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402396153 UNPDF
2 (2½, 2¾)”
8, 55,5
3½” 2¼”
4¾( 5¼, 5½)”
8¼ (9, 10)” 1¾”
6¾ (7, 7½)”
Skill level: )
Size: S, M and L
Finished Measurements
Bust: 41¾, 45, 48¾” (cm =106, 114, 124)
Length: 24, 24, 24” (cm = 61, 61, 61)
Stitch symbol key and general instructions for
reading charts Visit the Pattern Shop page at to download Abbreviations
& Symbols.
Materials: LANG YARNS “Mohair Luxe“ (77% su-
per kid mohair, 23% silk, approx 194 yds/175 m;
7/8 oz/25 g): 3, 4, 5 balls of dark gray, col #0070;
Addi knitting needles, size 6/4 mm, Addi crochet
hook, size G-6/4 mm; 6 Swarovski buttons, 3 / 8 x
3 / 8 “/10 x 10 mm from, Rayher-Hobby, art. no. 14-
323-120, col moonstone.
Full-fashioned dec A, right edge: selvage st, k 3,
k2tog. Left edge: SKP, k 3, selvage st.
Full-fashioned dec B, right edge: selvage st, k 1,
k2tog. Left edge: SKP, k 1, selvage st.
Gauge: 18 sts and 30 rows in St st with size 6/4
mm needles = approx 4 x 4“/10 x 10 cm.
Back: Cast on 92 (100-108) sts and work in St st,
beg with 1 WS row. When work measures 3“/7.5
cm = 23 rows from cast-on, dec 1 st on each side
for hip shaping, then dec 1 st on each side of every
6th row 7 more times, always working full-fash-
ioned dec A = 76 (84-92) sts. When work measures
6 1 / 2 “/16.5 cm = 50 rows from 1st dec, inc 1 st on
each side for side shaping, and inc 1 st on each side
of every 8th row 4 more times = 86 (94-102) sts.
When work measures 5 3 / 4 (5 1 / 2 -5 1 / 4 )“/14.5 (14-13)
cm = 44 (42-40) rows from 1st inc, dec 1 st on
each side, for the armholes, and dec 1 st on each
side of every other row 8 (10-11) more times, al-
ways working full-fashioned dec B = 68 (72-76) sts.
When armholes measure 8 (8 1 / 4 -8 3 / 4 )“/20.5 (21-22)
cm = 62 (64-66) rows, bind off 3 (5-4) sts at beg of
next 2 rows, for the shoulders, then bind off 3 (3-4)
sts at beg of foll 6 rows. AT THE SAME TIME as the
1st shoulder dec, bind off the center 36 sts for the
neck and complete the left half first, shaping neck
as foll: at neck edge, in every other row, bind off 2
sts 2 times. Complete the right half in the same
manner, reversing shaping.
Front: Work as for the back, but for the slit, divide
the work in half in the 88th row = 11 1 / 2 “/29 cm
from cast-on and complete the right half first, work-
ing to the center + 2 sts more for the underlap of
the slit band. When slit measures 4 1 / 2 “/11.5 cm =
34 rows, dec 1 st on the left edge of work, for the
V-neckline, and dec 1 st on left edge 23 times, alt 3
times in every other row and 1 time in the 4th foll
row, always working full-fashioned dec B. Complete
left half in the same manner, reversing shaping and
picking up 2 sts from the outer side of the 2 under-
lap sts, for the overlap of the slit band.
Sleeve: Cast on 62 (64-68) sts and work in St st,
beg with 1 WS row. Dec 1 st on each side of the 2nd
row for the sleeve cap, then dec 1 st on each side of
every other row 21 (22-24) more times, always
working full-fashioned dec B. When sleeve cap
measures 6 (6 3 / 8 -6 3 / 4 )“/15 (16-17) cm = 45 (49-51)
rows, bind off the rem 18 sts.
Finishing: For general instructions see A3. Lay the
slit overlap on the underlap and sew tog. Sew the
buttons in place, evenly spaced. Embroider the faux
darts in stem stitch, with 3 strands of yarn, see
schematic and see stitch description on page XX.
Sew shoulder seams. Crochet 1 row of sc over back
neck edge. Sew side seams and sleeve seams. Sew
sleeves to armhole edges.
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