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PTC Global Services- Innovation Center
Pro/E xLink Pre-Release Guide
Pro/E Wildfire Pre-Release Guide
Issue #2, Updated 23-Feb-02
S. Tucker
The information presented in this document is intended to be an overview / summary of the many
changes for the next release of Pro/E. Most of this information I have taken from internal
development web sites, focus group meetings, or from running early development builds myself-
starting in Nov Ó01. Obviously, with software builds being created almost every week and ongoing
functionality discussions/decisions, there are likely to be details or functions discussed here that
may de different or not included in the pre-production build (May) or production build (August).
Also, much of this document will be written from a trainerÓs perspective, given my personal
background. Finally, although we should discuss high level themes of the next release with
customers and students to get them excited, do not distribute this document outside of PTC, as
much of this information is not yet publicly released. -Seth
Pro/E Wildfire , or release 2002, marks the beginning of a paradigm shift within the
Pro/ENGINEER user interface, aimed at increased efficiency, productivity, and ease-of use.
Pro/E now runs full-screen without the menu manager, with a changed look and feel. Features are
consolidated into a new set of object/action based tools which utilize the on-screen ÒdashboardÓ.
Models and features are manipulated dynamically, using drag handles and right mouse button
operations; and the model tree is reborn as the ÒNavigatorÓ, providing web-enabled collaboration
tools. In addition, hundreds of enhancements are implemented in Pro/E Wildfire, dramatically
expanding current Pro/E functionality.
Among vast user interface changes in Pro/E Wildfire, users will begin to see the results of ÒProject
WildfireÓ, which transforms Pro/E from a stand-alone application to one where the user is at the
center of a Òconnected environmentÓ for creation, collaboration, and control within the product
development process. As the cornerstone of this new environment, the Navigator will provide
Engineer-to-Web and Engineer-to-Engineer collaboration.
Users will have instant browsing and bookmark access to the internet, which will also allow
connections to PTC PartsLink online part catalogs, PTC ProjectLink collaboration workspaces, and
a variety of other PTC web-based application ÒLinksÓ, all powered by Windchill. In addition, direct
collaboration will be supported with dynamic design conferencing, which can connect multiple
engineers similar to instant messaging, and also allows users to ÒshareÓ their Pro/E session across
the web with coworkers on design projects.
In short? Everything in Pro/E is changed. I mean everything . This has been over three years in the
making, and now Pro/E literally looks and feels like a different piece of software- but all for the
better. Feature > Create is gone and we are ÐdoneÑ with Done-Return. We all have a lot of work
ahead of us to learn the new tool- this document is 110 pages and growing, and doesnÓt nearly
cover everything about this release- the most significant update that Pro/E has ever had.
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Pro/E Wildfire is the next release of Pro/ENGINEER. Actually, were not even supposed
to call it ÒPro/ENGINEERÓ anymore starting with this next release. Similar to how we
officially changed the name of the company from Parametric Technology Corporation to
PTC, we are changing from Pro/ENGINEER to Pro/E. This is what our customers
commonly refer to our software as, and is analogous to Federal Express re-branding
themselves as FedEx. Also, you will notice there is no ÒyearÓ designation- like Pro/E 2002,
Pro/E 24, Wildfire 2002 or anything like that. Just Pro/E Wildfire .
The figure below demonstrates the latest marketing layout for all of our products. Pro/E
Wildfire can be thought of as the keystone centerpiece software component in the Òproduct
development processÓ, with all of our other products supporting it as ÒlinksÓ.
So why is everything a ÒlinkÓ and what is Wildfire? The code-name Wildfire was
originally used for the development project that essentially makes Pro/E web-enabled.
However, now since this buzzword has hit the market, we have decided to call Pro/E as a
whole ÒWildfireÓ. With web capability, Pro/E can instantly tie into our web-driven
Windchill links. Wildfire ties our whole product line together.
Another ÒlinkÓ not represented here is Innovation Link, which is not due out for almost a
year. There may also be other links IÓm not aware of. A couple other interesting facts you
may or may not be aware of: First, PDM Link is the replacement for Intralink, (which will
be retired in the future) and is created entirely from scratch using Windchill technology.
Second, with the release of the second Pro/E Mechanism component (MDO), Mechanica
Motion will also soon be retired.
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HereÓs a quote from product definition:
ÐWe believe that the future of the CAD portion of the business is inherently and naturally
intertwined with how usable the user community perceives our software to be. The goal of
the entire Product Definition organization, is to be able to one day hand a prospective
customer a CD of Pro/Engineer, and have him be productive, with minimal training,
immediately. We are endeavoring to use interface paradigms that are common-enough, and
common-sense enough, and extending common interface tools where required, while
maintaining the broadest and deepest amount of prior functionality as possible. In this way,
we will maximize new license revenue, while maintaining as much as possible of our
existing user base.Ñ
ÐÈproductive with minimal training, immediatelyÑ. Obviously this statement impacts the
future of the training department. Thinking of the impact of this release alone on our core
MCAD curriculum, I see the number of course days a student requires to be proficient with
Pro/E shrinking considerably.
So the driving force in this release is really ease-of-use. If youÓve ever taught a Pro/E
training course, think of the majority of learning time spent by the studentsÈhow much
time is spent purely on learning the interface, as opposed to Pro/E concepts and
How much time is wasted with students struggling with the hierarchical Menu Manager,
with its Query Selects, Done Selects, DoneÓs , and Done-Returns?
Think about how many feature operations do practically the same thing- Extruded
Protrusion, Extruded Surface, Extruded Cut, Extruded Thin Protrusion, Extruded Thin Cut,
Extruded Surface Trim, etcÈ.
Why do we need so many menu picks?
The answer is- We donÓt.
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The graphics area has a cleaner simpler look so it can easily handle the complicated images
it needs to support. Flattening the framework, lightening the background and overall colors
eliminates sharp contrast. Eliminating wasted space in separators and padding yields more
graphics area. Buttons have rounded corners, which is similar to the new Windows XP.
Also, the use of the softer, brighter colors is another part of the XP look, as well as the
absence of the use of the color black from icons. Also notice that Pro/E now runs full
screen- there is no menu manager. WeÓll look at the components of the interface in detail
later. (Shown in Windows XP with the new default background and model color!)
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