Mussolini and the Origins of the Second World War, 1933 - 1940 - (Robert Mallett) 2003.pdf

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Mussolini and the Origins of the Second World War, 1933–1940
Mussolini and the Origins
of the Second World War,
Robert Mallett
Mussolini and the Origins of the
Second World War, 1933–1940
The Making of the 20th Century
David Armstrong, Lorna Lloyd and John Redmond, FromVersailles to
Maastricht: International Organisation in the Twentieth Century
V. R. Bergham, Germany and the Approach ofWar in 1914, second edition
Raymond F. Betts, France and Decolonisation, 1900^1960
John Darwin, Britain and Decolonisation:
The Retreat fromEmpire in the Post-War World
Robert Mallett Mussolini and the Origins of the SecondWorldWar, 1933^1940
Sally Marks, The Illusion of Peace: International Relations in Europe,
1918^1933, second edition
A. J. Nicholls Weimar and the Rise of Hitler, 4th edition
R. A. C. Parker, Chamberlain and Appeasement: British Policy
and the Coming of the SecondWorldWar
Anita J. Prazmowska, Eastern Europe and the Origins of the SecondWorldWar
G. Roberts, The Soviet Union and the Origins of the SecondWorldWar
Alan Sharp, The Versailles Settlement: Peacemaking in Paris, 1919
Zara S. Steiner and Keith Neilson, Britain and the Origins of the
First WorldWar, 2nd edition
Samuel R. Williamson, Austria-Hungary and the Origins of the First WorldWar
R. Young, France and the Origins of the SecondWorldWar
Mussolini and the Origins of the
Second World War, 1933–1940
Robert Mallett
Robert Mallett 2003
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