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Sounds of the Earth:

Mountain Stream


The Lowlands - 24:42

Moor tops and rolling hills at the foot of the mountain.
The cold, shallow stream tumbles over rocks and pebbles.
In the distance faint sounds of birds of prey and grouse,
as the stream pours over small waterfalls

The Highlands - 24:58

As the climb gets higher, the air swirls around the canyons
and rocky passages. The bird calls become more distant and sparse.
The stream tubmles through waterfalls. The echo of the bird song
can now be heard below, echoing against the cliff walls

Total Time: 49:43


Sounds of the Earth offers pure nature sounds, no voices are
added, no music is added, no human-induced noises are heard.
Sounds of the Earth bids you welcome to the wild and the
fragile sounds of nature.


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