We're Going Where by vjgm.pdf
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We're Going Where by vjgm
We’re Going Where?! by vjgm
So yeah, I lied when I said I was done with Boycotts for good, sue me! I had
another story all planned out and then that darn Emmett gave me an idea... so
this part takes place in May, Eclipse has been open for 3 months and everyone
has been busy and pitching in to make it a success. The guys decide to do
something nice for the girls and well, stuff happens. I hope this will be a silly,
funny, and SHORT story... a snapshot rather than a sequel. But the idea was too
funny to pass up! And I am going to do a lot of this in EPOV because, for once,
the guys will have the upper hand, I thought they deserved a chance...
Thanks always to heartbroken1 for her brilliant beta skills. I dedicate this to my
fake/cyber daughters who make me laugh every day, idolize Freddie with me,
and taught me never to bet on the Eagles or you end up walking in the woods
and crapping off a cliff on some god forsaken trail... but I digress... back to the
I do not own the characters Stephenie Meyer does, however I did come
up with this story all on my own, it's a novel idea I know, but people
really should try it...sigh
We're Going Where?!
“Can we open them? Can we open them?” Alice begged as she hopped up and
down in her seat next to Jasper. She eyed the envelope in her hand with great
curiosity, waiting for the green light from me to rip into it.
I glanced over at Rosalie, who was busy holding hers up to the light, trying to
sneak a peek at the contents. As she sat in the chair, Emmett was on the arm,
holding his hand up behind the envelope so the light couldn’t shine through.
Bella sat alone in a chair, eyeing me suspiciously from across the room “Why the
big secret? All the whispers, the covert phone calls……Can’t you just tell us
where we’re going?” She flipped the envelope over and over in her hands, her
eyes watching me, looking for a hint, or any clue about our destination.
I cleared my throat a little and began my speech. “So listen, we just wanted to
do something nice for the three of you for all the help you gave us in getting
Eclipse up and running in record time, for being understanding about the crazy
hours we’ve been keeping, and for filling in as waitresses whenever we needed
help. We couldn’t have done it without you. So to thank you, we decided to plan
a little trip for the six of us. We leave as soon as Bella’s semester is over.”
“That’s only two weeks away!” Alice squealed, her excitement only growing at
that tidbit of information. Jasper chuckled softly beside her as he watched the
envelope continue to vibrate in her hand.
“Well, let me check our week…. Alice and I have some meetings we’ll have to
reschedule,” Rose dropped the envelope into her lap and pulled out her phone,
quickly scanning her appointments. “But I don’t think it’s going to be a
“Good.” Emmett grinned, brushing the hair out of Rosalie’s face. “This will be so
much fun.” He gave her a small peck on the lips.
Still, Bella remained strangely silent, watching my every move. She held up her
envelope and pointed at it. “Well?” Her eyebrows raised. “Are we ever going to
be able to open these things?” Her big brown eyes finally twinkling with
Jasper and Emmett both gave slight nods.
“Sure, go ahead.” I laughed as Alice shredded the envelope to pieces before I
even finished speaking.
Her eyebrows furrowed together as she looked at the colorful piece of paper in
her hands. She read the front, then back, then the front again. She looked over
at Rose and Bella who wore the same confused looks on their faces.
“We’re going where?!” they all screamed in unison.
“Mine’s a brochure for a campground…with the phrase ‘no electricity’ in bold
print,” Bella hissed.
“Mine’s a brochure for a canoe place…” Rosalie gasped, turning white.
“Mine is for……fly fishing? What the hell is fly fishing?”Alice spat at Jasper, who
wisely had moved a little further away from her on the couch, sensing that he
was in danger. “Who fishes for flies?”
“We’re going into the
for our vacation?” Rose wheeled around and faced a
cringing Emmett. “Are you high?”
“Oh, God! Is the club losing money? Is that why you can’t afford to take us on a
real vacation?” Alice quickly covered her mouth in worry, but when Jasper shook
his head no, that only confused her further.
While Alice and Rosalie argued about our vacation destination, Bella got out of
the chair she had been sitting in and slowly strode over to me. “You can’t be
serious about this?” The low tone of her voice was unbelievably sexy.
“We’re quite serious.” I smirked, as Bella’s face crinkled in disbelief.
She thought about it for a second then stretched up on her tiptoes, her warm
breath flowed over my cheek as she whispered, “But wouldn’t you rather take us
somewhere exotic, like a warm sandy beach where we could lay out in the sun,
rub oil on one another, and make love in a huge bed with the softest sheets and
pillows imaginable gliding over our skin?” She gave a small nip at my ear before
looking at me with a tiny pout on her lush, pink lips.
My body responded immediately to her sensual flirting. I wanted to take her into
her bedroom and show her just how much I wanted to be naked with her, but
now was not the time. I needed to explain our decision and perhaps do a little
flirting of my own.
“Oh, we considered doing that, but decided it was far too predictable. And not to
worry, there will be some sand, and you’ll still need sunscreen so you don’t get
burned, so I’ll get to rub oil all over your body. As for making love, we’ll
definitely be doing that. But, instead of doing it in a huge bed, on this trip we
can make love under the stars, won’t that be spectacular?”
“There’s dirt under the stars…” Bella pouted. “And bugs…and snakes!” She
clamped her arms around her chest. “And there is no way I am making love in
the middle of the God-forsaken woods with leaves stuck to my ass!”
