’. I link my presentations now very closely with psychology and the
use and study of body language. Instead of giving a psychic reading I now call it a body
language reading.
When I started performing pure mentalism I used to use a disclaimer yet almost without
fail, after each show I received a variety of comments such as, ‘When did you discover
you had these powers?’ and ‘I wouldn’t like to be your wife as you would always know
what I was thinking about’.
At the same time I realized that a great number of religions groups regard hypnosis,
mind reading, telepathy, clairvoyance, spiritualism, fortune telling and ESP as works of
the devil. By calling my show The Magic of the Mind, and invoking concepts such as
body language, suggestion, memory
Page 7
The Mental Maglck of Basil Horwltz *lume 4
and psychology, I have no more problems with religious groups and I do not need to use a disclaimer as all
the above aspects of my show are accepted scientific facts.
I will give you an example of how mental magic helped me to get a series
of shows in an upmarket restaurant, After explaining the idea of doing
close up magic and magic of the mind at the tables I found that the owner had some resistance to
making a positive decision and he said he did not want to spend any money on advertising in the
local newspapers. I then explained that I would get free publicity for the restaurant in the news-
papers. He was still not certain. Then his wife entered the room and I gave her and her husband a
reading. That personal reading sold the deal. In other words when you can personalize the magic
you perform it can help sell you and your act.
As far as free publicity is concerned, I am always well prepared with a good news angle and I
have great respect for reporters and always try to give them something that helps them do their
job better. I have had about 95% positive results. In the case of the restaurant that I have just
mentioned I managed to line up six stories which all appeared in print and we also managed to
get one of the main newspapers to publish a large photograph of me and the owner of the
restaurant. Although I performed magic and mental magic for the reporters I was still able to get
them to write about both types of magic and understand the difference between the two kinds of
performance. In fact, one of the reporters wrote, ‘Your magic begins where most magic ends’.
He also said that I was a person with an unusual ability and talent regarding my mental magic.
A number of highly regarded mentalists have had the opportunity to see some of the effects
contained in this book before they were released to the magical fraternity and the Unlimited
Principle in particular attracted a great deal of interest. One distinguished mentalist told me that
when he performs the effect that he can see that the audience have a certain look in their eyes
which indicates that they believe they have seen the real thing. Another good friend and well
respected performer told me that he thought that the Hot Chair effect could easily have been sold
for $500 dollars. He said that it could be used as
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The Mental Magick of Basil Horwitz ~tlume 4
a feature act and that a performer could easily earn his living just from this one routine.
I sincerely believe that this new book (the fourth to detail my original effects) contains the very best
material that I have produced to date. I use
4 every single effect in this book on a regular basis and, having witnessed
the audience response that each routine achieves, I can only hope that you
will study, learn and achieve the same great audience response as well.
Currently I tend to perform before very small and select groups of wealthy business people who like to
provide something very different for their friends and colleagues. I charge a very high fee because it has
always been
my experience that the more you charge the greater the respect you are able to command. Of course it
goes without saying that when you work at this exclusive level your magic and performance has to be of
the very highest quality possible.You may follow the philosophy of charging a high fee but if your
bookers are not happy with your show you will never be booked again. I can only say that it is crucial to
hone your performance day after day. You need to practise for several hours a day in order that the
mechanical aspects of your performance are performed without hesitation thus allowing you to put all
your effort into the actual presentation of your act, I am still amazed that many magicians who perform
professionally in close up, cabaret and on TV clearly do not rehearse nor devote time to getting to know
their material. So the greatest advice that any professional performer can offer is the simple suggestion
that you the reader should rehearse and
perfect your material before attempting any form of performance.
I do hope that you will find the effects released in this book to be right for you. Once you have studied
and used the material as per the written descriptions you might find that you will want to change the
routines to suit your own style of performance. If you do want to alter the material in this way you
certainly have my blessing. I wish you good luck.
Basil Horwitz 1997
Page 9
Psychic Roulette
The Effect
he performer asks a spectator to assist him as he explains to the audience, ‘1 am
sure that you know how difficult it is to win when playing the game of roulette even when
betting on the even chances such as
black or red, the high or low numbers or the odd or even numbers. If you were psychic
you would think it would be easy to make a lot of money but it is very hard to relax within
the casino setting and it would be impossible to concentrate and enter into the true
winning state of mind. The noise and the chaos do not make a casino the ideal setting for
a psychic player.’
‘Let me give you a demonstration of psychic roulette using this deck of cards. Instead of
the usual 36 numbers on a roulette wheel we are going to play with 52 numbers which
will be represented by our cards. The low numbers will be 1—26 and the high numbers
27—52. The deck of cards serves as a roulette wheel, and like a roulette wheel it is
arranged in alternating colours, red, black, red, black etc. There is no zero or double zero
as the jokers have been removed. I am going to try and pTedict the outcome of three
even bets at roulette using our impromptu roulette wheel. The first bet will be on red or
black, the second will be on odd or even and the third
will be on high or low.’
The performer spreads the deck of cards face up on the table and the spectator can see
that it is arranged with reds and blacks alternating throughout. The performer places six
cards on the table. These bear the words, BLACK, RED, ODD, EVEN, HIGH 27—52, LOW
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