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Blood Runs Cold
by Chad MacPhee and Greg Oppedisano
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Supervision by Mario Barbati
Graphic Design by O’Bully
Cartography by Guido Barbati and O’Bully
Artwork by Daniele Bigliardo
Software Engineer Anna Fava
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1- Annelid, stats and description
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Product Code: MA06
First edition: december 2004
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Master Adventures and Blood Runs Cold © by Øone Roleplaying Games
Øone Roleplaying Games
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4 Background
4 Adventure Synopsis
5 Character Hooks
5 A. Lets not call it a tax lets consider it a protection fee…
6 B. Psst…Wanna buy a golden dream…?
9 C. An old man intervenes
10 D. By The Riverside
10 E. Silent Stalkers (EL 10)
11 The Cottonmouth
11 A. All Aboard! (EL 11)
12 B. Into the Hold (EL 9)
14 C. Prison Cells
14 D. Slippery Little Suckers (EL 9)
15 E. To Crush The Leech’s Head (EL 11)
16 A.The Blackened Fen
18 Random Encounters:
18 Optional Encounter A: Raslish and Llaniis on Patrol EL 10
19 Optional Encounter B: Bodaks in the Bog EL 10-14
19 Optional Encounter C: Chuul (EL 7-13)
20 B. The Temple of Hirudinea Areas 1-21:
21 Level One – The Guard Towers:
21 Areas 1, 2 and 3. The Guard Rooms (EL 9 each)
23 Level Two – The Slave Pens and Living Quarters
23 Area 4. Shipping and Receiving (EL 6)
25 Area 5. Tunnel Crew
25 Area 6. Troll Guard Room (EL 9)
26 Area 7. Lizardfolk Common Room
26 Area 8. Annelid Room
26 Area 9. Annelid Nest Room
26 Area 10. Meditation Chambers
28 Area 11. Treasury Vault (EL Variable)
29 Area 12. Storage Room
29 Area 13. Shrine of Hirudinea
29 Area 14. The Dreaded Guardroom (EL 11)
30 Area 15. The Shrine of Bones
30 Level Three
30 Area 16. The Temple of the Sleeping God (EL 17)
33 Concluding The Adventure
34 Appendix – New Monsters
34 Annelid
35 Hirudinea Leech
36 Hirudinea’s Chosen (Annelid)
37 Leech Swarm
39 Mud Golem
Blood Runs Cold is a D20 system adventure for four to
six characters of 10th-12th level. The party should contain a
mix of classes, with at least one fighter and one mage. The
setting for the module is in and around the generic town of
Rivenwater. A good Referee can easily adapt it to any setting
or plunk Rivenwater into an area in their campaign. The
Referee is advised to carefully read the Appendix pertaining
to Annelids, as they are new and unusual creatures with
complicated abilities.
the fabled Altar of Shyyth, knowing if he can raise it he
will once again be Favored by the Drinker. Six months ago
Husstillis found the black altar and raised it from the earth.
Unfortunately the risen altar was still on the bottom of the
fen and removal from its original position would anger the
dark god. So Husstillis began the construction of a temple
in the swamp that would allow the Annelids access to the
altar. To meet this end he needed many slaves and so he
began subjugating the local lizard folk and searching the
surrounding countryside for hearty human slaves.
Husstillis sent his minion Sithanis forth to find slaves
aboard the river barge Cottonmouth. Sithanis was very
successful in his searching and creating a network of slavers
amongst willing and greedy established thieves along the
length and breadth of the River of Teeth. Over the past year
dozens of people have been taken and sent up the river to
toil on the temple at the heart of the fen. Presently Sithanis
has moored their river barge Cottonmouth on the River
of Teeth in the harbour of the degenerate trading town of
Rivenwater. The temple is almost complete and the slaves
that now reside in the bowels of the Cottonmouth are likely
the last shipment to be sent to the fen.
The activities of the Annelid sect are not widely known
in Rivenwater, though they have successfully established
contacts with the local thieves’ guild, the Obsidian Knives,
to expedite the kidnapping of slaves. Dekker Reeve is
the increasingly bold guild head of the Knives, and very
interested in making as much money off of Sithanis as
possible. Reeve began taking only strangers and visitors to
the town hoping they would be less missed than locals but
of late he has begun kidnapping locals of low character.
Furthermore, Reeve has grown as bold as to begin snatching
strangers right off of the streets in Rivenwater in daylight.
Baron Andrinor, the ignoble ruler of Rivenwater is well
paid by the Annelids to look the other way. The Baron is
ignoring the pleas of his people to find the source of all of
the missing townsfolk, and worse has instructed his guard
not to interfere with the Obsidian Knives or Sythanis’
Many generations ago the land that is now the Blackened
Fen was actually the thriving and warlike city-state of Shyyth.
Populated by a race of evil humans knows as Annelids,
Shyyth was a religious center of dark renown where the
Annelids held sacrifice to their vile god Hirudinea. The
Annelids worshipped the Drinker of Life, Lord of Slime and
Leeches. They tattooed their bodies in leech-like patterns of
mud brown and deep ochre and drank the blood of their
enemies. As penance their priests would attach leeches
to the exposed parts of their bodies, always feeding their
essence to the Drinker in return for His granted powers.
Warlike and aggressive the Annelids frequently sent
parties out from their fen to capture and return with
slaves of other humanoid races to offer in sacrifice to the
Great Devourer, the Drinker of Life. Champions of light
marshalled powerful forces and drove the Annelids from
Shyyth and later razed the city and the temple of Hirudinea.
The last act of the dark followers of Hirudinea was to sink
the vile altar of their god beneath the earth to hide it from
the forces of good and preserve it for when their god and
his followers would return. So broken and devastated
were the Annelids that they fled into the depths of the fen,
disappearing almost completely from the area.