I lightly ran my fingers through her hair, my mind pausing briefly to imagine her
lying naked in a pile of leaves before I answered her, “Bella love, is that a
challenge? You know how I feel about a good challenge.” My thumb gently
caressed her cheek. “I’m going to make it my personal mission to change your
mind on this trip and I will take great pleasure in showing you just how
spectacular it is to make love, surrounded by nature.” My hand made its way to
the back of her neck and I pulled her lips to mine in a passionate kiss that made
her sigh and melt in my arms.
When I pulled away, Bella took a second, composed herself, and put out a
challenge of her own. “And I still have two full weeks to talk you into taking us
somewhere else…” Her tiny hands trailed down my chest, the charms on her
bracelet making a high pitched tinkling sound as she moved. Her hands came to
settle on my hips as she seductively wiggled her body against mine.
“You’d better not be acting like that because you are
about this vacation
destination!” Rosalie shouted as she jumped to her feet, knocking Emmett off
the chair.
Bella pulled away, a devilish grin on her face. “No, actually I’m planning on using
every single one of my womanly charms to get him to change the destination of
our vacation, and I would recommend you ladies get busy and do the same.”
I glanced over at Emmett and Jasper, who I knew from their giant grins, were
thinking the same thing that I was.
This is going to be the greatest two weeks of
our lives!
The bar was packed for a Wednesday night, business was really picking up for us
lately as word of Eclipse spread throughout Portland. With Henry and Jack
behind the bar, we were able to simply hang back in the office and oversee more
of the behind the scenes things there.
I was at the desk, filling out some tax forms for a new employee when Emmett
and Jasper came in and flopped down into the leather recliners behind me.
“Hey, Edward, what are you working on?” Emmett stretched and let out a yawn,
curling up in the comfy chair for a bit of rest.
“Paperwork, what else? So what’s up?” I spun around and leaned back in the
office chair with my hands stretched over my head.
“We just wanted to see if you got the message of the night from the girls. They
are really pulling out all the stops now, trying to get us to change our minds.”
Jasper laughed as he flicked open his cell phone and began going through the
text messages and pictures from the last week.
The girls had kept their word, and had spent the last two weeks trying to get us
to change our minds about where we were going on vacation. The weeks were
filled with surprise liaisons in the office, the cars, even a hotel room or two. The
girls walked around pantiless most days and enjoyed telling us so, especially on
those occasions when they were wearing very short skirts, just to watch our
flustered reactions. Countless suggestive or downright dirty text messages and
photos came our way, each one, an attempt to sway us, but we stood strong.
“I really think they’ll have fun camping, I hope they give it a chance.” I put the
pen down and found my phone. “But yes, I got the latest message.”
When are you coming home? I’m waiting for you… naked, in your bed.
Hurry… I want to feel your body on mine…
“Man, Bella always writes the best text messages…” Emmett whined “Lucky…”
“This from the guy whose girlfriend showed up here, in a trench coat, with
nothing on underneath, and flashed him behind the bar in front of a club full of
people.” Jasper laughed. “If you could have seen your face, Emmett….it was
priceless. You actually broke out in a sweat…”
Emmett grinned proudly at the memory. “Yeah, I almost caved that night… She
was…. persuasive
adventurous. But I held out.” He pounded his chest in a
show of pride.
“My personal favorite was Kama Sutra night.” Jasper’s eyes glazed over.
“Number fifteen….”
Emmett and I nodded our heads in agreement. Kama Sutra night had definitely
been one for the record books for all of us, especially when we realized the girls
had gotten together, discussing and planning out each erotic thing, making it a
night none of us will ever forget. We sat in a reverent silence, as we each
thought about that night, with goofy grins on our faces.
“Focus…. One more day. Stay strong, gentlemen,” I said out loud, more for
myself than them, but when I heard them grunt in agreement I knew we were
all struggling.
I glanced at my watch, it was just after midnight when Henry stuck his head in
the door. “Hey guys, so what’s the plan for the next few days?”
“We’re heading out of town, camping. I doubt we’ll even get cell phone reception.
I talked to Carlisle, he is actually going to come into town tomorrow with his wife,
Esme, so any problems you have, he’s your man. You guys will have fun with
him, he’s cool.” I handed him a piece of paper with all of our phone numbers on
it as well as Carlisle’s information.
“Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of your baby while you’re gone.” Henry
glanced out the door before saying, “You know, if you guys want to take off…
Jack and I have things under control.”
“No man, we’ll hang out and help close. It’s no big…” Emmett was interrupted by
the clamoring melody of all three of our phones going off at the same time.
I got tired of waiting in bed, so I put my hair up in that twist you like and ran a
nice, hot, bubble bath.
The water is really warm….but it’d be much warmer if you were here with
me…washing my back… or front.
Henry took one look at our faces and laughed. “Yeah, um…. I’ll see you guys
later. Have a safe trip and stay strong….those girlfriends of yours are some
determined ladies….”
I vaguely remember hearing the door close as I hopped up from the desk and
reached for my coat. Emmett was on his feet texting Rosalie back, and Jasper
had called Alice and was whispering something into the phone while wrestling his
keys out of his pocket.
“Well, I’m going to um, head home…yeah, Bella’s…well….a bubble bath…” I
managed to stammer out as I too, headed for the door.
“Rose went shopping this afternoon…. She sent me pictures….red lace…. I really
need to go…” Emmett’s face was flushed as he fumbled with his phone.
Jasper sat in his chair, looking dazed.
“You OK, Jazz? Jazz!” I barked trying to snap him out of it.
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