
(70 KB) Pobierz
{1778}{1811}Police!|Hands up!
{1813}{1853}Get on the ground now.
{1914}{1944}Hold it|right there.
{1946}{2008}Albany PD.|You're under arrest.
{2010}{2064}I think there's|been a mistake.
{2066}{2101}There has been|a mistake,
{2102}{2162}Donald Strachey,|private investigator,
{2164}{2208}and you've|just made it.
{6706}{6749}What is it?
{6825}{6859}They're back.
{6861}{6891}What are you doing?
{6893}{6955}That is Carl Deems' kid.
{6957}{7008}I'm gonna scare|the living shit out of him.
{7010}{7032}Dorothy, wait. No.
{7034}{7061}Dorothy, d...|What are you doing?
{7062}{7101}Dorothy, don't go down...|Dor...
{7102}{7152}Wait. For God's sake.
{7251}{7274}Come back.
{7300}{7332}Stop. Don't do it.
{7378}{7423}Joey Deems?
{7452}{7475}Call the police.
{7623}{7697}You better run,|you son of a bitch!
{7699}{7746}You come back here,|I will kick your teeth
{7747}{7797}so far down your throat,|you'll bite your asshole
{7799}{7849}next time you take a shit!
{8323}{8349}He ran away.
{8423}{8472}Oh, my God. Shit.
{8497}{8537}It's okay.
{8539}{8585}It's gonna be okay.|We'll get him.
{8586}{8620}It's never gonna stop.
{8622}{8652}No.|It's never gonna stop.
{8654}{8685}It's gonna stop.
{8734}{8783}It's gonna stop.
{8914}{8946}All right, Strachey.
{8948}{9001}Let's go over this|one more time.
{9003}{9033}Who hired you?
{9034}{9097}Shall I try this in Russian,|or Swahili, maybe?
{9098}{9164}Because English for the last|six hours hasn't worked.
{9166}{9188}Your husband.
{9190}{9221}I'm not married.
{9277}{9315}You really don't|want to mess with me.
{9317}{9345}You may have just blown
{9347}{9393}an eight-month|undercover investigation.
{9418}{9466}Okay. A guy shows up|in my office.
{9468}{9497}He tells me|he's married to you
{9498}{9537}and wants me to follow you|because he's afraid
{9538}{9562}that you're having|an affair.
{9563}{9608}And how were you|supposed to contact him?
{9610}{9646}- Said he'd call me.|- What about the retainer?
{9680}{9727}And you didn't think|that was a little suspicious?
{9754}{9801}Well, I never argue|with cash.
{9830}{9855}Morning, Strachey.
{9857}{9893}You're looking|lovely as usual.
{9895}{9964}Well, it's a nice hotel,|but the room service is lousy.
{9966}{10036}You know, you'd make my life|a hell of a lot easier
{10038}{10097}if you decided to move|someplace far, far away.
{10099}{10141}Come on, Bailey, you'd miss|these special moments
{10143}{10169}between us,|wouldn't you?
{10170}{10231}All right, ladies,|enough with the banter.
{10233}{10282}Here's what|you're gonna do.
{10284}{10340}The second your client|contacts you,
{10342}{10388}you're gonna get in touch|with Bailey here.
{10390}{10432}I want to know|who this guy is.
{10468}{10494}Well, me, too.
{10496}{10536}I don't like|to be lied to.
{10538}{10574}Oh, yeah, well,|you're gonna like it a lot less
{10576}{10626}if you screw|my investigation.
{10628}{10659}You know where|to find me.
{10739}{10763}She's a peach.
{10765}{10811}Ah, she's new.|You get used to her.
{10813}{10861}So, uh, how'd you get|involved in all this?
{10862}{10889}I don't know.
{10891}{10931}But I intend|to find out.
{11028}{11083}Yeah. I'm sorry, honey.
{11085}{11114}It's just I didn't|want to wake you,
{11116}{11154}so I figured I'd come|straight to the office.
{11156}{11190}Well, I forgive you.
{11192}{11241}As long as you're not late|for the school board meeting.
{11242}{11297}School board meeting?
{11299}{11331}Tell me you|didn't forget.
{11333}{11381}Andrew McWhirter|asked us
{11382}{11406}to come show|some support
{11407}{11430}for that librarian.
{11514}{11550}From college?
{11551}{11596}"First-time" Andrew.
{11598}{11621}The one who moved|to California
{11623}{11649}when you dumped him.
{11651}{11701}I didn't dump him.|We just...
{11702}{11744}We just... lost touch.
{11746}{11793}Anyway, he's been|visiting friends up here,
{11795}{11829}and I promised we'd|come to the meeting.
{11830}{11878}And besides, he really|wants to meet you.
{11879}{11907}Oh, you know, I... I...
{11909}{11952}I want to meet him.|I just...
{11954}{11985}You know, I just|got a new case.
{11987}{12034}I'm so busy.
{12072}{12125}Honey? Hello?
{12182}{12233}You are an evil,|manipulative man.
{12235}{12278}I love you, too.
{12280}{12309}So I'll pick you|up at 3?
{12530}{12553}You're late.
{12554}{12581}For what?
{12582}{12633}For the staff meeting.
{12634}{12682}I hope I didn't|hold everybody up.
{12742}{12800}First order|of business.
{12802}{12865}I checked with the state|on getting my P.I. license.
