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Toxic Inhalational Injury and Toxic Industrial Chemicals
Chapter 10
ToxiC inhalaTional injury and
ToxiC indusTrial ChemiCals
Shirley D. TuorinSky, MSn, * a n d AlfreD M. SciuTo, P h D
hisTory and use
military uses
nonmilitary uses
meChanisms oF ToxiCiTy
mechanistic effects of inhaled Pulmonary agents
Biochemical responses
sPeCiFiC inhaled ToxiC-Gas–induCed eFFeCTs and Their TreaTmenT
hydrogen Cyanide
CliniCal PresenTaTion and diaGnosis
Centrally acting Toxic industrial Chemicals
Peripherally acting Toxic industrial Chemicals
Chemicals That act on Both the Central and Peripheral airways
Clinical effects
diagnostic Tests
mediCal manaGemenT
Patient history
Physical examination
acute medical management
Clinical Care
Patient Transport
long-Term effects
* Lieutenant Colonel, AN, US Army; Executive Officer, Combat Casualty Care Division, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, 3100
Ricketts Point Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-5400
Research Physiologist, Analytical Toxicology Division, Medical Toxicology Branch, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, 3100
Ricketts Point Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-5400
Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
Toxic industrial chemicals (Tics) are a wide variety
of lung-damaging chemical agents used in manufac-
turing. Tics are commonly found in communities of
industrialized nations that manufacture petroleum,
textiles, plastics, fertilizers, paper, pesticides, and many
other products. These extensively used chemicals are
inexpensive; easily acquired; and transported by ship,
train, pipeline, and truck, making them an obvious
choice for terrorists. The list of these chemicals is ex-
tremely long. According to the north Atlantic Treaty
organization, Tics are chemicals at least as poisonous
as ammonia that are produced in large quantities. By
this definition, Tics could be released in sufficient
quantities to produce mass casualties on or off the
The toxicity of Tics varies greatly: some are acutely
toxic, whereas others have little toxicity. They come in
liquid, vapor, and solid form (Table 10-1); the liquid and
vapor forms generally lead to the greatest intensity of
exposure. A crucial aspect of the medical management
of acute toxic inhalational casualties is determining the
respiratory system compartment or compartments af-
fected, then treating the compartmental damage, rather
than adhering to a specific treatment protocol for each
agent. knowing the identity of the specific Tic released
is helpful but not necessary in the medical evaluation
of the pulmonary agent casualty, which should con-
centrate on the location of lung compartment damage.
clinical recognition of damage to the central compart-
ment or the peripheral compartment or both should be
enough to guide medical management in the absence
of identification of specific chemicals.
Determining the damaged compartment is done on
the basis of the chemical’s aqueous solubility, chemical
reactivity, and dose received. lung-damaging Tics can
cause damage to central or peripheral compartments
of the respiratory system. The central compartment
of the respiratory system consists of the conducting
airways, larynx, trachea, and bronchi. The peripheral
compartment consists of the smaller airway, in which
gas exchange takes place. effects of agents that act on
the peripheral airway are found in the bronchioles to
the alveoli of the respiratory system. centrally act-
ing Tics normally form strong acids or bases (alkali)
with the water in the central airway tissues, which
leads to the destruction of these tissues. The dam-
aged tissue swells and may slough into the airway,
restricting breathing. Ammonia and sulfur mustard are
examples of centrally acting Tics. Peripherally acting
chemicals cause life-threatening pulmonary edema.
however, both centrally and peripherally acting Tics
cause damage in the lungs by inhalation. Tics do not
affect the lungs when they are absorbed through the
skin, injected, or orally ingested. This chapter will be
restricted to those chemical agents with acute local
pulmonary effects.
TaBle 10-1
deFiniTions oF airBorne ToxiC maTerial
Gas The molecular form of a substance, in which molecules are dispersed widely enough to have
little physical effect (attraction) on each other; therefore, there is no definite shape or volume
to gas.
Vapor A term used somewhat interchangeably with gas, vapor specifically refers to the gaseous state
of a substance that at normal temperature and pressure would be liquid or solid (mustard
vapor or water vapor compared with oxygen gas). Vaporized substances often reliquefy and
hence may have a combined inhalational and topical effect.
Mist The particulate form of a liquid (droplets) suspended in air, often as a result of an explosion or
mechanical generation of particles (by a spinning disk generator or sprayer). Particle size is a
primary factor in determining the airborne persistence of a mist and the level of its deposition
in the respiratory tract.
fumes, Smokes, and Dusts Solid particles of various sizes that are suspended in air. The particles may be formed by explo-
sion or mechanical generation or as a by-product of chemical reaction or combustion. fumes,
smokes, and dusts may themselves be toxic or may carry, adsorbed to their surfaces, any of
a variety of toxic gaseous substances. As these particles and surfaces collide, adsorbed gases
may be liberated and produce local or even systemic toxic injury.
