Sabbatic Kabala of the Crooked Path.pdf
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The Sabbatic Kabala of the Crooked Path
By: Nicholaj Frisvold, 2001
Andrew D. Chumbleys “Azoëtia”
Xoanon publishers, 1992
is divided into 11
cells or Aats, Houses of Power. There should also be mentioned that the book
also contains another book (Book One) that will not be discussed in this short
treatise. The number 11 not chosen at random since it is the half of the sacred
alphabet and the aats themselves represents double houses and through this all
22 letters are marked in its own right and reflecting its adversary. The
significance of the number 11 should be well enough debated by adepts of the
Ancient Arte and this number which reflects the vortex of deaths rainbow-gnosis
will be left alone in this treatise. As stated, the 11 cells are formed by twin letters
of the sacred alphabet, forming a double-current. Within the houses the powers
reflected should be associated with Sah, the Right-hand palace of the Great
Double House and the Left hand palace which name will remain secret and
hidden These cells or sources of power are called Aats. A secret key is revealed
in the following quotation: "
Over each cell there is a Unifying Glyph, a Sigil
whereby that Aat is opened and closed at a Point of Ingress...Each Aath hath
especial souvereignity over a specific pair of letters, these twin aatic glyphs being
the Polarities of such Powers as are emanated and drawn in by that particular
cell. Thus they define the Nature and Characteristics of the Aat as a Geminus.
An Aatic Current may thus be called upon as the Twin Continua of Zoa (life) and
Azoa (death) - as Goddess and God
". (
p. 94-95
). On the pages following a five-
fold routine as a ritualistic formulae is revealed so it’s clear that the Aats function
as the mounting Points of Corporeal form. The formulae can be summed up in
the following:
I + Will + Desire + Belief = Result.
Some of you might find a
strong reference in the work of the British sorcerer Austin Osman Spare through
this formulae and the importance of Spare in the sabbatic current is vast. These
five points can be summed up as the entering into the Void, the application of the
bindu of light, the emanation of the bindus rays leading to the sensory
capturation of the being called forth culminating with the absorption in silence of
the force in action that has been compelled through signs and rituals set forth in
the void. There should also be said that this essay is solely a reflection of
personal quality upon the matters set forth in this excellent grimoire of the arte
and is intended to shed light on the mere composition of the text rather than to
explain the hidden points its compass stretches towards. In some sections of the
essay this will be hinted towards, but not explained. One important aspect of
sorcery has been left out tho u, or rather has not been clearly stated. That is the
influence of what might be named as “the charge” or the stellar fluidity that must
enter the ritual and electrify the effects, also known as the Azoth. This is quoted
later in the text in the following well-compromised extract:
"Magick is the Transmutability of the Quintessence of ALL nature called AZOTh
(Supreme Occult Agency of Change)".
Being the Aat of the 1st and 12th letter of the sacred alphabet
This Aat is the first Cell of power associated with the letters A and L (
). This cell inhabits the Ancient One of Spirit which in this case can be
assimilated with the vast powers of the Black Man of the Sabbath or
The basic principle of the Black Mans function is to be found in the Void (p. 99
gives a Call unto this Power as well as a Formulae of this Aats primal atavism
from p. 99-103). This cell is the source of creation of the magical alphabet. In the
Call gods like
Exu, Odin, Shiva
are evoked as openers of the crossroad gates. In
(mythical legends) of
and also his nigerian counterpart
there are many stories telling about this deities oppressive nature and his
function as the taskmaster of the gods, his own assignment of taking the
worshippers offerings to God for acceptance. He is the inter-mediary between
man and god and he opens possibilities. In addition he is a playful vortex of
sorcery and children is sacred to him. Often easily offended and just as often
easy to give rewards. It is interesting to take notice by the use of the Void or
in relation to the atu 0 and atu 11 of the Tarot-deck,
The Fool
. Both aspiring to Air. The void is of the element air and is ruled by
venus and justice. The House of Balancing powers or equal dynamic. A hidden
formulae to this is revelaed on the pages 110 - 114. An interesting point is the
use of the Witches ladder, a
(crooked) ladder in the void. Your instrument
of empowerment in this cell is this ladder. Without the ladder you will be stuck in
the same point of the void. The spell using the Witches ladder is a prominent
gateway to accomplish the magical task the sorcerer will happen. Jacobs vision
of the ladder that went into heaven in Genesis 28 is worthy of some
consideration and also the importance of ladders in the kabbalistic universe.
