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Gastrointestinal Emergencies
Gastrointestinal Emergencies, 2nd Edition. Edited by T. C. K. Tham,
J. S. A. Collins and R. M. Soetikno © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
ISBN: 978-1-405-14634-0
Tony C.K. Tham
Consultant Gastroenterologist, The Ulster Hospital, Dundonald, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
John S.A. Collins
Consultant Gastroenterologist, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
Roy M. Soetikno
Chief, GI Section, VA Palo Alto Health Care System; Associate Professor, Stanford University
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This edition fi rst published 2009, © 2000, 2009 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd
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ISBN: 978-1-4051-4634-0
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Gastrointestinal emergencies / [edited by] Tony Tham, John Collins, Roy Soetikno. — 2nd ed.
p. ; cm.
Rev. ed. of: Gastrointestinal emergencies / C.K. Tham and John S.A. Collins. 2000.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4051-4634-0
1. Gastrointestinal system—Surgery. 2. Gastrointestinal emergencies. I. Tham, Tony C. K. II. Collins, John S. A. III. Soetikno,
Roy. IV. Tham, Tony C. K. Gastrointestinal emergencies.
[DNLM: 1. Gastrointestinal Diseases—therapy. 2. Emergency Treatment. 3. Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal. WI 140 T366g 2008]
RD540.G3754 2008
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Set in 8.75/12pt Meridien by Charon Tec Ltd., A Macmillan Company. (
Printed and bound in Singapore by Markono Print Media Pte Ltd
First published 2000
Second edition 2009
1 2009
List of Contributors vii
10 Complications of Variceal Sclerotherapy,
Ligation and Balloon Tamponade 53
Yan Zhong, Stefan Seewald, Nib Soehendra
Section 1: Approach to Specifi c
Presentations 1
11 Complications of Endoscopic Retrograde
Cholangiopancreatography 57
Victor K. Chen, Richard C.K. Wong
1 Approach to Dysphagia 3
John S. Collins
12 Complications of Laparoscopic Surgery 66
Stephen Attwood
2 Approach to Vomiting 7
Bee Chan Lee, John S. Collins
13 Complications of Liver Biopsy 72
Ramsey C. Cheung
3 Approach to Upper Gastrointestinal
Bleeding 11
14 Complications of Colonoscopy 76
Patrick Allen, Tony C.K. Tham
Sybile Van Lierde, Jo Vandervoort
4 Approach to Acute Abdominal Pain 19
15 Complications of Capsule Endoscopy 80
Tony C.K. Tham
Cecilia Sison, Andres Sanchez Yagüe,
Roy Soetikno, Kenneth Binmoeller
5 Approach to Jaundice 25
Tony C.K. Tham
16 Complications of Endoscopic
Ultrasound 83
6 Acute Severe Lower Gastrointestinal
Bleeding 34
Cecilia Sison, Andres Sanchez Yagüe,
Roy Soetikno, Kenneth Binmoeller
Tonya Kaltenbach, Roy Soetikno
7 Approach to Diarrhea 38
Section 3: Specifi c Conditions 87
John S. Collins
17 Foreign Body Impaction in the
Esophagus 89
Section 2: Complications of Gastrointestinal
Procedures 41
George Triadafi lopoulos
18 Esophageal Perforation 93
8 Complications of Upper Gastrointestinal
Endoscopy 43
Peter D. Siersema
Colm O’Loughlin, Reza Shaker
19 Perforation of the Gastrointestinal Tract 103
John Moorehead, Ian McAllister
9 Complications of Percutaneous Endoscopic
Gastrostomy 48
20 Intestinal Obstruction 111
Freddy Vandenbussche, Jo Vandervoort
Andrew B.C. Crumley, Robert C. Stuart
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