new exam connection 3 unit 9a.doc

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Unit 9 test

Test A

Listening                                            Score: ____/5

1 Wysłuchaj nagrania i zdecyduj, które z poniższych zdań są zgodne z jego treścią (True), a które - nie (False). Wstaw T lub F w zdaniach 1-5.

1 Anna thinks that every guitarist likes Eric Clapton’s music. ____

2 Anna doesn’t like listening to old music. ____

3 Both Anna and her parents like Aretha Franklin’s music. ____

4 Anna’s parents don’t like rock. ____

5 Anna’s favourite guitarist was born in America. ____

Reading                             Score: ____/5

2 Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto pięć fragmentów zdań. Uzupełnij luki (15), wpisując odpowiednie litery (AF). Jeden fragment zdania został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje od do żadnej luki.             

A popular Welsh word is ‘bard’

B a week of competitions

C to which poets and musicians

D of poetry and music were held

E playing music and dancing

F a silver tongue to the best singer]










Eisteddfod is a Welsh festival of literature, music and theatre. The word comes from two Welsh words and means ‘sitting together’. Another 1 ____, as Wales has always been famous for poets and singers. The tradition of an eisteddfod dates back to the 12th century when the first festivals 2 ____.

The first eisteddfod was organized in Cardigan Castle. It was a big event 3 ____ from all over the country were invited. The host was Lord Rhys. The prize was a chair at the Lord’s Table. This tradition is still kept in modern times. Other traditional prizes were a small silver chair to the best poet and 4 ____. The best musicians got miniature silver instruments.

An important eisteddfod in the calendar is ‘Eisteddfod Yr Urdd’, or the Youth Eisteddfod. It is organized for young Welsh people aged 7 to 24. There is 5 ____ in singing, recitation,

dancing, acting and playing music during the summer school holiday. The Youth Eisteddfod is held in a different place every year. However, every four years the festival returns to Cardiff.



Napisz nazwy muzyków.

1 trumpet ______________

2 violin ______________

3 drums ______________

4 guitar ______________

5 instrument ______________

Score: ____/5

Uzupełnij zdania podanymi wyrazami.

equipment    CD    hit    tickets    gig

1 The ______________ will be released next month.

2 Their new song was a big ______________.

3 The musicians had to take their instruments and other ______________.

4 They are looking forward to their next ______________ together.

5 The ______________ for the concert are still available.

Score: ____/5


5 Uzupełnij zdania zwrotami w czasie past perfect.

1 We were happy because we ________________________. (pass / exams)

2 The teacher was angry because I ________________________. (not do / homework)

3 Mum was shocked because she ________________________. (ruin / dress)

4 Tom was upset because he ________________________. (lose / keys)

5 They couldn’t buy the tickets because they ________________________. (spend / money)

Score: ____/5


6 Podkreśl poprawną formę.

1 We 1 did / had done the washing up before we 2 went / had gone out.

Tom 3 worked / had worked a lot before he 4 passed / had passed his exams.

I 5 was / had been hungry because I 6 didn’t eat / hadn’t eaten much.

We 7 came / had come to school on time but we 8 forgot / had forgotten our homework.

Grandma 9 said / had said that she 10 did never see / had never seen a lion

Score: ____/10


7 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami podanymi w nawiasach w odpowiedniej.

1 Do you want ______________ with us and listen to the music? (stay)

2 Do you prefer ______________ to pop or jazz? (listen)

3 I don’t mind ______________ but not too long. (queue)

4 I want ______________ to the concert with you. (go) 

5 We can’t stand ______________ up early. (get)

Score: ____/5













W ok. 100 słowach napisz, jakiej muzyki lubisz słuchać i w jakich okolicznościach.



Total score: ____/50


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