The Rosicrucian Fellowship Senior Extension Astrology course 1-13.pdf

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Senior Extension Astrology Course
Lessons 1 - 13
The Rosicrucian Fellowship
All rights, including that of translation, reserved. For permission to copy or translate, application
should be made to the publisher.
PO BOX 713
Telephone: (760) 757-6600
Fax: (760) 721-3806
Compiled at Mount Ecclesia
December 2001
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Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................ 3
LESSON 1............................................................. 4
LESSON 2............................................................. 9
LESSON 3........................................................... 11
LESSON 4........................................................... 12
LESSON 5........................................................... 13
LESSON 6........................................................... 14
LESSON 7........................................................... 15
LESSON 8........................................................... 16
LESSON 9........................................................... 18
LESSON 10......................................................... 20
LESSON 11......................................................... 22
LESSON 12......................................................... 26
LESSON 13......................................................... 30
Answers to Lessons ............................................ 34
Senior Extension Astrology Course
Dear Friend,
We are happy to have your request for our Astrology course. Our three courses in Astrology are
based on the Teachings as given to humanity by the Brothers of the Rosicrucian Order through The
Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception and the personal investigations of Max Heindel, their Messenger.
In order to realize the most benefit from our Astrology courses we suggest you study our
Preliminary Philosophy Course consisting of twelve lessons. The Preliminary Philosophy Course must
be completed by regular mail one lesson at a time. We hope that the understanding of life and its
problems offered by this course will bring you much comfort and joy.
A New Age is dawning, and wonderful opportunities await those who understand and cooperate
with the cosmic forces operating to break humanity's bond of materialism and usher in a new order
with higher spiritual concepts. As we bring ourselves into harmony with these forces, we not only
greatly hasten our own progress, but make it possible for us to aid in the great work of uplifting all
These lessons are not sold. The Rosicrucian Teaching is free, but the expenses incidental to
their production and website distribution are met by free-will offerings from students "as the heart
dictates and the means permit." However, all receive the same teaching and attention even though
circumstances may be such that some are unable to assist in supporting the work.
We would love to be able to provide personal one-on-one instruction to all who are interested in
our courses, but our resources do not allow this. Therefore, this study course is set up as a college-
type self-study course where the student becomes his own teacher. Answers to all questions are
given in the back of the booklet. Please do not send your individual lesson answers to us.
Please feel that we are your friends, and that we consider it a pleasure and a privilege to assist
you in any way possible to live the higher life, which leads to true happiness and spiritual unfoldment.
We send our best wishes for your spiritual progress.
Yours in service,
The Rosicrucian Fellowship,
Education Department
Materials You Can Buy for Our Courses in Astrology
Note: The Information for Astrology Course booklet (AI), available online, contains all of the
required course reference materials found in the books below. With the exception of the required chart
calculation worksheets (HDD or HDP), it contains all of the reference materials needed for the Junior
and Senior Astrology Courses.
1] Simplified Scientific Ephemeris for 1911, 1912, and 1932 computed for noon (order Information
for Astrology Course booklet [AI] or E1911, E1912, and E1932).
2] Simplified Scientific Tables of Houses (TBH).
3] Simplified Scientific Astrology - Complete textbook on the art of erecting horoscopes, with
dictionary of astrological terms (ASP). Available online.
4] The Message of the Stars - An esoteric exposition of Natal and Medical Astrology explaining
the arts of reading and progressing the Horoscope and diagnosing diseases (MSP). Available online.
5] Horoscope Data Sheets (one pad of 50 - HDP) noon .
All of the above can be obtained from our Order Department.
Senior Extension Astrology Course
Lesson No. 1
Student’s Letter
Dear Friend,
You have completed our Junior and Senior Courses in Astrology, and we now offer you, as an
earnest student, this Senior Extension Course in delineation, progression, transits, etc.
As you pursue your study of the marching orbs, wherein the great and admirable works of the
invisible and all-glorious God are so manifestly apparent, cultivate an attitude of adoration of the
divine essence in all life and a thankfulness to God for your existence. Be humble and let no natural
knowledge, however profound and transcendental it may be, elate your mind, or withdraw you from
your duty to God and to the service of humanity.
The more that knowledge is enlarged by the divine science of Astrology, the more will you
magnify the power and wisdom of the Almighty God, if you do not prostitute it for material gain, self-
aggrandizement, or personal exploitation.
If there are selfish motives behind your interest in Astrology, the moment you practice the
Science with such motives, at that moment will your powers be withdrawn, and your ability to read the
horoscope taken away from you. From that time on you will only scratch the surface. The inner,
hidden meaning will remain undisclosed.
