The Weed Collector by Segolily.pdf
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The Weed Collector by Segolily
Bella Swan was on top of the world. New apartment, new job, new love interest. Soft-
spoken Edward Masen had captured both her heart and libido. So why was everyone
trying to destroy her world? Why were they telling her to stay away from Edward?
Why was he dangerous and what was his dark secret? Even weeds are mistaken for
beautiful flowers.
The Weed Collector by Segolily
1 – Prologue – Red Wine
Bella Swan
I had wanted this man for so long. And now he was here, in my kitchen, just the two of us. For
too long we had played our dancing game of lust and barely been given satisfaction.
The way he tilted his head back slightly as I watched him take a gulp of red wine made me stop
breathing. I could see his Adam’s apple bobbing as the wine slid down his glorious throat. When
he flicked out the tip of his tongue and licked his lips, I nearly came undone.
I could have sworn I had a mental orgasm right then and there.
His dexterous fingers played with the stem of the wine glass, gliding them up, then down. I found
myself mimicking his movements with my own fingers on my collarbone. His mouth was
moving, forming words that I couldn't be bothered to hear. I'd much rather watch his full lips
moving sinuously than listen to the conversation. And the way the tip of his pink tongue
occasionally flicked out and ran across his top lip – Jesus.
He looked up suddenly and frowned. He asked me a question, but my mind was still too foggy
with lust to hear a word. I smiled sheepishly and shrugged, hoping this would be enough of an
answer. He took a step toward me, and I tensed in anticipation. His hand was raised, palm out.
Yes. Touch me. I want you to. Touch me
He cocked his head to the side, his eyes a calculating, forest green. His eyes were deep, and I
wanted him to swallow me whole. I didn't want him to give anything back. I wanted him to take
everything I had. He raised his hand higher and slowly wrapped his fingers over my shoulder. I
hastily let out a breath I was holding, grateful I still remembered how to breathe.
I could feel how warm his hand was through the thin layer of my blouse. He was hesitating,
moving his hand down my arm and tentatively squeezing as he went. This was an experiment. He
was testing himself and testing me. I didn't flinch, just held my ground. I wanted more. Anything!
His lips were suddenly the only thing I could see, moving closer and closer to my face. Yes, I
wanted to scream. It had been too long. Too many sleepless, sweaty nights I spent wondering
and worrying about him. All the rumors, the mystery he embodied, the secret of his past,
vanished in that moment. I no longer cared. I only wanted him to want me as much as I desired
His lips were very close now, only a centimeter away. He was breathing hard and gripping my
arm even harder. I vaguely registered the pain, but that only exhilarated me even more. A tiny
bead of sweat slid from his brow and down his temple. His delicious lips started moving again,
but I only shook my head in response.
Kiss me. No more words. Kiss me
And his eyes... oh yes, his eyes... had darkened with all the fury and lust he felt.
He wanted me.
But he also hated me right then.
I wasn't really there anymore.
He stared past me, back to a time that I always wanted to know about. He was going to tell me. I
could feel it. I was finally going to unravel the mystery that was Edward Masen.
And now that he was finally telling me, all I could think was... did I really want to know?
The Weed Collector by Segolily
2 - Calea
Bella Swan
The building was taller than I expected. It made me feel so small. I felt stupid.
Just last week I had left Jacob in Forks, announcing my independence and job offer in Seattle. I
stood up to him, made myself clear that we were never exclusive and I didn't want to marry him.
He called me a cocktease. It hurt at the time, but I shrugged it off. It wasn't my fault that the one
time we had sex when we were teenagers he couldn't get me off. So I never had sex with him
At the time, he tried to make me believe there was something wrong with me. But I had several
sexual relationships while I attended UW and received my advertising degree. From what my
boyfriends told me, there was nothing wrong with me at all.
I spent a year living with my Dad in Forks after university, just trying to regroup. Jacob got all
delusional on me and thought this meant I was finally coming home to settle down, have 2.5 kids
and paint a picket fence white, or something like that. But Forks was never really my home and I
never wanted that white picket fence dream. That was Jacob's dream, not mine.
I craned my neck, trying to see just how high this office building was. Shit. It was really high. It
was a good thing I didn't have a fear of heights. Just a fear of rejection. That was normal though;
everyone had that fear. Right?