Entering this ladder will lead the Seeker on a journey of realization of the
essence of the conjuration of the letters and its many possibilities. Remember
also that this journey is undertaken with the help of the horned one, the ox and
his tool the goad. This should in itself compromise a warning of not embarking on
this journey towards the airy Houses of ultimate Self-hood unless the desired
balance already has been achieved under the venusian influence of Lady Libra.
The influences of
The Fool, Apethiui
is as said both rewarding and cursing. The
occult laws considering justice must be taken into account as it is formulated in
the saying of the witches:
May the blessing, curse and cunning be”
Being the Aat of the 2nd and 13th letter of the Sacred alphabet
"All Worship is soliliquy". In this house we enter the world of Water, the way of
manifestation. Elemetal spirits as well as Les Loa prefer the watery way of
entering mundane conditions, known as manifestations. This House is very
manifestive indeed since it is balancing the forces of mercury and water.
There are several clues for the understanding of the empowerments presented in
this cell in the azoëtic text of which the following carries a lot of essence: "Mirror
the whole nature in your portrait and see the secret Beauty. Open Eye and Mind
for this”. This is the way of netzasch inspiring the "Eye" and "Mind" for this task.
This cell is the place for the fundamental creation of form. The influence of
mercury has stirred up the water and the alchemy has started. In this phase of
is important.
is an aspect of
as the goddess of
Speech, signifying sound, or rather the primordial sounds of creation. Breath is
air and the component needed for transmutation, as seen in the techniques of
. It is this mercurial air of creation the water has stirred up. The rite of
Ingress, or the establishment of the point and its adversary into the One. The text
itself called “The Eight Steps of the Rite of Ingress” gives a detailed outline of the
procedure to follow (p. 124 - 125) and several important keys to its
understanding are freely given to the Seeker. Further the first few steps of the
symbolism of the mouth is seth forth in the form of mantra and Word sigil (p.
128). The sigilic formulae is to found on p. 133-135. This Aat is also important in
the manner that it presents the first of the many tasks the Seeker must perform
on the way to adeptship. Water and the letter Mem is also significant for the
Hanged Man and it is therefore reminiscent of the arcana of the Self-slayed One.
The compositions of such deeds are found on the pages138 where the
importance of the self-enchantment of the devourer and the devoured are
emphazised. The combined forces of the 1st and 12th letter in Beth and Mem,
combining the positive and negative or the point and its adversary into One is
significant due to its aptness of being a powerful house for adepts to start the
process of transformation. As already stated, this house is first of all the arcana
of the Self-slayed One. A house of transformation and courage, in addition to be
the natural birth of the Void.
Being the Aat of the 3de and 14th letter of the Sacred alphabet
This cell represents the manifestation of the spirits and powers governing the
sigil under the dominon of the Second Hidden Star (Orion, but in general there
are a strong sub-stellar touch to the material presented in this Aat, and therefore
it is essentially reflected in the lunar rays of the mystery.) of the Azoth. This cell
is focused on the formation of the fluidity and fluxity of the magical matrix of
invocation. This is the abode of the goddess of Water, Salt and Fire. She who is
colour and sex (p. 146). The 2nd Cell is setting forth the mysteries of the
goddess trifold of nature and marks through this synthesis the Lesser Mystery of
the Three Lunar phases and how the growth, maturity and the old age of the
goddess are functioning in the Magical Arte. The Greater Mystery, the one
concerning the Black Moon is treated in a different house. This is per definition
the House of the Moon and through this the abode of the goddess. The
connection between Gimel and Nun is significant int his joining between the
Moon and the lunar animals, like Scorpios, centipedes and the like. In the Tarot
these letters has been assigned to the priestess and Death. Since this cell is the
lunar abode it is also the cell where they mysteries of the psychosexual fluids are
understood. The house it self is concerned with the pure and genital production
of the elixirs and is marking a state of transition into a higher understanding of
these mysteries which are of an cerebral nature. The magician should by the
understanding of this alchemical house ground an understanding of the lunar
rays and its effect, for instance through the work of the
or colours of the
moon. This mystery is stellar in origin, but has found a junction of manifestation
in the trans -lunar realms and is therefore a proper mystery to explore prior to the
Deeper and transcendent mysteries of the Stellar Wisdom.
