Dark Side of the Moon by Blondie Complete.pdf

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Dark Side of the Moon
By Blondie
Summary: New Moon from Edward's POV. Witness how Edward agonized over leaving Bella, hunted for
Victoria, faced the Volturi, and came to realize that with Bella was where he was meant to be.
Chapter 1
"There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."
-Pink Floyd, Eclipse
She'll be here soon , Alice thought, and bounced on her toes excitedly. On yet another dreary day we stood in the parking lot of Forks
High School, waiting for an equally dreary set of lectures. I didn't share the excitement of graduating that the other seniors in the
school did, probably because I'd already done it a dozen times. This year was different, though, for one reason: Bella Swan.
She'd turned my entire existence upside down when she'd come to Forks, unaffected by the fear I inspired in other humans.
Instead of screaming and running from me, a murderous creature of myth, she was inconceivably drawn to my side, to my ice cold
touch, not shrinking away even when she learned what I really was. Her calm response to my admission of being a vampire still
stunned me. The words still echoed in my mind, "It doesn't matter."
"Hi, Alice," Angela Weber called as her boyfriend, Ben Cheney took her arm and escorted her toward the buildings. She looks happy
today, even more than usual, she thought, and smiled back. Angela had accepted Alice and me almost as easily as Bella had; only
increasing my admiration for her. Though she sensed the danger we presented, Angela was not one to judge or condemn. She was
a purely good spirit, embodying every gracious aspect that her name inspired.
Cullen looks nervous. I wonder what's up. Ben tightened his grip on Angela's arm and waved tentatively to me, and I raised my hand
in response. His sense of self-preservation was stronger than either Angela or Bella's, but it didn't bother me. We should be feared.
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"See you in class, Angela," Alice nearly sang as she made a perfect pirouette in front of me. Over the past few days she'd been
growing more and more antsy, impatient for today to arrive. Even Jasper was becoming annoyed with her - a rarity, to say the
least. I pitied Bella - she was only vaguely aware of what my sister was capable of.
Alice's thoughts were an incoherent buzz in my mind as she ticked off all the plans she'd made. "Alice, calm down. You're giving
me a headache." I leaned against my car, trying to relax as I waited for my love to arrive. Truth be told, I was just as jumpy as Alice
was, but not due to excitement, but concern. Bella had been dreading today - her eighteenth birthday.
The thunder of Bella's ancient truck finally broke through the noise around us, and my head snapped around. None of the human
students could hear it yet, but Alice had. She glanced up at me with a smirk, knowing that it was still at least a mile away. Only two
more minutes , she thought, and giggled, spinning a small silver square between her fingers.
The campus parking lot was starting to fill, but no one tried to park next to me - they knew that only one vehicle was welcome
here. For a moment I listened to the mundane workings of the human minds around me, trying to ignore my hyperactive sister.
There's Mike. Should I comment on how good his hair looks today? Jessica Stanley's unimaginative thoughts were the first to
penetrate my consciousness. I haven't seen him with anyone this year. Maybe... She wasn't completely over Mike Newton's rejection,
still living in her shallow world of denial, desperately hoping that he was secretly waiting for the perfect moment to take her back.
While Mike deserved nothing less than the self-absorbed Jessica, her hopes were in vain.
As usual, Newton was completely oblivious to her stares. Crap, was the vocab assignment due today? That idiot could never
remember anything. I rolled my eyes at his thoughts; how hard was it to write down a due date?
Mike Newton had no idea how lucky he was to be alive. How many times had I considered relieving him of the burden of breathing
in the past eight months? Every time he thought about Bella, my Bella - how pretty she looked, how cute she sounded, how he
considered himself above me - led to a murderous fantasy on my part. I'd imagined killing him in every excruciating, violent way I
could think of, and it was only with enormous self-restraint that I'd kept from following through on my daydreams. I'd assumed
that after the prom he would have finally dismissed all thoughts of Bella, but then she had to go and get a job at Newton's Outfitters.
Once again, Bella's thought processes were all backwards. "I need the money for college... and gas. You of all people should know
that, the way you berate my truck," she'd said in an attempt to justify her job.
At the time, I'd fingered the money clip in my pocket, knowing without looking that I had more cash in my hand than she'd make in
a dozen summers at Newton's. Her pride and self-reliance prevented her from accepting even a dime from me, even though it was
a trivial gesture on my part. I drew the money out of my pocket anyway, anticipating the lovely look of chagrin that filled her face.
I wasn't disappointed.
"Gas money is not a good enough reason. How much do you need?" I unfolded a crisp hundred and held it up.
"Don't even think about trying to give me money, I won't take it," she grumbled, and I stifled my smirk.
I pocketed the cash, but other ways of ending Bella's gas shortage began to fill my mind. She saw right through me, though,
surprising me yet again by her astute perception.