High truths are not suitable for low and profane practices, such as the using of Astrology for
monetary gain. Remember, dear student, that when you gaze on a horoscope, you look into the
innermost secrets of a soul, so beware, lest you treat it lightly and profane that which God creates.
The holier you are, the nearer you approach God in your religious duties, the purer judgment will
you be able to give those who seek your help and assistance.
The divine and sacred Science of Astrology has been sadly degraded into superstition by
soothsayers and erectors of horoscopes all during the middle and modern ages up to the present
period where the peak has been reached of misconception, misunderstanding and stupidity, by those
least qualified to practice it. Only in the ancient times was it practiced and treated as a divine
Also remember that one cannot be a true astrologer unless one has a thorough comprehension of
the spiritual side of life, gleaned through an understanding of the Bible, as taught by those capable of
correctly interpreting it. Study The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, therefore if you wish to become a
true astrologer, because it will help you to understand this divine Book, besides explaining in a
clarified manner the invisible workings of God and Nature.
Nothing is indifferent in Nature. A stone upon a road may break or modify profoundly the destinies
of the greatest men or of the greatest empires.
Each star in the celestial spaces has its direct and indirect influence upon each human ego. The
stars are bound to one another by the attraction which holds them in equilibrium and causes them to
move with uniformity through space. From all spheres unto all spheres there stretch these
indestructible networks of light and there is no point upon any planet to which one of them is not
It will often be found that one part of a delineation will be apparently in direct contradiction to a
statement made in another part of the same delineation. To the thinking person such contradictions,
such paradoxes, are easily recognizable, therefore easily reconcilable.
In every phase of nature are to be found these manifold differences. In some phases near the
surface and quickly discernible, and in other phases so deeply embedded as to be almost impossible
to discover and uproot.
Some persons are parsimonious in the household and extravagant in business; others, large-
handed at home and niggardly at the office. Why? Diversity of character and personality so necessary
to soul-growth.
Senior Extension Astrology Course
All life is paradoxical, contradictory, ever-changing, and manifests under the material guise of
untold and innumerable parts and phases.
Good and bad are purely relative terms. In reality, all is good. What is bad is self generated and
good in the making. A horoscope is not necessarily good because its portents so imply. Sometimes it
is the very reverse, for it is in the struggle of life that we develop strength. So few of us are strong
enough to stand prosperity.
In a nativity that promises too much good and happiness there lurk the snares of indolence,
laziness, mental and spiritual lethargy, waste, materialism, luxury and ease; so that a person does not
exert himself and becomes driftwood upon the ocean of life. Another who has what we term a very
afflicted radix, is roused by the adverse conditions and by sheer force of Will conquers himself and
becomes master of his destiny.
In most cases, bad horoscopes are greater blessings than good ones. The purpose of suffering,
adversity, sickness, anguish, sadness, and unhappiness is not vengeance but education and
experience. And when once we realize that, we shall cease to fume, complain and ask, "Why is this
happening to me? What have I done to deserve all this?"
Instead we shall know that we do deserve it and the only "out" is to make the best of it,
endeavoring all the while to live to a set of ideals which will relegate like suffering in the future to a
state of oblivion.
And remember above all, fellow student, that we must study the Rosicrucian Philosophy and
Astrology only to develop ourselves in order that we may help those in sorrow and distress; to develop
ourselves only that we may serve.
May the Light of true spiritual understanding shine within you.
Yours in fellowship,
The Rosicrucian Fellowship
Education Department
In this course we are going to delineate a chart using the keyword system, the latter being
compact and specific. (Reference Lesson No. 22, Junior Astrology Course.)
After the basic, fundamental principles of a sign, aspect and house have been defined, then it is
well to embellish and add thereto all that we can. But first, delineate by keywords.
For references in detailed delineation, see Simplified Scientific Astrology and The Message of the
We strongly advise the earnest student, the seeker of the great spiritual truths of the Divine
Science of Astrology, to study The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, for without a working knowledge
of the Rosicrucian Teachings the higher, spiritual truths of the Science and the intuitive faculties of
delineating a map will ever remain a closed book to him.
Especially, we wish to refer him to chapters and pages on the vehicles and bodies of man.
(Reference Chapter 1, Visible and Invisible Worlds, The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, and pages
57 to 76, 139 to 143, and page 298.)
The Rosicrucian Fellowship, in analyzing a chart, usually adheres to a definite standard of form
and arrangement, like the following in sequential order:
1] Ascendant and Physical Body.
2] Individuality.
3] Personality.
4] Mentality.
5] (a) Vocation.
(b) Finance.
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