Defender of the Crown - Manual.pdf

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Layout 1
Instruction Booklet
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Health Warning
For your health, be sure to take a break of about 15 minutes for every hour of play.Avoid playing when tired or when suffering from
lack of sleep.Always play in a well-lit environment, sitting as far from the screen as any cabling will allow. Some people experience
epileptic seizures when viewing flashing lights or patterns in our daily environment. These people, or even those who have an
undetected epileptic condition may experience seizures while watching TV pictures or playing video games. If you are known to have
an epileptic condition, consult your doctor before playing video games or immediately should you experience any of the following
symptoms while playing: altered vision, dizziness, muscle twitching, any inv oluntary movements, loss of awareness of your
surroundings, confusion, and / or convulsions.
Pour votre sant, il est conseill de prendre des pauses dʼenviron 15 minutes toutes les heures de jeu. Evitez de jouer si vous tes
fatigu ou si vous manquez de sommeil.Assurez-vous de jouer dans une pice bien claire et aussi loin de lʼcran de tlvision que
le permet le cordon de raccordement. Certaines personnes sont sujettes des crises dʼpilepsie lorsquʼelles sont exposes des
clignotements lumineux ou une rptition dʼimages dans leur environnement quotidien. Ces personnes et mme celles nʼayant pas
dʼantcdents pileptiques sʼexposent des crises dʼpilepsie lorsquʼelles regardent des images sur un cran de tlvision ou
lorsquʼelles jouent des jeux vido. Si vous avez dj prsent des symptmes pileptiques, veuillez consulter votre mdecin avant
de jouer tout jeu vido. De mme, pendant que vous jouez un jeu vido, si vous prsentez les symptmes suivants: troubles de la
vue, vertiges, contractions musculaires, mouvements involontaires, trouble de lʼorientation, confusion et/ou convulsions, il faut cesser
immdiatement de jouer et consulter un mdecin.
Avviso importante
Per tutelare la tua salute fai una pausa di 15 minuti per ogni ora di gioco. Non giocare se si stanchi o si ha bisogno di dormire.
Giocare sempre in un ambiente ben illuminato e il pi lontano possibile dallo schermo.Alcuni individui potrebbero soffrire di attacchi
epilettici se esposti a luci lampeggianti.Anche persone che non hanno predisposizione allʼepilessia possono essere vittime di crisi
epilettiche mentre guardano la TV o giocano a un videogioco. Se si sofferto di crisi epilettiche in precedenza, consultare un medico
prima di usare qualsiasi videogioco. Consultarlo immediatamente in presenza di sintomi quali: alterazione visiva, stordimento,
stiramento muscolare, movimenti incontrollati, perdita di coscienza e orientamento, confusione, e/o convulsioni.
Achten Sie darauf, pro Stunde Spielzeit etwa 15 Minuten Pause zu machen. Verzichten Sie auf das Spielen, wenn Sie erschpft sind
oder Schlaf bentigen. Spielen Sie stets in einem gut beleuchteten Raum und halten Sie den grtmglichenAbstand zum Bildschirm.
Bei einer sehr kleinenAnzahl von Personen knnen whrend des Betrachtens blinkender Lichter oder Muster, die in unserer
Umgebung tglich vorkommen, epileptische Erscheinungen auftreten. Solche Reaktionen knnen auch auftreten, wenn diese
Personen bestimmte Fernsehbilder anschauen oder bestimmte Videospiele spielen. Befragen Sie einenArzt, bevor Sie ein Videospiel
benutzen, wenn bei Ihnen Epilepsie vorliegt. Falls beim Spielen die folgenden Symptome auftreten, unterbrechen Sie augenblicklich
das Spiel und fordern Sie rztliche Hilfe an: verndertes Sehvermgen, Schwindelgefhle, Muskelzuckungen, unwillkrliche
Bewegungen, Wahrnehmungsverlust der Umgebung, geistige Verwirrung und/oder Krmpfe.
Recomendaciones en materia de salud
Descansa al menos 15 minutos por cada hora de juego. Evita jugar si ests cansado o no has dormido bien. Juega siempre en una
habitacin bien iluminada y lo ms lejos posible de la pantalla.Algunas personas pueden sufrir ataques de epilepsia ante la
exposicin a determinadas luces parpadeantes o tipos de luz. Estas personas pueden sufrir un ataque al ver determinadas imgenes
de televisin o al jugar a videojuegos, incluso aunque no tengan un historial mdico de epilepsia. Consulta a tu mdico si has sufrido
estos ataques o experimentas los siguientes síntomas: mareos, visin borrosa, contracciones nerviosas u oculares, desmayos,
desorientacin, movimientos involuntarios o convulsiones.
To begin the installation process simply insert the Defender of the Crown - Heroes Live Forever disc
into your PCʼs CD/DVD drive. The installation program should start automatically. If it does not start
automatically click on Start, and then Run and enter D:/setup.exe into the dialogue box. This will start
the installation process.
You will need at least 250Mb free space on your hard drive to install Defender of the Crown - Heroes
Live Forever onto your machine.
Pentium III 800 MHz;
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista;
SVGAMonitor with 800x600 pixels resolution;
32MB, nVidia geForce2 3D video card;
128 MB RAM;
250 MB Hard Disk free space;
Mouse, CD-ROM drive
DirectX 9.0c
After many years of struggle, medieval England has become divided and six lords are set to do battle
in an effort to unite the country under one ruler. To become the King of England you must choose a
lord and help him to capture every castle in the land. But be careful because if your home castle falls
into the hands of one of your enemies then itʼs game over.
