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Motor Neurobiology of the Spinal Cord
and Scratching
Time-Domain Correlations Coherence Functions for Different
to Phase Relations among Motor
Pool Activities
Coherence Functions
Correlation has been used to determine the organization and connections of neurons
that are otherwise inaccessible or difficult to record. It is, therefore, useful for
determining the organization of complex neural circuits and networks in the verte-
brate nervous system. In this chapter we focus on the application of correlational
techniques, primarily in the frequency domain, to the investigation of spinal circuits
involved in the generation of rhythmic motor patterns, such as locomotion and
scratching. Studies on the use of correlation to investigate neural systems and studies
of central pattern generation are extensive, so citations to these fields are necessarily
quite selective. Our intent is to establish a basic framework for the application of
correlation to study neural systems, discuss the implementation of correlational
techniques in the frequency domain, and briefly consider the use of composite
recordings in correlation. Finally, we present examples of these applications from
our studies on fictive locomotion and scratching.
A variety of studies have explored the use of correlation to examine neuron orga-
nization, including direct connections between neurons, common synaptic input to
neurons from branched presynaptic axons, or synchronized presynaptic inputs to
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neurons. Most studies have used correlations in the time domain; many reviews are
available on these methods and their application. 1–2
Correlation functions describe the dependence of one variable on a second variable
at earlier and later times. The variables are the same in the case of the auto-correlation
() = ( )
T xtxt dt
( )
. This information is related to the frequency content of
the signal, or its bandwidth, and its tendency to include periodicities. The cross-
correlation function expresses the dependence between two signals, x ( t ) and y ( t ):
() = ( )
T y t x t
( )
Using a finite period of integration, T , in practical applications provides estimates
of these functions whose reliability increases with longer integration intervals, pro-
vided the statistical properties of the signals remain constant. If x ( t ) and y ( t ) are
causally related, the cross-correlation function contains information on the process
that relates them, in addition to information contained in the auto-correlation function
of each signal.
Application of these equations to studies of neural function requires their adap-
tation for use with spike trains in place of continuous processes. By representing
spike trains by values of 1 at times of spike occurrence and 0 at other times, the
products in eqs. 6.1 and 6.2 are only non-zero when spikes occur in both trains at
an interval of
, yielding
the familiar auto- and cross-correlation histograms. Dividing histogram counts by
the number of reference spikes (those of train x ( t )) and the bin width
probability density functions in units of frequency. Alternatives include the cross-
interval density histogram, which shows the time of occurrence only of spikes in
train y ( t ) that immediately precede or follow each spike in the reference train x ( t ).
Dependencies between spike trains can be produced by fundamental physiological
processes, such as monosynaptic or oligosynaptic projections between neurons or
common synaptic inputs from branched, presynaptic axons. Recognition of this fact
led several investigators to consider applying correlational methods to determine the
probable connections between neurons. Perkel et al. 3 discussed the uses of cross-
correlation histograms and interval histograms to determine whether two spike trains
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which indicates how the value of a signal, x ( t ), depends statistically on its values
displaced by the interval
. The integral eqs. 6.1 and 6.2 are then replaced by simple summations
of the numbers of spikes in the two trains separated by interval
were statistically dependent and to form guidelines for interpreting these histograms
if dependence was demonstrated. On the basis of simulation, they suggested that (1)
common synaptic input to neurons from branched presynaptic neurons is more
difficult to detect than monosynaptic or oligosynaptic projections between neurons;
(2) oligosynaptic connections are more difficult to detect than monosynaptic pro-
jections; and (3) several configurations can lead to the same form of correlation. A
subsequent study described characteristic features of cross-correlation histograms
produced by several simple neuronal circuits, based on simulations and recordings
in Aplysia . 4 This study concluded that “fairly precise statements about the waveform,
amplitude and polarity of the intracellular synaptic potential which couples the
correlated cells” can be made using cross-correlation histograms based on spike
trains. Furthermore, the existence of other neurons present in the network, like a
common source of input, can be inferred from these histograms, even though the
activity of these neurons is not observed directly. Cross-correlation and cross-interval
histograms can be supplemented with other methods 5 to determine the configuration
of neural circuits.
