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Database Programming
with C#
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Database Programming with C#
Copyright © 2002 by Carsten Thomsen
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Using Stored
Procedures, Views,
and Triggers
How to Use Stored Procedures,
Views, and Triggers
S ERVER - SIDE PROCESSING , which is when you let a server process your queries and
the like, is probably a concept you have heard of and it’s the very topic of this
chapter. Well, to some extent anyway. I discuss three specific ways of doing
server-side processing: stored procedures, triggers, and views. The good thing
about server-side processing is that you can use the power and resources of your
server for doing purely data-related processing and thus leave your client free to
do other stuff, and your network clearer of data that the client doesn’t want. It’s
not always appropriate to do so, but in many cases you can benefit from it.
This chapter includes several hands-on exercises that will take you through
creating stored procedures, views, and triggers. See the Exercise items that
appear throughout the text.
Although this chapter primarily focuses on SQL Server 2000 features, some
of the functionality can certainly be reproduced in the other DBMSs I cover in
this book:
SQL Server 7.0: All functionality shown in this chapter can be reproduced.
However, SQL Server 7.0 doesn’t support the INSTEAD OF triggers
described in “Using Triggers.”
Microsoft Access: Microsoft Access doesn’t support stored procedures or
triggers. However, views can be reproduced as queries in Microsoft Access,
but you can’t do this from within the VS .NET IDE; you have to use other
means, like the Microsoft Access front-end. If you are unfamiliar with
Part Two: Database Programming
Microsoft Access, I can recommend you read the following book to get you
up to speed: From Access to SQL Server , by Russell Sinclair. Published by
Apress, September 2000. ISBN: 1893115-240.
Oracle: Oracle supports all the server-side processing described in
this chapter.
MySQL: For the examples in this book, I have been using MySQL version
3.23.45, which doesn’t support triggers, views, or stored procedures, mean-
ing there is no example code for MySQL in this chapter. However, at the
time of writing (March 2002), an alpha version (4.0) of MySQL is available
for download from http://www.mysql.com . The final version 4.0 is supposed
to support stored procedures, views, and triggers. Even when these server-
side processing means are available in MySQL, it’s still not possible to
create any of these items from within the VS .NET IDE.
The code for this chapter has examples for all the listed DBMSs
where appropriate.
Optimization Issues
When I talk about optimizing performance of an application, there are a number
of things to consider, but let’s just make one thing clear before I go on: I am only
talking distributed applications and not stand-alone applications that sit nicely
on a possibly disconnected single PC. These stand-alone applications are also
called single tier or monolithic applications. 1 The applications I discuss here use
a network of some sort to access data and business services.
Okay, now that the basics are out of the way, I can focus on the obstacles that
can lead to decreasing performance and how you need to know these obstacles
well when you start the optimization process. You should keep such obstacles in
mind when you design your application. However, the various resources, such as
network bandwidth, processor power, available RAM, and so on, most often
change over time, and then you’ll have to reconsider if your application
needs changing.
Table 6-1 lists all the varying factors that can influence the performance of
your application, which could be a topic for an entire book. However, although
I only describe these factors briefly, I want you to be aware of the resources
mentioned; they have great influence on what server-side processing resources
you should choose when you design your application. In general, it’s often
the client queries and not the server itself that create the biggest
performance problems.
1 .Stand-alone applications don’t have to be single tier, but they generally are.
Chapter 6: Using Stored Procedures, Views, and Triggers
Table 6-1. Performance Resources Optimization
Network resources
When speaking of network resources, I am referring to
the actual bandwidth of the network. Consider your
network setup—whether you are on a LAN or you are
accessing resources over a WAN such as the Internet,
and so on. If you have a low bandwidth, it’s obvious
that you want to transfer as little data across the
network as possible. If on the other hand you have
plenty of bandwidth, you might want to transfer large
amounts of data across the network. However, best
practices prescribe that you only transfer the data
needed across your network, even when you have
wide bandwidth.
Local processing resources
If you have the raw power available on your local box,
it can be good to do most of the data processing there.
Mind you, it all depends on the available bandwidth
and the processing resources on the server.
Server processing resources
Server-side processing is desirable, if the server has
resources to do so. Another thing you should consider
is whether it has the resources to serve all your clients,
if you let the server do some of the data processing.
Data distribution
Although strictly speaking this isn’t a resource as such,
it’s definitely another issue you might need to
consider. If your data comes from various different
and even disparate data sources, it often doesn’t make
too much sense to have one server process data from
all the data sources, just to send the result set to the
client. In most cases, it makes sense to have all the
data delivered directly to the client.
Table 6-1 just provides a quick overview. Table 6-2 shows you some different
application scenarios.
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