TONEAudio 2012 10 (50).pdf

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No.50 November 2012
The Look of Power
From Furutech
Live from Portland:
Giant Giant Sand
Spin the Black Circle:
Taylor Swift, Jamey Johnson,
Soundgarden, Dan Deacon,
Dethklok and More!
The Beatles LP Remasters:
To Buy or Not To Buy and Why
New Gear from PrimaLuna,
Audio Research, Dynaudio
and More
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Deinitive Technology
Bipolar SuperTowers ® ...
Daniel Kumin, Sound+Vision
“The irst thing I do with any new speaker is evaluate the critical vocal
octaves. And I judged the BP-8060STs to be, well, perfect.”
Daniel Kumin, Sound+Vision
The critics agree that Deinitive’s BP8000 series SuperTowers ® are
paragons of performance and value. Patented drivers, built-in sub-
woofers, Digital Signal Processing Class D ampliiers and stunning
styling all come together in the SuperTowers to bring you exceptional
movie and music listening pleasure.
The new BP family includes four SuperTowers ® with built-in powered
subwoofers for the ultimate in space-saving convenience and heart-
pounding performance. There are three perfectly matched centers,
two with built-in powered woofers, as well as two bipolar surround
speakers to choose from. Bipolar SuperTowers range from
$599 to $1499 MSRP each.
• BP-8060ST bipolar
tower with built-in
powered subwoofers.
• SR-8040BP bipolar
surround speakers.
• CS-8040HD center
Deinitive’s bipolar speaker technology produces a huge three-
dimensional stereo soundstage for every listener in the room to
bring your music and movies to life!
Limited Time Sale Event
For a limited time, the Deinitive BP-8060ST system pictured above is even more affordable.
Participating Deinitive retailers are offering special savings on this and other selected Deinitive
home theater speaker packages.
Act now. Offer ends January 31, 2013
Click this page to get the complete story.
USA & Canada 800-228-7148 • Other 410-363-7148
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By Liza Donnelly
tone style
It’s A Sticky Business
Revox A77 and B77
Indoor/Outdoor Speaker System
By Mark Marcantonio
80 iPad mini
By Ken Kessler
88 Sushi Staplers
Fishy Fun At Work
Break The Bank
Aperion Audio Veras Grand
Bookshelf Speakers
By Mark Marcantonio
Keep Your Shirt On!
Cheese Grater
Audioengine D2 Premium
24-bit Wireless DAC
By Mark Marcantonio
Play With Your Food
An Onkyo Trifecta
Vinyl In Holiday Green
By Andre Marc
Audio Electronics Nighthawk
By Michael Liang
November 2012 7
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gear previews
104. Azur 851C Upsampling DAC,
CD Player and Digital Preampliier
10 7. Decware ZP3 Phonostage
111. dCS Vivaldi Digital Playback System
gear reviews
Premium CD Player
By Jeff Dorgay
14 4
128. Furutech f-TP615 AC Power
Power Cords
By Jeff Dorgay
Peachtree 220
Compact, Elegant, Affordable
By Andre Marc
Giant Giant Sand in Portland
By John Darko
Small In Size Only
By Jeff Dorgay
Reviews of New Pop/Rock
Albums By Bob Gendron,
Andy Downing, Todd Martens
By Jerold O’Brien
Miles Davis, Aerosmith and
EMI’s New Beatles Box Set
web reviews
37. Soundgarden
King Animal
November 2012 9
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Tiny Critter, Huge Buzz!
publisher’s letter
Europe: All hail hi-fi’s newest superstar.
What Hi*Fi?
Great what you can achieve for 250 Euro
in sound & flexibility … at this price invest
in two, one for home, one to go… einsnull
Australia: The reason you would buy the
DragonFly is simple - it is the smallest and
most portable solution on o er, with this level
of sound quality. Wicked Digital
Asia: DragonFly is small but it’s a revolutionary
product that will change our way of listening
to music. All future USB DAC products will be
categorized as before and after the DragonFly.
Good Review
North America: AudioQuest’s $249 DragonFly
USB DAC is brilliant in every respect: form
factor, cool factor, versatility, value, and sound
quality. I can’t think of a product that makes
high-end sound more accessible to more
people. Want better sound? Here, plug this
into your computer. Done. The Absolute Sound
The AudioQuest DragonFly is certainly the
coolest product I’ve used in recent memory ...
I know of no other product that performs this
well for so little money. – Computer Audiophile
ow, 50 issues! Seems like it was only
yesterday that I was scrambling to get
the irst issue loaded to the server, jump
on a plane, and get to the Rocky Mountain Audio
Fest to tell the world about TONEAudio . Crazy.
When Porsche introduced the 911 in the early
1960s, most of its contemporaries said that a
rear-engine sports car wouldn’t ly. I was told
that an online magazine in PDF format would not
work either, and by more people than I care to
remember. But, just as that 128-horsepower car
has been continually reined over the years into a
400-horsepower supercar, we’ve taken a similar
approach to the famous German manufacturer:
constant reinement.
As we’ve followed a slightly twisted path
to get from there to here, our greatest strength
resides in our staff’s versatility. I remember
photographing Todd Rundgren during his “Back
to the Bars” tour in 1981, where he and the
members of Utopia all got up from their seats,
switched instruments, and carried on as if
nothing had changed. From the seat of the
drum kit, Rundgren quipped, “This is the way
we like to do it when we’re recording.”
So do we. Bob Gendron has written a
number of great articles on beer and travel in
addition to his daily duties as Music Editor; Ben
Fong-Torres just turned in an interesting look at
the Sonos Music System; Ken Kessler is equally
at home writing about luxury goods as he is
hi-i gear, past and present; gear editor Bailey
Barnard will be joining the review pool next year.
Next issue, speaker manufacturer Alon Wolf
from Magico even gets in on the act. I spent my
early years as a photographer in the advertising
industry, and can deinitely say Wolf is a master
photographer. The images he captured of his
speakers are as good as any I would take, so
we’re showcasing his talents in the Magico S5
review in December.
Most of the people I’ve met in this industry
have a similar level of cross training, and many
of the readers with which I’ve interacted share
multiple passions. That’s why TONEAudio
continues to incorporate bits of overlapping
worlds within its pages. All jokes about living in
our parent’s basement aside, it appears we are
all fairly interesting monsters.
Don’t hesitate to drop a note via email, or our
Facebook page .
Our social-media community has dramatically
grown this year, and we’ve really enjoyed inter-
acting with you there. I would also like to thank
many of you for your civility and engaging dialog.
It’s a refreshing respite from the snarkiness that
pervades all too many online forums.
I’m pleased with what TONEAudio has
become, and we’ve still got plenty of big ideas in
store for our readers. Stay tuned for the next 50.
USB Stick Digital-Audio Converter
Plays All Music Files: MP3 to High-Res
Drives Headphones Directly
Variable Output Drives Powered Speakers or Power Amp
Fixed Output Feeds Preamp or Receiver
Asynchronous Transfer Ensures Digital Timing Integrity
Two Clocks Enable Native Resolution Up To 24-bit/96kHz
Actual Size
AudioQuest also o ers truly exceptional
cables which carry the subtlety and nuance
of your favorite music from all your sources:
November 2012 11
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