Several priests of Hirudinea survived the destruction of
their civilization and set about rebuilding the power of their
people. Always were they sworn to secrecy, to never reveal
themselves and risk further reprisals from the goodly races.
In the seclusion of the fens they bred, becoming ever more
feral and akin to their dark Deity. Through dark pacts and
evil magic they began to assume the characteristics of the
horror that was their God. Eventually they became more
beast than man, merged irrevocably with the Lord of Blood.
Years passed and the people forgot of the Annelid scourge,
yet the fen remained blackened because at its center was a
buried altar to Hirudinea, a cancer in the heart of any land.
Today a nest of magically altered Annelids has nearly
completed rebuilding their temple in the Blackened Fen.
The Annelids are led by the evil and self serving Cleric
Husstillis, who has fallen out of favour with their dark
god. Husstillis has spent the last several years searching for
Adventure Synopsis
The first Act of our adventure has the characters arriving
in Rivenwater and having a run in with Dekker Reeve and
his slavers. Interrogation of the defeated slavers or questions
asked of the local towns folk will lead the adventurers to the
mysterious Cottonmouth moored out from the harbour in
the middle of the River of Teeth.
Any investigation of the barge that is conducted prior
to walking on its deck will reveal that the crew of the vessel
is human. The party is likely completely unaware that it is
Annelids that they actually face, thinking the band no more
than a gang of uncommonly powerful slavers or thieves.
Upon arriving at the docks the PC’s may make their
way to the barge by any number of means. If they choose
they can procure a small skiff to take them to the barge
Cottonmouth anchored out in the river. Unbeknownst
to the party, if they attempt to board the ship by water
a group of giant crocodiles will surround their boat and
attack. Once they make it aboard the vessel, they will face
an ambush at the hands of a formidable force of Annelids,
Hirud’s Chosen and of course, Ssythanis himself. The boat
is also guarded by many leeches and horrifying traps. The
guardians of Cottonmouth must be defeated in order to free
the slaves, discover the reason for the kidnappings, and find
out about the temple being raised in the Blackened Fen.
Act two takes the party to the Blackened Fen to root out
the slavers and destroy the infestation of Annelids before
they desecrate their temple. After a perilous journey through
the Blackened Fen, well guarded by Lizardfolk patrols from
the Temple of Hirudinea and various wandering swamp
horrors, the party will find itself in the heart of the Annelid
base of power. An almost fully desecrated temple of
Hirudinea is there, completely encased in hardened mud
with below water entrances that must be found in order to
be exploited. The above water entrances to the temple itself
are guarded by alert defenders but a party with the sense to
exploit the capture of the Cottonmouth or look for one of
the underwater doors will have an easier time penetrating
the structure’s defences. Once inside the temple the party
must overcome a force of mutated Annelids as well as a
host of other evil allies in order to succeed. The final battle
with Husstillis the High Cleric of the Temple in the partly
flooded unhallowed underwater ground of the temple
amidst captured slaves and rising undead horrors should
provide a fitting climax to the daring adventurer’s efforts.
Oh and did we mention the leeches…
Merchants guild has heard rumors that slavers are operating
on the River of Teeth and that the local Lord Andrinor is
not responding. See Act One Section A “Lets not call it a tax
lets consider it a protection fee…” for more details.
Necessity: The PC’s are traveling though the area by
riverboat and are assaulted by the slavers in an attempt to be
captured and enslaved. Further investigation leads them to
the Cottonmouth and the Annelid hideout.
A. Lets not call it a tax lets consider it a
protection fee…
As the party travels upon the river road toward the
trading town of Rivenwater they round a bend in the
highway and encounter several wagons that have been
stopped by town guard. The guard and the caravan masters
are arguing vehemently over paying an extra sum of “taxes”
to Lord Andrinor to keep the highways safe. Apparently
the cost of doing business here has risen abruptly and the
merchants have lost patience. As the party approaches the
scene, read or paraphrase the following. By the end of this
encounter it should become apparent to the players that all
is not well in the town of Rivenwater.
The sun is just rising over the treetops as the morning
progresses on your journey. Travel in this country is relatively
easy going as the roads seem fairly well maintained. The
highway upon which you travel parallels the river and the
sounds of its sometimes turbulent waters are interspersed
with stretches of silence where all you seem to hear is the
sound of the wind in the trees. Rounding a curve in the
winding road you begin to hear the faint sounds of voices
from ahead, voices that seem to be raised in anger. Shortly
you are able to make out what appears to be a small caravan
that has been stopped at a guard post in the road. The
horses snort and prance nervously as several men clad in
what appears to be the livery of a noble house rummage
about the wagons. The caravan masters stand in a tight and
agitated group, shouting and cursing wildly at several soldiers
wearing the insignia of officers. One rather swarthy merchant
wearing trail worn leathers steps forward and shoves one of
the officers and before you can react he is on the ground, the
point of a drawn long sword held steady under his chin.
Character Hooks
Their blood is up!: The party is attacked by Dekkar Reeve
and his gang of slaving thieves as they make their way
through Rivenwater. All they need now is a push in the
right direction and many locals are interested in giving them
a nudge. Questioning locals will lead to the speculation that
the source of the slavers is the barge Cottonmouth moored
in the middle of the River of Teeth. See Act One: Section
B “Psst…You should join us… no really join us!” for more
The merchants bade us do it: Merchants frustrated by
the disappearance of fellow merchants and the inflated
“protection” taxes being charged along the River of Teeth
have decided to act before they are run out of business. The
If they approach they will overhear the conversation
between the guard and the merchants, making it apparent
that the guards want more money than the merchants
are willing to pay. After a few moments several guards
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