I drew in a deep breath, tightened my grip on the clay pot I was holding and marched through the
revolving door. My over-sized purse nearly got stuck in that stupid door and I had to yank it
free. I wasn't clumsy... I was just... unlucky.
But I wasn't going to think like that anymore. I was starting a new life as an independent woman.
Okay, so my tiny one bedroom apartment was really crappy and located on the wrong side of
downtown. And yes, my compact car was falling apart and I couldn't even drive it on a daily
basis without the car having a coughing fit followed by a heart attack. And it really really sucked
that I didn't know anyone in Seattle, but none of that mattered. This was my life and I was going
to seize what opportunities I got.
Twelfth floor. Why did elevators always take so damn long? I was anxious to start my new job at
Benson Incorporated. It was a wonderful opportunity to get started on my career right away.
Hell, some people had to wait years after they graduated from University before starting their
career. I decided it was a good sign. My luck was changing.
The elevator dinged. Taking in another deep breath, I walked out and entered the lobby of Benson
Incorporated. The lobby was filled with mahogany furniture, dim lighting and plastic plants. I
looked down at my tiny houseplant I planned to put in my new office and frowned. The green
leaves suddenly seemed lifeless to me. Comparing live plants to plastic ones will do that to you.
It's an optical illusion.
I looked up and unconsciously analyzed the receptionist. Though she was sitting down, head
tilted as she blathered on the phone, the gorgeous blonde looked very tall to me. She was
probably the type who complained she could never find pantyhose in the right length and oh my
god, look at the nylons she had to settle for. Then, naturally, everyone would ogle her legs, telling
her how lucky she was.
I sighed to myself. I definitely wasn't the tall leggy type and considering the revolving door
downstairs nearly ate my purse, I was clearly still dealing with bad luck.
Well, my luck had changed when I got this job offer. Let's hope it kept changing for the better.
“Excuse me,” I said quietly, leaning over the receptionist's desk.
She nodded, smiled professionally and held up one manicured finger while never pausing her
phone conversation.
I bit my lip and backed away from the desk. I ran my tongue over my teeth and tasted lipstick.
Damn. I discretely tried to touch up my lipstick without the aid of a mirror. I repeatedly ran my
tongue over my teeth, praying I didn't have a huge stain.
“Miss? I can help you now,” the blond called out.
“Oh, hi, I'm Isabella Swan.” Well, not the best introduction but at least I didn't trip over my
Her entire disposition changed dramatically. She went from sweet receptionist to bitch in heels in
less than a second. My eyes widened slightly.
“Oh, you're the new girl,” she sighed impatiently. She stood up gracefully and walked around the
desk. With her back to me and a raised hooked finger, she said, “Follow me.”
I scrambled to keep up with her and her long legs. I was right. Total pantyhose envy. She
announced each office as we walked down an equally dimly lit corridor, my pumps sinking into
the plush carpeting. I felt like I was walking on marshmallows. Screw this - I was wearing
sneakers to work tomorrow.
“And this is Mr. Benson's office,” she said tiredly, as if reciting from a speech she memorized
long ago. “But no one goes in there without permission. And this is Mr. Benson Junior's office,
but no one goes in there either.” She turned sharply to the left and walked down another corridor.
“This is the door to the accounting department. This is the conference room. That's the door to
the art department.”
Both her hands were waving fluidly as she pointed out each door, like an airline attendant. I
briefly wondered where the emergency floatation devices were. I had half a mind to start looking
for an escape pod.
She suddenly stopped in front of a pair of double doors, whirled around and faced me. With
hands on her hips and an emotionless face, she said, “I'm Rosalie. The receptionist. I work for
Mr. Benson and Mr. Benson Junior but I don't work for you. If you need anything, don't come
to me. This is where you'll be working.” She waved vaguely behind her. “Have a nice day.”
She walked away without another word, swinging her hips and her nose in the air. I narrowed my
eyes at her receding form.
Then I warily faced the double doors again. This was it, no turning back now. Three deep breaths
later, I finally opened the door awkwardly. I did not expect what I found.
The room was massive and filled with too many fluorescent lights and... cubicles. Holy crap. I
really, honestly expected my own office. Nothing fancy of course, but I wasn't expecting to work
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