Particles, either liquid or solid, suspended in air. Mists, fumes, smokes, and dusts are all aerosols.
Toxic Inhalational Injury and Toxic Industrial Chemicals
The potential for accidental or deliberate exposure
to lung-damaging Tics exists for the military and ci-
vilian populations. These industrial chemicals provide
effective and readily accessible materials to develop
improvised explosives, incendiaries, and poisons. 1
on April 30, 2007, newspapers around the world re-
ported an incident in ramadi, iraq, in which insurgents
exploded a tanker loaded with chlorine gas, causing
many civilian deaths and injuries. This chapter will
help to prepare the military medical community to
recognize the symptoms of lung-damaging Tics and
provide treatment.
hisTory and use
military uses
During the latter course of the war, thousands of
chemical agent shells were fired by both sides. The
largest number of American casualties from one artil-
lery attack occurred at the Battle of the Marne on June
14–15, 1918, when 1,559 soldiers were gassed. 6 later
that year, on August 2, the Germans fired 20,000 shells,
which produced 349 casualties, and on August 7 and
8, they used 8,000 to 10,000 gas-filled shells, producing
over 800 casualties and 47 deaths. 6 Table 10-2 gives an
overview of the chronological use of chemical warfare
agents in World War i.
Because of the massive battlefield casualties and
the long-term postwar health effects from the chemi-
cal weapons in World War i, the Geneva Protocol was
established to ban the use of offensive chemicals in war.
The ban was neither generally accepted nor adhered to
by all countries, and it was not ratified by the united
States until 1975. egypt reportedly used chemical
agents in yemen between 1963 and 1967, and evidence
cites the use of cS (tear gas [2-chlorobenzylidene ma-
lonitrile]) and Agent orange (a plant defoliant) by uS
forces in Vietnam in the late 1960s and early 1970s. 7
The use of chemical or even biological warfare
agents goes back to antiquity. early agents of choice
were smokes, which could be generated from a com-
bustible source and serve as a formidable offensive
weapon in favorable wind conditions. The Greeks were
known to expose their enemies to concoctions of smoke
and flame mixed with sulfur. 2 in 1456 arsenical smokes
were used defensively in Belgrade against the Turks. 3
During World War i chemical agents such as phosgene,
chlorine, sulfur mustard, diphosgene (trichloromethyl-
chlorformate), diphenylarsine, chloropicrin, and di-
phenylchloroarsine were used offensively by both the
Allies and the Axis to produce mass casualties.
These agents were largely used in some combination
for ease of use and to maintain the persistence of the
gas on the battlefield to attain the greatest exposure
effects. for example, phosgene, the principal nonper-
sistent gas, had to be cooled in salt brine during the
mixing process because of its low boiling point (8ºc),
so it was combined with either chlorine or diphosgene
for more efficient weaponization. 4 Phosgene was the
gas of choice because of its well-known toxicity and
capacity to produce the most casualties. Battlefield
exposure to gas mixtures such as chlorine-phosgene
was responsible for approximately 71,000 casualties or
about 33% of all casualties entering the hospital; how-
ever, phosgene was reportedly directly responsible for
only 6,834 casualties and 66 deaths 4 (this contradicts
some reports that suggest phosgene alone was respon-
sible for nearly 80% of all gas casualty deaths during
1914–1918 5 ). Although the number of fatalities was low,
phosgene gassing during the war caused men to lose
311,000 days to hospitalization, equal to 852 person-
years. 4 Because chemical warfare agents are used not
solely to exterminate the opposition, but also to take
soldiers off the battlefield, phosgene was an effective
agent. france first weaponized phosgene in 1916,
and Germany quickly followed, choosing to combine
phosgene with diphosgene because its higher boiling
point (128ºc) made the concoction easier to pour into
shells. Also, diphosgene was believed to break down
to phosgene under proper conditions, especially when
it reached the lung. 6
nonmilitary uses
The chemical agents discussed above, used as in-
capacitating agents or weapons of mass casualty, also
have important uses as industrial chemical interme-
diates or are the end products of nonweapons manu-
facturing processes. The large number of potentially
toxic gases described below and listed in Table 10-3
are limited to those that have been studied under ex-
perimental conditions and have an associated human
exposure/treatment database. 8
Ammonia, a naturally occurring soluble alkaline
gas, is a colorless irritant with a sharp odor. it is widely
used in industrial processes, including oil refining
as well as the production of explosives, refrigerants,
fertilizers, and plastics. Ammonia is also used as a
fixative in photographic, blueprinting, and duplicat-
