Empire, A History of the British Empire - Trevor Lloyd.pdf

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The History
of the British Empire
Trevor Lloyd
Hambledon and London
London and New York
Hambledon and London
102 Gloucester Avenue
London, NWI SHX
838 Broadway
New York
NY 10003-4812
First Published 2001
ISBN i 85285 259 3
Copyright © Trevor Lloyd 2001
The moral rights of the author have been asserted
All rights reserved.
Without limiting the rights under copyrights
reserved above, no part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior
written permission of both the copyright owner and
the above publisher of this book.
A description of this book is available from the
British Library and from the Library of Congress.
Typeset by Carnegie Publishing,
Lancaster LAI 4SL
Printed on acid-free paper and bound in
Great Britain by Cambridge University Press
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