You have four lords that you can choose from, each with their own set of statistics such as wealth,
fame and man power. The lords are:
Cedric of Rotherwood Wolfric the Wild
Geoffrey Longsword
The choice you make will effect how you have to approach the game. Will you use brute force or have
to be more cunning?
You control the game using your mouse. When you click on a territory, including your own castle, you
will be presented with a menu of options. Roll the cursor over these buttons and text will appear to
explain their operation. If an icon is greyed out this means that it is not available at this time. Coloured
icons are available for you to use. To select an action simply click on the desired icon. To exit the
menu move your mouse away.
At the start of each mini game a Tutorial will explain how to play. You can turn tutorials off by ticking
the Skip Tutorials box at the bottom. Descriptions of the mini games can be found later in this manual.
You can exit the game at any time by clicking the icon in the bottom left of the game screen.
Wilfred of Ivanhoe
When you load the game you have four options:
Start New Game - select a lord and do battle to unite the nation.
Options - adjust the volume of the in game music and sound effects. You can also turn off the tutorial
and turn off the full screen mode.
Credits - see the people behind Defender of the Crown - Heroes Live Forever.
Exit Game - return to Windows.
There are a number of skills you will have to acquire if you are to claim the crown:
Conquering a territory:
You conquer a territory by clicking on it. If enemy soldiers are station within that territory then you will
have to defeat them in battle to take control. In order to conquer a territory that contains a castle or a
keep you must have a catapult. Each rulersʼ territory is represented by their colour. Your territory will
always be green.
Moving your army
Simply click on the territory where you would like to send your army and then select Move or Conquer
State from the menu. Your fame rating will determine how far your army can travel on each go.
Attacking an enemy territory
Once you have formed an army you can attack enemy territories. Select the territory you want to
attack and select the red attack icon. If there is an army present in the territory a battle will ensue. But
be careful and pick your battles carefully.
Catapult Attack
When you attack an occupied castle you will need a catapult to weaken its defences. The more hits
you make the more likely you are to claim the victory. You have three weapons at your disposure:
Boulders Throw stones at the wall to break it down. You have
12 stones with five wall pieces to destroy.
Disease By catapulting a disease missile over the enemy walls you will eliminate a portion
of their army before battle can commence. You have to hurl these over the wall
and into the courtyard for them to be effective.
Greek Fire These work in a similar way to the Disease missile.
Angle Bar - To use the catapult, click on the angle bar at the bottom of the screen.A45 degree angle
gives the most effective line for the Greek Fire and Disease projectiles while various other angles will
damage the walls. You can also click the dice at the bottom of the cannon for a random outcome.
The more territories you conquer the more income you will receive from taxation. You can then use
this gold to build your army, buy special cards, conduct raids and host tournaments.
Your characterʼs fame increases as you conquer land, win tournaments or perform acts of heroism.
Your fame level is indicated by the number of lit spheres that appear around your characterʼs portrait.
The more famous you are, the more tax you can collect and the further your army can travel.
Hiring Soldiers
You can hire additional soldiers on each turn by clicking on your castle and selecting BuyArmy. You
can select between infantry, knights, crossbow, bowmen and catapults.
Adding soldiers to your army
Once you have hired soldiers you can move them from a castle or keep and into your army. The
number of soldiers in your army is shown in the top right corner. Bare in mind that if you leave your
castle unmanned it will be easy pickings for your enemies.
Requesting help from Sherwood Forest
In times of need, you and the other Saxon lords can ask Robin Hood for help. Simply click on
Sherwood Forest and selectAsk for Help. If Robin is willing to help you will receive extra infantry and
bowmen to temporarily help you. Note that you can only ask for help three times and that some of your
opponents may ask the Black Templars for help.
Castles and Keeps
Acastle allows you to buy and form armies, buy cards and host jousting competitions. You start with
your main castle and cannot lose this otherwise it is game over. You can conquer other lordsʼ castles
and also build further castles and keeps where you can then form armies.
Raiding a castle minigame
When your coffers are running low you can lead a raid on an enemy castle. You will be faced with a
number of guards who you have to kill by selecting whether to attack, special attack or defend. Study
your opponentʼs attack patterns carefully. If you kill all the guards you will gain gold and a Tactic Card
but if you fail you will be forced to pay a ransom for your release and your fame rating will decrease.
You can win land and fame by competing against other lords in two types of tournaments - archery
and jousting. You choose whether to play for land or fame at the start of the tournament.
Archery - Win money or fame by competing in archery competitions. First select the angle of your
shot and then keep your hand steady to aim for the bullseye. The person who scores the most points
is the winner.
Jousting - The aim is simple: you have to knock your opponent off their horse.As you thunder down
the track an aiming screen will appear in the bottom corner of the screen. You have to aim squarely at
your opponents shield and click your left mouse button when shown, in order to dismount him. But
watch out because he will try to do the same to you!
Each player will have battle cards which they can use to their advantage in combat. Simply click on
the card to view how it will effect your performance it will then remain selected unless you click on
another card. You can purchase extra cards and win them from opponents but can never have more
than five in your hand.
Rescue/Kidnap a Princess
Occasionally an icon will appear on an opponentʼs castle to indicate that there is a princess in
residence. You can select to kidnap or rescue her.Akidnap will undermine your opponent, while a
rescue will add to your fame. You will have to battle several guards in order to claim your prize.
By using a skilful combination of the above you will be able to unite England once again.
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