{12866}{12915}So far, I'm five months|into my required year
{12917}{12948}of associative|investigator experience.
{12950}{12993}Who says you're|an associate investigator?
{13018}{13047}You promoted me.
{13049}{13077}Gave me|a little raise, too.
{13078}{13125}Well, aren't I|a good boss.
{13126}{13217}But I still need 30 hours|of field experience to qualify.
{13219}{13284}Well, I need the files filed|and the phones answered,
{13346}{13377}'Cause we're simply|flooded with phone calls
{13378}{13415}for new cases.
{13417}{13477}You run the information on that guy|who hired us to follow the cop?
{13479}{13559}His name, address,|and phone number are all phony.
{13561}{13604}How is he gonna|get my report?
{13629}{13667}E-mail address?
{13669}{13711}He left|his e-mail address?
{13713}{13796}Hello. 21st century|calling Don Strachey.
{13798}{13831}All right.|This is good.
{13833}{13877}Then send him a message.|See if we can draw him out.
{13878}{13911}And what if|he doesn't respond?
{13913}{13953}He can't hide forever.
{14175}{14251}Oh, you take me|to all the nicest places.
{14253}{14298}One more complaint,|I swear I'll slap you.
{14300}{14336}Oh, that sounds|much more promising.
{14338}{14374}We're just here|to show our support.
{14376}{14415}Look, the other side's|out in full force.
{14417}{14456}I wonder if they have|an open bar at these things.
{14498}{14553}And I have been|a guidance counselor
{14554}{14608}in this school|for over 30 years,
{14610}{14651}and I know|when a student
{14653}{14691}is in crisis.
{14693}{14784}This woman is promoting|homosexuality in the school.
{14786}{14847}She gave my son the number|for some gay recruiting place
{14849}{14877}and told him to call.
{14878}{14921}I gave him the number|for the Trevor Project,
{14922}{14980}which is a suicide|prevention hotline
{14982}{15021}for gay and|questioning youths!
{15023}{15066}In Haesemeyer|that's a decision
{15068}{15093}for the parent|to make,
{15094}{15123}not some lesbian.
{15125}{15169}- Please, can we...|- I've had this conversation
{15170}{15193}with this family
{15194}{15261}twice about my concerns|about Derek.
{15263}{15317}And we told you to mind your own|damn business, didn't we?
{15319}{15378}And it is my business.|I'm his guidance counselor.
{15379}{15418}I'll tell you, a little popcorn|and some Jujubes,
{15420}{15467}I could really start|enjoying myself.
{15469}{15511}This is serious.
{15513}{15575}Andrew said they've been looking|for any excuse at all
{15577}{15641}to... to fire her after|she came out publicly
{15643}{15696}a couple of years ago.|What's the matter with you?
{15698}{15728}All right.
{15730}{15779}Which one is he?
{15781}{15804}Where's the ex?
{15836}{15866}I don't know if I'd|even recognize him now.
{15868}{15891}He's probably...
{15917}{15975}bald and... and chubby.
{15977}{16028}Hey, just calm down, okay?
{16030}{16066}- What, are you one of them, too?|- Not bald.
{16068}{16109}- Yeah, I'm one of them.|- Figures.
{16158}{16227}We understand this|is a difficult issue,
{16229}{16284}and we'll be taking the matter|under consideration.
{16318}{16347}Until then,
{16349}{16382}we'll be placing|Miss Fisher
{16383}{16425}- on paid leave.|- No way.
{16458}{16489}This meeting is adjourned.
{16582}{16609}I need a drink.
{16610}{16637}They can't do that.
{16638}{16701}This... This is|discrimination, isn't it?
{16702}{16750}Yeah, they can, at least|until the investigation's over.
{16820}{16864}Tim. Hey.
{16866}{16905}- Hey. Nice to see you.|- Hey.
{16907}{16954}- This must be Don Strachey.|- Hehe, must be.
{16955}{16980}It's great to meet you.
{16982}{17021}I've heard|so much about you.
{17023}{17094}The lucky guy who made|an honest man out of Tim Callahan.
{17095}{17130}Oh, I'd like to think|it took a little bit of skill.
{17206}{17258}So, uh, this|is all horrible.
{17260}{17284}If it's|any consolation,
{17286}{17325}this...|this is just wrong.
{17327}{17364}Yeah, don't worry.|We've not yet begun to fight.
{17366}{17442}Andrew, I'm getting|awfully thirsty.
{17444}{17485}Dorothy, Edith,|this is Tim Callahan
{17487}{17529}and his partner|Don Strachey.
{17530}{17574}- Pleasure.|- Hi, Don. Good to meet you.
{17576}{17612}- Nice to meet you.|- Pleasure.
{17614}{17656}I wish it was under slightly|more pleasant circumstances.
{17689}{17737}I don't suppose|we're going to be particularly
{17738}{17769}delightful company|this evening,
{17771}{17809}but if you'd like|to come back to the house
{17810}{17834}with Andrew|for a drink...
{17836}{17864}Or ten.
{17866}{17912}I plan on having ten.
{17914}{17937}You guys game?
{17939}{17969}- Well...|- Yes.
{18238}{18287}I like what you've|done with the place.
{18289}{18332}It's sort of|urban chic.
{18368}{18410}Kind of a smart aleck,|aren't you?
{18412}{18448}A little bit.
{18494}{18537}Some of my best friends|are smart alecks.
{18539}{18581}Then we'll get along.
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