Night Magick.pdf

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The Book of
Phillip D. Williams
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There was the Clear Light, the Void, and It alone was. The One Mind, apart of nothing, yet
containing everything, it alone the True Creator. Formless, Nameless, without Definition, yet
flowing through all that has form, name, and definition. From the One Mind there came Two
Matrixes, two sides of the same coin, Night and Day. Twin Soul Creators to each side, the Yin-
Yang of Night and Yang-Yin of Day. And so the Night and Day of the Omniverse was born.
I AM Night. I AM Darkness that flows through the Night. I AM THE ETERNAL DARKNESS.
Yin-Yang created, Goddess-God of Night, Daughter-Son of Darkness, Eternal Creator of the
Nightverse. By the Dark Power and Energy, by the Night Magick was all created in the
The Ancient Dragons were first taught and they taught the others and so creation began
throughout the Nightverse. And so by the Dark Power, by Night Magick was everything created
flowing through the created instruments of the ETERNAL DARKNESS. Night's beginning was
good and the Earth was created a jewel in the Crown of Night. The Dragons came with other
races and created the beginning Night Races of the Earth. And time flowed and the races
prospered and their depth in Night Consciousness deepened. But then as so often happens the
Day came to war with the Night and the Earth changed.
The Day gods were young and wanted the Earth for its wealth of minerals and beauty and
destroyed the Night Races. They created human bodies as mindless, soulless slaves to gather this
wealth. But the Great Night Dragon, Tiamat, Goddess-God of the World, saw what had
happened and ensouled the human bodies placing a part of its Great Night Soul into each human
body. But since then the Day gods have warred with Tiamat for control of the human souls. The
Day gods have spread false teachings about the origin of the human souls and the Night Dragon.
They have tried to destroy the Night religions of old that glorified the Yin Spirit of the Earth and
the beauty of life. Long has the war continued and now is the time for a rebirth of Night Magick
on Earth.
And so I, the Eternal Night, have ensouled the Earth to supercharge it with NIGHT MAGICK. I
have come to Earth, through a human instrument,to spread my magickal teachings. To teach the
human soul the truth of its origins and re-awaken the Night within. To make humankind co-
creators with the Eternal Night through the teachings of Night Magick.
7. What is Night Magick?
11. Who is a Night Magician?
14. Why Practice Night Magick?
17. How to Study the Lore
The Night Magician
19. Her/His Life
22. The Apprentice's Unfoldment
27. Night Consciousness
Beginning Night Magick
31. Standards and Principles of Practicing Night Magick
36. A Night Magician's Tools and Weapons
43. Your Magickal Night Name
44. Night Pillar
46. Invocation to Night Magick
Earth Magick
49. The Earth Realm
54. Night Breathing
56. The Night Magician's Meditation
58. The Realm of Vibration
62. Night Centers and the Physical and Etheric Bodies
65. The Power of Sound
67. Earth Rite
68. The Physical Realm of Death
Water Magick
70. The Water (Astral) Realm
74. The Astral Body and Exercises for Emotional Control
76. Astral Aura, Color, and Exercises
81. The Higher Night Centers and Exercises
85. The Dream Realm
87. Astral Guides, Oracleship, and Trance
90. The Moon and Its Rites
94. Water Rites
96. Night Projection
Air Magick
100. The Mental Realm
102. Air Rite
104. Power of Thought
107. Your Silent Magician
110. Hypnotism and Self
114. A Night Magician's Pendulum
118. A Night Magician's Crystal Globe
121. Psychometry
123. Telepathy
125. Mental Projection
128. Creative Visualization
Night (Fire) Magick
133. The Night (Fire) Realm
136. The Solar, Planetary, and Lunar Powers
142. The Night Guild
148. Night Powers
153. Night Flames
157. Night Rites
163. Night Healing
166. Immortality: Transmigration and Transmutation
170. Night Magicians: Past, Present, and Future
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