One limitation of this work was that rather large PSPs were used, while most
synaptic inputs, in the absence of composite stimulation, are quite small. 6 Never-
theless, the net effect of many small PSPs can have a clear and measurable effect
on neuron discharge. Calvin and Stevens 7 showed that background synaptic noise
is sufficient to produce the variability observed in motoneuron discharge by causing
threshold crossings sooner or later than the mean interspike interval. Sears and Stag 8
hypothesized that EPSPs produced by many presynaptic fibers shared by motoneu-
rons would increase their probability of discharge during the rising phase of the
EPSPs. Cross-correlation histograms between the discharge of pairs or small groups
of intercostal motoneurons contained short-term synchronization, central peaks with
widths of
Identifying probable neuronal circuits based on correlation functions is discussed in
several of the publications cited above. We confine our remarks to the issue of
identifying the organization of synaptic inputs to motoneuron pools using correla-
tions. Several correlating mechanisms can be distinguished in cross-correlation his-
tograms between motoneurons. For example, Kirkwood et al. 10 show that cross-
correlation histograms between respiratory motoneurons can exhibit short-term syn-
chronization associated with common input, broad peaks which appear to be pro-
duced by correlated interneuron inputs, and correlation peaks associated with high-
frequency oscillations originating in medullary neurons (see 6.3.2).
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3 msec, consistent with this hypothesis. This work was further supported
by the demonstration of an EPSP-like depolarization, the average common excitatory
(ACE) potential, revealed by averaging the intracellular potentials in one motoneuron
while using the spike discharge of another as a trigger. 9 A theory relating the waveform
of the EPSP to an increased probability of discharge (see 6.2.3) successfully accounted
for both the shape of the ACE potential and short-term synchronization.
As Kirkwood and Sears 9 suggested originally, the form of the cross-correlation
histogram for two motoneurons whose discharge is correlated by common input can
be predicted from the convolution of their primary correlation kernels (PCK), in the
terminology of Knox, 11 which describe the increased probability of neuron discharge
produced by the PSP. Kirkwood and Sears found that a PCK expressed by a linear
combination of the EPSP and its derivative was sufficient to account for the shape
of both the cross-correlation peak and the ACE potential. Application of this theory
to human motor unit recordings 12 suggests that synchrony in the discharge of human
motor units occurs as a result of common inputs, probably from branched corticospi-
nal fibers. 13 The dependence of this short-term synchronization on various physio-
logical factors has been investigated in several studies. 14–16
Clearly, the relationship between EPSP characteristics and the change in the
probability of discharge is critical in the interpretation of cross-correlation histo-
grams. The increased probability of discharge produced by an EPSP has been
described as most directly related to the profile of the EPSP, 4 the derivative of the
EPSP, 11 or a combination of the EPSP profile and its derivative. 9 Several studies
have examined the relationship between the EPSP (or IPSP) received by a moto-
neuron and its effect on discharge probability. 17–19 These studies show that this
relationship depends on PSP size in relation to the level of synaptic noise. 20 More-
over, the increased discharge probability produced by an EPSP is determined by its
amplitude 19 or the amplitude of the EPSP and the derivative of its rising phase. 18
Demonstration that even the EPSPs produced by single afferents can increase the
probability of motoneuron discharge 19 indicates that cross-correlation may be sen-
sitive enough to detect dependencies between spike trains produced by neuronal
circuits with a variety of connection patterns.
A central problem in this area is distinguishing the correlation peak produced
by common, branched input fibers from other forms of correlating input, such as
input fibers with correlated activity (presynaptic synchronization). Making this dis-
tinction can be difficult, as discussed by Kirkwood and Sears. 21 A central correlation
peak produced by presynaptic synchronization should be wider than if produced by
common input. But how much wider should it be? If the presynaptic neurons are
synchronized by common input and project monosynaptically to motoneurons, then
the peak should by widened by an additional convolution with the PCK of the
presynaptic neurons. Any dispersion in the arrival time of action potentials in the
set of synchronized presynaptic neurons would widen the peak as well. However,
this increase in peak width may be rather slight, particularly if presynaptic synchro-
nization occurs in neurons close to the motoneuron pools, as might be expected for
interneuronal inputs. Kirkwood and Sears 21 suggest that correlation peaks with half-
widths of 2.1 msec or less can be assumed to indicate the presence of common input,
as opposed to presynaptic synchronization or some combination of the two. This
decision must be based on the particular conditions of the system under study. A
recent, careful application of this approach is given in Vaughn and Kirkwood. 22 We
consider this issue with respect to interpreting correlations between motor pool
activities during fictive locomotion in
The precision with which the characteristics of PSPs and the organization of
presynaptic inputs can be identified has not been fully resolved. As indicated above,
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