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Cock Throbbing
Daddy Boy
A Big
How I
Roger Payne
You asked for
The New Year
begins with
Michael, our Swiss
Boy page 34
You must be 18 or older (21 in some states) to purchase this magazine.
Handjobs © January 1998
Copyright ¨ 1997 by Avenue Services, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in
whole or in part without written permission of the publisher, Avenue Services, Inc., a gay-owned and operated
business. Published monthly by Avenue Services, Inc., PO Box 23219, Seattle, WA 98102-0519.
Handjobs is a trademark of Avenue Services, Inc.
This magazine is in compliance with the so-called ÑChild Protection Act of 1995Ò.
No responsibility can be assumed for unsolicited material. All rights in letters sent to Handjobs will be treated uncon-
ditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and are subject to HandjobÔs right to edit and
comment upon editorially.
Safe and sane sexual behavior is encouraged by the publisher. The publisher, editor and contributors to Handjobs
cannot be held responsible for accidents or injuries or any other misfortunes that results from proper or improper
application of information imparted or ideas generated by material in Handjobs. Handjobs is designed to be used
only as an aid for masturbation. Any similarity between people and places in the fiction in Handjobs and any real
people and places is purely coincidental. Despite the terms such as ÑboyÒ or ÑsonÒ, all characters in the fiction of
Handjobs are 18 years of age or older. It may be against the law to have sexual intercourse with people under the
age of 18, but we do print memoirs of men talking about their own boyhood experiences. Printed in the US.
Dear Handjobs: IÔve been actively reading your magazine since late
last year. Every month I find myself waiting with baited breath for your
monthly issues to hit the stores. Do you realize how much money you
guys could make if you published every two weeks? Anyway I wanted
to offer a sincere note of adulation to your magazine. I have read more
than one story (once or twice over that isÈ) involving sexually attrac-
tive African American males. It is a little disconcerting that the other
magazines of my choice do not seem to explore the possibilities of inter-
racial sexual activity. It seems that they shy away from such issues as
if taboo. Not your magazine though. Along with the big handsome bear,
daddies, cops, firemen, etc, thereÔs some ÑflavoringÒ. Do not get me
wrong. I enjoy men of all nationalities, itÔs just that Bear and American
Bear do not appear to give credence to the notion that men of other
races can be attractive in their literature; or at least that is what I surmise
from reading some of their stories. Do continue to keep up the good
One last thing, I still see that a large volume of married men
choose to hide in the closet (behind the hangers and the clothes
hamper). Guys itÔs almost 1998, and gay men as a society have made
tremendous social advancements. You donÔt have live in fear if you wish
not to do so. Forget that line about ÑI was expected by society to marry
and have kids.Ò That went out with June & Ward and Ozzie & Harriet.
You shouldnÔt live to make anyone else happy except yourself. Give it
some thought next time you feel you have to hide your sexual expres-
sion from society, much less those close to you. Thanks guysÈ.
Dear Handjobs : The Anthology is still wearing me out! I am only a third
through volume 1. I am really savoring each story. Recent favorites were
Brotherly Love and RoommateÔs Surprise . IÔm sure I could write a really
hot story for you guys to publish. I think IÔll do that as soon as I clear
some free time. As I said before, IÔm especially into locker room or
weightlifting scenes between sweaty guys in jock straps. IÔve also
been getting into golden showers lately, and IÔm wondering if a little
mild watersports would be a turnon for some (or most?) of your
Recently I had a physical, and I shaved most of my bush and
shaved my balls completely before the physical. And just as I hoped,
when my doctor put me in the exam room, he told me to strip to my
underwear and wait until he came back. I stripped and then reached
down into my skimpy Calvins to feel the adolescent smoothness of my
crotch, which started the blood rushing into my cock. When he
opened the door, I just barely had time to pull my hand out Ï IÔm not
sure whether he saw me. Anyway, after the usual bantering and
jokes, he ran through the routine blood pressure, heartbeat, etc.,
4 ¤ Letters
and finally asked me to stand up on a little stool, facing him (he was
seated). Then he said, ÑDrop your briefs.Ò
I did it kind of slowly, causing my half-hard dick to spring up when
the elastic band passed below my smooth balls. I carefully watched his
eyes, and distinctly noticed his eyebrows rise up and his pupils slowly
dilate. He then held my dick to the side (unfortunately, with those damned
rubber gloves Ï I hoped heÔd ÑforgetÒ) and rolled my nuts around in
his hand.
Finally he said in his casual way, ÑSo many guys are into this now,
but I must say this looks really nice on youÈ.Ò Hearing this, my cock
twitched and grew a bit more, since the thought of a guy frankly admit-
ting heÔs admiring my body really turns me on. It was really fun, although
he didnÔt make any direct reference to my near-full erection. I suppose
heÔs seen them before in exams. He did give me a nice smile and a warm
pat on the shoulder at the end. ¤ NY
Dear Handjobs : I used to buy all sorts of magazines to read (I love to
read). But, I find Handjobs to be the best! I will never buy another maga-
zine. I love your Grandpa stories and your brother-to-brother stories
( I can relate). Will there be any more contests, because IÔd love to enter
my nice dick? ¤ IL
Dear Handjobs: IÔve enjoyed your magazine immensely. The illustrations
are always hot and most of the stories do a good job of getting me off.
IÔve written once before expressing the same, but wanted to write again
asking to have a specific fetish of mine worked in to stories and
artwork. The fetish is muscle worship/admiration. Ever since boyhood,
IÔve always lusted after bodybuilders, weight lifters, circus strongmen,
good old-fashioned musclemen of the 50Ôs and 60Ôs, etc. IÔve noticed
a couple of times where the manÔs physique is admired and he showed
it off a bit to the awestruck boy. Could you please devote an entire issue
to this fetish? Or maybe one of the bigger books, like Daddy GanderÔs
Treasure Chest, could be filled with descriptions of muscle worship/admi-
ration, artwork by Julius or Douglas (Uncle Nicks Flip-Flops Ï 3/97).
I really prefer non-incest scenarios, any blue collar setting, coaches,
uniforms, much body hair, and especially huge muscles. No studio and
most publications have no idea that there are men out here who love
massively built men and their muscles always turn us on best. There
is really no equal representation of my particular fetish.
Thank you for your time and no matter what, IÔll still enjoy the work
in all Handjobs issue.
Thanks again for your tireless contribution to our community and
keep up the good work! ¤ NY
Dear Handjobs : I just had to write you and say thanks! A friend of mine
out in California sent me your address and told me about you. I sent
for your free brochure and bought a copy of Handjobs Anthology Volume
Letters ¤ 5
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