"I'd better not win the lottery, or find a wallet, or a missing child or something that leads to a huge reward. And don't put gas in my
truck while I sleep, either."
"You are being absurd. Would I do such a thing?" She rolled her eyes, correctly distrusting the innocent look I gave her. I leaned
down and kissed her forehead, hoping to convince her in a different way. "What am I supposed to do while you are working?" I
said seductively. When my lips touched her skin, the fiery thirst in my throat roared, but the pain was nearly pleasurable. It meant
her vibrant body was close, safe, and human.
Her chin rose and she put her hand on my cheek, sending a different fire through my body. "You should spend some time with your
family. I've been very selfish, stealing you away for nearly twenty-four hours a day. Go hunt with Emmett - he would love that."
She'd sensed Emmett's frustration...she saw everything, didn't she?
"Bella..." I tried to argue, but she held up her hand.
"You know how much Charlie wants me to do this; I can't just ignore the job he helped me to get. It'll make him happy, and then
maybe he'll lay off you."
Charlie. Of course he'd want her to do this, he'd been trying to separate me from his daughter for some time now. After Bella
returned from Phoenix, beaten and up to her hip in plaster, the tenor of his thoughts toward me had been less than friendly. Anger
and distrust swirled in his mind with unusual clarity whenever I came near, along with his own thoughts of violence. When he
arrived home from work on that warm July afternoon, it was with a taunting smile that he gave Bella the offer from Mrs. Newton for
a part-time job. I didn't need to read his mind to know it was his dream come true: Bella would leave my side, and be forced to
spend time with the boy he thought she belonged with, Mike Newton.
The same frown I'd worn when Charlie made his announcement filled my face again. Bella stroked my cheek, making it difficult for
me to stay angry.
"Working is something that humans do, Edward - but I'm always open to change ," she said, and I winced. She couldn't resist
picking at my resolve to keep her heart beating. I refused to damn her with immortality, and she refused to accept her humanity.
The subject of our impasse was always a conversation stopper, and she'd used it to effectively close the subject of her employment.
Two days later we stood in nearly the same spot in her kitchen. "It's only for four hours," she said as she rested her head against
my chest.
"An eternity." I took a deep breath, inhaling as much of her scent as I could. Four hours would not affect my resistance to the
infernal thirst for her blood, but the pain would move from my throat to my chest in her absence. I wouldn't be too far away,
"You and Emmett have plans, right?" she asked.
"Yes, we do." Sometimes it seemed she could read my mind. I changed the subject before she could ask what our plans entailed.
"But I'll be right here when you get home." I leaned down, sliding my hand under her hair and against her warm neck. The heat
was deceiving, giving the illusion of power and strength in Bella's fragile body, when in fact she was as delicate as a glass figurine in
my hands.
"I'm counting on that," she whispered and locked her eyes on mine. Her pupils dilated as she stared, becoming unfocused, and I
grinned, enjoying how I dazzled her. Our lips met, and my entire body exploded with sensual warmth. I could taste her scent on my
tongue, barely resisting the urge to run it along her lips. When more volatile memories of her flavor surfaced, I pulled back
I expected her reaction, prepared for it, but it still stunned me. She pressed her chest against mine, and I felt every soft curve mold
itself to me, separated by just a few layers of annoying fabric. For a half a second my mind wandered, wanting to experience her
skin against mine - without the clothing - and the thought made me tremble. With great effort I continued to lift my head from hers,
carefully breaking her hold, but not her bones. She was so fragile, so human... how I wished I was too.
"I love you," she said, her eyes pools of melted chocolate.
"And I love you." The words were so inadequate, but they were the ones she could understand.
I released my Bella and she winked as she got in her truck and drove away. Already I felt empty. The next hours would be torture.
Moments later Emmett's Jeep pulled into the same spot in the driveway, my brother rubbing his hands together in anticipation as I
climbed in.
"So, bro, what are we doing? There's been a report of a huge wolf roaming the park..."
"No, we're going to town."
His face fell. And who is in town? Like I have to ask. "What's in this for me ?"
Emmett's thoughts turned back to angry and frustrated. Bella was right, I'd neglected my relationship with him. "I'm sorry,
Emmett. It's just that she's starting work today... at Newton's." The last word came out as a snarl, and I was surprised when he
actually smiled.
"Bella is working at a sporting goods store? With Mike Newton?" His laugh shook the windows of the house behind me. "Well, that
changes everything. Let's go!" The tires squealed as he backed out of the driveway and spun around.
"Why are you so happy about it?" I sneered.
"Your girl will be spending the next few hours surrounded by bats, balls, racquets, fishing rods, and pop-up tents... I can't wait to
see her demonstrate an elliptical trainer." His mind filled with images of Bella destroying the store, knocking over displays and
getting tied up in netting. And in the middle of it was Newton, trying to help but receiving several lumps and bruises in the process.
