Manual - Journey's Out of Body Guidance.pdf

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In 1958, Bob Monroe had an extraordinary experience that dramatically altered the
course of his life.
The chronicles of his experience and the events that followed were documented in his
classic work, Journeys Out of the Body, published by Doubleday in 1971. The
out-of-body experiences, or OBE, was and continues to be little understood. However,
Bo's pioneering work has helped countless people in their personal quest to understand
their own experience. Two chapters of "Journeys" were dedicated to providing
guidance in the achievement of an OBE, and as Bob wrote, "the only possible way for
an individual to appreciate the reality of this Second Body and existence within it is to
experiences it himself."
In 1973, Bob founded The Monroe Institute (originally known as The Monroe Institute of
Applied Sciences), a research facility in Virginia. In searching for a means to quickly
and safely induce states of relaxation and sleep, the Institute's research efforts resulted
in the development of an "audio-guidance technology known as Hemi-Sync.
This patented technology uses pulses of sound to help facilitate and maintain a naturally
occurring brain state known as hemispheric synchronization, when both the left and
right hemispheres of the brain work in unison.
Bob's discoveries included the realization that the out-of-body states was but one of
many possible states of expanded awareness, with many applications. In the years
that followed, Hemi-Sync applications were developed to facilitate focused attention and
concentration, accelerated learning, enhanced creativity, problem solving and pain
management, to name just a few.
Hemi-Sync Support for Journeys Out of the Body evolved as a natural extension of
Bob's writing and the audio technologies he developed, presented together for the first
The Monroe Institute remains dedicated to the continuing development of methods and
techniques that will promote the evolution and growth of human consciousness.
What is Hemi-Sync?
Hemi-Sync is a patented, scientifically and clinically proven "audio-guidance"
technology refined with over 40 years of research. Researchers learned that specific
sound patterns could lead the brain to various states of consciousness ranging from
deep relaxation or sleep to expanded awareness and other "extraordinary" states.
The audio-guidance process works by sending different sounds (tones) to each ear with
stereo headphones. The two hemispheres of the brain then act in unison to "hear" a
third signal - the difference between the two tones. This is not an actual sound, but an
electrical signal that can only be perceived within the brain by both brain hemispheres
working together. The result is a focused, whole-brain state known as hemispheric
synchronization or "Hemi-Sync". Different Hemi-Sync signals are used to facilitate
deep relaxation, focused attention or other desired states.
Music, verbal guidance, or subtle sound effects are combined with Hemi-Sync signals to
strengthen their effectiveness. These recordings contain no subliminal messages. You
are always in control.
Cautions and Warnings: Please Read
Hemi-Sync Support for Journeys Out of the Body is a system of training in
self-exploration and person development. It is not a form of psychotherapy, philosophy,
religion, or medical diagnosis or treatment. It is a means to acquire knowledge - the
application and results are solely the responsibility of the user.
Do not listen to these Hemi-Sync exercises without first consulting your physician if you
are taking psychotropic medication or are engaged in psychotherapy.
While many of our products contribute to wellness, they are not intended to replace
medical diagnosis and treatment. Do not listen to Hemi-Sync while driving or operating
heavy equipment, or with other devices that may influence brain-wave activity. If you
have a tendency towards seizures, auditory disorders, or adverse mental conditions(s),
do not listen to hemi-Sync without first consulting your physician. In the unlikely event
that o experience any unusual physical or mental discomfort, immediately discontinue
use. Do not reproduce Hemi-Sync products or use with Dolby® or other
noise-reduction systems. Doing so will diminish the effectiveness of the Hemi-Sync
Hemi-Sync Support for Journeys Out of the Body
This series was designed as a companion set of exercises to complement the
Journeys Out of the Body book. Chapter 16 of that book, titled "Preliminary
Exercises", describes the use of the "borderland sleep state" to achieve deep
relaxation. The concept if quite simple, however, it is successful execution requires
dedication and persistence.
The basic idea is to pick a time when you are tired and sleepy, and to use your mind's
concentration to keep yourself awake for an extended period of time. If you are
successful, you will find yourself in an altered state of consciousness, where your mind
is awake but your body is asleep.
This mind awake/body asleep state is a primary milestone in the Institute's flagship
residential program, the Gateway Voyage , Using Hem-Sync, program participants to
learn to achieve this state in a relatively short period of time (See Gateway Wave
"Preliminary exercises" outlines four main steps on the way to achieving the out-of-body
state, which Bob labeled as Conditions A through D. The Hemi-Sync Support for
Journeys Out of the Body series provided exercises designed to assist you through
each phase of your journey.
It is strongly recommended that you read Bob's exact instruction, as they were written in
Journeys Out of the Body back in 1971. You may find that reading (or re-reading) the
entire work may be appropriate as part of your preparation process. At the very least,
you are encouraged to read Chapter 16 and keep it handy to refer to as your move from
step to step.
Getting Started
While this series is intended to assist you with achieving each condition that Bob
describes, this will not make the process effortless. Notable among the obstacles one
might expect to encounter when undertaking an exploration of the Second Body State is
the fear barriers discussed at length in Bob's book. Nonetheless, Bob writes early in
Chapter 16 that "I believe that anyone can experience existence in a Second Body if the
desire is great enough. Whether or not anyone should is beyond the scope of my
judgment." Later in this chapter Bob adds, "A note of caution is in order here for those
who are interested in experimenting, for once opened, the doorway to his experience
cannot be closed."
Two primary ingredients for success are beginning the process with the proper
intentions and the ability to relax without a sense of urgency. To help you with these
two important prerequisites, this series includes a Relaxation Reinforcement
exercise. Recorded in Bob's voice, this exercise uses a guided progressive relaxation
technique, along with Hemi-Sync audio signals, to gently guide you into a deeply
relaxed state.
The exercise begins with a statement of affirmation, as used in the Institute's residential
programs and in many Hemi-Sync products. It is recommended that you begin all
exercises in this series with this affirmation, or one of your own design.
The Gateway Affirmation
I am more than my physical body. Because I am more than physical matter, I can
perceive that which is greater than the physical world. Therefore, in these
exercises, I deeply desire to Expand, to Experience, to Know, to Understand, to
Control to Use such greater energies and energy systems as may be beneficial
and constructive to me and to those who follow me. Also, during these
exercises, I deeply desire the help and cooperation, the assistance, the
understanding of those individuals whose wisdom, development and experience
are equal to or greater than my own. I ask their guidance and protection from
any influence or any source that might provide me with less than my stated
Locate a distraction-free environment where you can darken the room and remain
undisturbed for the duration of the exercise.
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