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A Convergence Path toward a Standard BPM Stack
Position Paper
August 15, 2002
The release by BEA, IBM, and Microsoft of BPEL4WS, a new language for the modeling
of executable business processes, adds another candidate speciication to the emerging
standard BPM stack. The future directions announced for BPEL4WS follow the footsteps
of BPML identifying possible paths of convergence for the BPM industry.
Prior to this release, the emerging BPM industry has been
considering multiple alternative paths for the modeling
of executable business processes. Microsoft pioneered
the adoption of the Pi-Calculus model with XLANG, IBM
rejuvenated the use of Petri Nets with WSFL, and BPMI.org
uniied the two approaches with BPML 1.0. Alongside such
parallel efforts, other organizations advocated radically
different approaches for business process modeling, such
as ebXML BPSS developed by OASIS.
With the release of BPEL4WS, BEA, IBM, and Microsoft have
adopted a model that is signiicantly similar to the one
promoted by BPMI.org with BPML 1.0, therefore opening
the door to a convergence of standards in the BPM industry
around a common model shared by leading organizations.
BPMI.org welcomes this new release with great enthusiasm
and is working on identifying possible paths of convergence
that will offer customers a uniied stack for BPM.
Now that the BPM industry has started to consolidate
on a common vision for Business Process Management,
BPMI.org’s original mission is more critical than ever.
The Initiative’s mission is to promote and develop the
use of Business Process Management (BPM) through the
establishment of standards for process design, deployment,
execution, control, and optimization. In that respect,
BPMI.org is not only interested in the execution side of
business processes—currently covered by speciications
such as BPML and BPEL4WS—but also their design
by business analysts through the development of the
Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), as well as
their deployment, control, and optimization, through the
development of the Business Process Query Language
(BPQL). With such developments, BPMI.org remains the irst
and only independent organization fully dedicated to the
development of a royalty-free BPM stack.
BPML and BPEL4WS share similar roots in Web Services
(SOAP, WSDL, UDDI), take advantage of the same XML
technologies (XPath, XSDL), and are designed to leverage
other speciications (WS-Security, WS-Transactions). Beyond
these areas of commonality, BPML supports the modeling
of real-world business processes through its unique
support for advanced semantics such as nested processes
and complex compensated transactions, capabilities
BPEL4WS has yet to address. The authors of the BPEL4WS
speciication acknowledge such limitations in Section
13 of their recent draft, thus identifying a clear path of
convergence toward a model similar to BPML’s.
BPMI.org acknowledged early on the possiblity that
multiple standards might coexist before any real
consolidation takes place in the industry. This fact strongly
motivated BPMI.org’s participation in the development
of the Web Service Choreography Interface (WSCI), which
was approved as a note by the W3C on August 8, 2002*.
WSCI, best described as a process interface deinition
language for business processes, is the largest common
denominator to BPML and BPEL4WS. By offering “out-of-
the-box” interoperability across these two languages as
well as ebXML BPSS and WfMC’s XPDL, WSCI has greatly
contributed to the consolidation of a standard BPM stack.
Some Facts about BPML & BPEL4WS
n BPML and related speciications within BPMI.org’s standard BPM stack are provided as royalty free.
n BPML is a strict superset of BPEL4WS.
n BPML and BPEL4WS share an identical set of idioms and similar syntaxes as the basis for convergence.
n BPML provides a rich and mature language for expressing both simple as well as inherently complex business processes.
n BPML and BPEL4WS are both block-structured languages, with the addition of nested processes in BPML.
n BPML is based on a logical process model that can fully express concurrent, repeating, and dynamic tasks.
n BPML builds on the foundation of WSCI for expressing public interfaces and choreographies.
Copyright © 2002 BPMI.org
* WSCI was submitted to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) by BEA Systems, BPMI.org, Commerce One, Fujitsu Limited, Intalio, IONA,
Oracle Corporation, SAP AG, SeeBeyond Technology Corporation and Sun Microsystems.
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