Emmett laughed as he imagined Newton explaining his injuries to Carlisle in the emergency room.
"Settle down, it won't be that bad," I said, clinging to Alice's vision that Bella wouldn't actually hit her foot with the bowling ball she
was going to drop in about a 90 minutes.
"So what are we going to buy from her?" Emmett asked as we drove into town.
" We aren't going to buy anything. She made me promise that I wouldn't visit her at the store today. You, however, are under no
such restriction."
"And what are you going to do while I'm inside?" He imagined me disassembling Newton's car in the parking lot.
Hmm, an interesting idea, but even in the tiny town of Forks I would be noticed removing the body panels of a perfectly good car.
"I'll be nearby, don't worry." Listening, especially to that dolt, Newton.
"So am I protecting Bella from herself, or Mikey from you?" Emmett asked with his eyebrows raised.
I gave him a toothy grin that would have raised goose bumps on every inch of Newton's oily skin. "Both."
"Cool." Emmett parked behind the store, keeping me safely out of view of the front windows. "Hmmm, maybe I'll take up archery."
"Emmett..." I started, and he laughed again.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure she doesn't get hurt."
I leapt to the roof and easily found Newton's bland thoughts. He was training Bella, showing her where the ladder was so she could
reach merchandise on the higher shelves. My teeth came together with a snap when he stood very close behind her as she climbed
the ladder to retrieve a box of shoes. Even though he didn't touch her, his thoughts were enough to earn him a death sentence from
She smells great. Is that her shampoo or is she wearing perfume? Is she still seeing Cullen?
"Get away from her," I said, mostly to myself. Emmett heard me as he walked through the front door, though.
Don't worry, I'll take care of it. He watched as Bella found the box she wanted and started to slide it out of the middle of a tall stack.
Just as the pile tipped, Emmett spoke.
"Bella! You work here? " he said loudly, startling her. Ten shoe boxes came tumbling down on top of Mike as Bella grabbed the
ladder to keep from falling.
I couldn't help but laugh with Emmett, watching the hiking boots bounce off of Newton's skull. Bella teetered on the ladder though,
still a few steps in the air. "Don't let her fall, Em!" I cried.
He was at Bella's side in an instant, steadying the ladder and helping her down. Mike stood looking at the mess surrounding him,
She's fine! I swear you are going to be the first vampire to develop an ulcer. He looked down at Bella, who was obviously upset.
"What are you doing here?" Bella she said through her teeth.
"I need a new baseball bat. Do you think you could help me?" Emmett said sweetly.
Through Emmett's eyes I saw Bella huff and turn to Mike. "Are you okay?" she asked, shooting my brother a menacing glance.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Maybe I should get the stuff that's up high." He picked up an empty box and began to sort through the shoes,
searching for the ones that matched the label on the cardboard.
"Let me do this, you can help Emmett," she said and gave Emmett a snide smile.
"Uh, okay, if that's what you want," Mike said. Why doesn't she want take his sale? They all spend money like it's water. Maybe she's
scared of him.
I sighed. Bella was as stubborn as ever, refusing to even take the commission from Emmett's purchase. Maybe having Newton be
protective of Bella wasn't the worst thing. He'd better not let her climb that ladder again...
Emmett followed my nemesis over to the racks of baseball bats. "Do you like wood or aluminum?" Mike asked unenthusiastically.
"Definitely aluminum. Wood shatters way too easily."
Mike's eyes drifted toward Emmett's massive biceps. I could believe he could shatter a bat. The metal bats filled his vision. Let's see
how much he's willing to pay.
He picked one of the most expensive bats on the rack. "This one is the best we have, perfectly balanced, designed for maximum
trampoline effect."
Emmett took the bat, wrapping his fingers around the narrow grip, and swung the bat slowly... for him anyway. "Hmmm, seems
kind of fragile to me. Do you have one with a larger diameter grip?"
Mike surveyed Emmett's huge fingers. "Um, how about this one? It's a little more expensive, but it has a larger, carbon composite
handle." The only thing big enough for those mitts would be a lamppost. He could snap me in two without breaking a sweat.
I snorted. "Mike thinks you could break him in half, Em." Hopefully he would understand how much I'd love to see Newton suffer
just such a fate.
Emmett took the new bat and waved it in a more threatening way, missing Mike's shoulder by an inch. I savored the fear that
flooded Newton's mind as he stepped back nervously.
Emmett pretended not to notice. "I like this one. It's similar to my old one. I'll take it."
They walked to the front of the store, passing Bella on the way. She'd nearly finished sorting the shoes and looked nervously at the
"I'll put those up. Don't worry about it, Bella," Mike said generously. At least he understood Bella's limitations. "Why don't you
help those ladies looking at the workout clothes?"
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