In other words - this is a house of Congress. One important revelations in this cell
"Duality is the Omnipresent Singularity"
"transvoke - Outside - Beyond -
In other words this is the marriage or sacrificial sexual union of Zoa and
Azoa. The crossroad of all things molding into the One in the centre of the
Abysmal Void of All-beginnings. This is also the meeting-ground of the opposition
in which there are a reification (p. 169-70)
This thought is demonstrated in the ritual procedure called
"Going forth of the
The adept enters a sphere where he is in solitude. He/She is the virgin
going forth into manifestation. The adept is seeking union with self. The mature
parts devour the virginal sections and allows the transgressor to mature, like the
moon shows its different phases but is still One, such is the duality when it turns
into singularity. This effect is purely magical in essence and must be strived for.
The old
that founded movements like
where well aware of the importance of the Singular understanding of the plural.
The division between was mere superficial and necessary, and was mere a tool
for understanding the cosmomatrix. A tool that intended to bring the Seeker to
the realisation on the One. Connected to the Greater Mystery of the Noble Arte is
the One and the Naught, concepts that can not be explained by words, but only
the silence that reigns in the Starry Heavens.
Being the Aat of the 4th and 15th letter of the Sacred alphabet
This cell inhabits the wisdom on how to become the Corpus of the Spirits. Their
manifestation and how to evoke them and also the conjuration of these powers.
The methods are known through Spare as the
“Death -Posture”
and the technique
is based upon the sigilic formation of
based on the sacred
alphabet of the magus. In Spares case this was known as
“The Alphabet of
, in the case of Solomon Qayin Az-Khidir this is known as
“The Signs of
. Even if Spares alphabet is completely workable for whomever
adept attempting to pursue a magical procedure the goal should be to construct
such grammatical alignments with the spirits through the intimate relation
developed through the Mysterious in the 2nd cell and further.
In the previous cell the adept enters a magic zone where the godforms are
treated more external, in this cell he calls them forth in a syncretstic alignment.
The construction of god-names through different methods is nescessary (p. 174-
176). The emotional intensity is the source of creation in this cell and the
symbolism of the hand is employed in it as well.
"From the One Star all other
the text says and it hints towards the pentalpha as formed by the five
fingers on the hand, being the symbol of unity it self. The hand is further the
instrument of the eye in the process of forming the sigil and making
manifestations come through.
The use of powers in this cell are connected to
(postures) and is
connected to the House of Sah (stars of Orion). Stellar knowledge, in this case
focused on the Sign of the Great Hunter, Orion is a glyph for contacting the Great
Hunter himself, the Horned One. The spell of Sah is set forth on p. 189-193. On
the three pages beforehand (p.186-188) there is also to be found several keys to
the secrets of the 11 cells.
This house is symbolised by the 8 -rayed cross which are the spider! When you
open this gate you must become the gate. The cross of the angels and sub -
angels is the complete and correct form of the Absolutness of the One. The
portals of life and Death open on all edges to run together into the core of them
both, the
found in the source of the
The letters Daleth and Samekh is associated with the influences in this cell. It’s a
strong a alchemical brew. This is the bonding of oppositions under the rulership
of cool venusian heat, keeping in mind that the luchiferian philosophy is ruled by
Venus in its most attainable manifestation this is really a cell that is responsible
for blazing up the light and make the Seeker a Seer. This is in the Tarot
symbolized by the Priestess and the card known as Art. The joining itself being
significant both of the alkhemical processes, but also important in relation to the
continuation of the lunar mysteries. The artistic and exploring intellectual fire of
the saggitarius is performing a well-balanced congress into venus and makes this
a cell of Beauty. A place where ideas melts into action in the most efficant and
profound ways. As a result the texts connected to this cell is works of
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