ing processes. it is a particularly significant airborne
environmental hazard in swine and poultry confine-
ment areas. Another source of exposure can be from
well-known ammonium-based cleaning agents. Am-
monia is transported daily by rail and road across the
Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
TaBle 10-2
ChemiCal aGenTs used in world war i (in ChronoloGiCal order)
Type First use
Type First use
ethyl bromoacetate
Aug 1914
Trichloromethyl chloroformate
May 1916
o -Dianisidine chlorosulfonate
oct 1914
hydrogen cyanide
Jul 1916
nov 1914
hydrogen sulfide
Jul 1916
Xylyl bromide
Jan 1915
Aug 1916
Xylylene bromide
Jan 1915
cyanogen bromide
Sept 1916
Benzyl bromide
Mar 1915
cyanogen chloride
oct 1916
r Apr 1915
Phenylcarbylamine chloride
— May 1917
r May 1915
Jul 1917
Methyl chlorosulfonate
Jun 1915
Bis(2-chloroethyl) sulfide
Jul 1917
ethyl chlorosulfonate
Jun 1915
Sept 1917
chloromethyl chloroformate
Jun 1915
Bis(chloromethyl) ether
Jan 1918
Dichloromethyl chloroformate i
Jun 1915
Bis(bromomethyl) ether
Jan 1918
Jun 1915
Mar 1918
Jul 1915
Mar 1918
Aug 1915
Mar 1918
Dimethyl sulfate
Aug 1915
May 1918
Perchloromethyl mercaptan
r Sep 1915
N -ethylcarbazole
Jul 1918
ethyl iodoacetate
Sep 1915
Jul 1918
Benzyl iodide
nov 1915
10-chloro-5,10-dihydro-phenarsazine i
Sep 1918
r Dec 1915
Sep 1918
o -nitrobenzyl chloride
Sep 1918
Benzyl chloride
cyanoformate esters
— 1918
Jan 1916
i: primary irritant; r: lethal via respiratory route; S: mainly skin effects; —: no data.
Data source: Beswick fW. chemical agents used in riot control and warfare. Hum Toxicol . 1983;2:247-256.
country. industrial exposure of approximately 1,700
parts per million (ppm) of ammonia has been shown
to cause severe airway obstruction. 9
chlorine, a greenish to yellowish compound, is
another irritant gas. chlorine was used as a chemi-
cal warfare agent during World War i because of its
heavier-than-air capacity to occupy low-lying areas
such as trenches. chlorine is widely used in the paper
and pulp mill production industries; over 10 million
tons of chlorine are manufactured in the united States
and europe each year. 10 Accidental exposure to chlo-
rine can occur in the household or anywhere bleach is
mixed with acidic cleansers in an unventilated room.
other common sources of exposure are swimming
pools, where an imbalance in mixing or dilution can
result in increased release of chlorine gas. Since World
War i over 200 major incidents involving mild to toxic
chlorine exposure have occurred worldwide. 11
intentional exposures are not limited to the battle-
field. irritating, poorly water-soluble smokes such as
cS, cn (chloroacetophenone), and cr (dibenz[b,f]-
1,4-oxazepine), commonly referred to as riot control
agents or tear gas, have been used for many years to
quell social disturbances. cS was first introduced in
Britain by corson and Stoughton in 1958 to replace
cn for riot control because it was safer and more ef-
fective. 12 These gases effect the sensory nerves of the
skin and mucosa in the nose, eyes, and mouth, causing
uncomfortable irritation at the sites of exposures. The
overall effects of cS and cn inhalation are respiratory
and ventilatory depression. cS has also been linked
to reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (rADS)
resulting from a single intentional exposure. 13 These
agents have no practical use in the chemical and manu-
facturing industries. olajos and Salem have provided
a review of the tear gases. 14
hydrogen cyanide (hcn) is one of the gases most
toxic to humans. it may be encountered in industrial
processes as sodium or potassium cyanate or as acry-
lonitrile. exposures to the salts may occur during the
extraction of gold, in electroplating, or in photographic
processes. hcn can be manufactured as a byproduct
during the synthesis of acrylonitrile, which is a more
common industrial hazard used in the production of
synthetic rubber and as a fumigant. Mixtures of so-
dium cyanide, magnesium carbonate, and magnesium
Toxic Inhalational Injury and Toxic Industrial Chemicals
TaBle 10-3
us army CenTer For healTh PromoTion and PrevenTive mediCine ToxiC
indusTrial ChemiCals
( Table 10-3 continues )
sulfate are used as rodenticides. exposure to cyanide
can result from the release of hcn gas when the solid
mixture comes into contact with water. exposure to
hcn gas, which is lighter than air, can also result from
fires because many organic compounds release hcn
during combustion or pyrolysis processes. 15 cyanide,
a metabolic poison that smells like almonds, is a po-
tent inhibitor of cytochrome- c- oxidase, the terminal
enzyme in the mitochondrial electron transport chain
required for cellular respiration. 16 chapter 11, cyanide
Posoning, contains more details on hcn.
hydrogen sulfide (h 2 S), or sour gas, has a well-
known pungent and irritating odor that smells like
rotten eggs. A heavier-than-air and colorless gas, h 2 S
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