Plovdiv city guide.pdf

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Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps
Autumn 2008
Plovdiv Fair
29 September –
04 October 2008
The Old Town
A crossroad of cultures
No 1
Enjoy your
of Plovdiv
In Your Pocket
Autumn 2008
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Arriving in Plovdiv
Touching down
The Basics
Essential reading for those not sure where
they are
Introducing Plovdiv
How the past has shaped the present
Keeping in touch
Let your Mum know how you are
Culture & Events
Autumn Salon of the Arts, Plovdiv 2008
Where to stay 15
Places to recharge the batteries and catch up
on your beauty sleep
Dining & Nightlife
Where to wine and dine
Feed the addiction
Nightlife 40
Enough to keep any pub crawlers on their hands
and knees
What to see
The Old Town map
Getting around
Making sense of transport
Go on a spree
Health & Lifestyle
Prevention is better than cure
Time for fitness
Oligarchs anonymous
Maps & Index
Street index
City map
City centre map
Bulgaria map
Autumn 2008
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Plovdiv is Bulgaria‘s second largest city after Sofia and
definitely less stressful.
During the summer it is not just hot it is HOT. Plovdivians
have their local wisdom in the following sentence “Gusto
maina Filibeto, ogin pada ot nibeto” “Hey dude, it is nice
in Plovdiv, but fire falls from the sky”.
Spring (April, May and mid-June) and autumn (mid-Sep-
tember, October) are the best off-season months (except
for the few International Fair days in mid May and end of
September). This is the best time to visit as the weather
is good and not too hot or too cold. The cultural venues,
theaters, concert halls, etc. are in full swing and let’s not
forget the off-season rates.
Plovdiv is one of the most appealing cities in Bulgaria and
the Balkans with its first foundations laid here between
6 - 80 0 0 yea rs a go th u s maki n g i t ol d er th a n Rom e or eve n
B ei ji n g. Pl ovdi v i s a grea t c om bi na ti on o f real h i s tori cal a n d
a rc h e ol ogi c al treasu re s wi th th e l i vel i n e s s o f a m o d ern ci t y
and great cultural and night life. The most visited and ad-
mi re d i s th e h ill y Ol d Town, b uil t on th re e h ill s call e d tep eta.
Th e maze o f cobbled streets which meander th e area and
contain the cuddled up revival houses with their colourful
façades and ornate decoration don’t fail to impress and
take you back in time. Read more on page 30.
Th e m od ern par t o f th e ci t y c entre is buil t al on g th e mai n
p e d e s tria n s tre et s ta r ti n g a t th e C e n tral S q ua re ( Pl osh ta d
Centralen) and passing along Dzhumaya Dzhamia just
next to the Old Town on the west. This long street runs
past all kinds of monuments, fountains, the ruins of the
Roman stadium, shops, restaurants and cafés all the
way to River Maritsa. This is the liveliest part of the city
and especially in the evening it seems like the whole
population has gathered here, strolling up and down.
Th e streets between th e centre and th e train station are
also something not to miss. The buildings here have not
been restored as in the Old Town and the architecture
is closer to the capitals’ Sofia feel, but they also hold
their charm.
Don’t miss out on climbing the hills of Plovdiv, the views
you can enjoy from their tops are amazing. Read more
on page 10.
Plovdiv is also famous for the International Trade Fairs
conducted for already 63 years, for 5 days in mid May
and at the end of September. During these few days the
city welcomes an additional 150-160 000 people so
accommodation is hard to find and rates are obviously
more expensive. Read more on page 45.
Europe In Your Pocket
With the launch of Moscow In Your Pocket now
imminent, check out what we have to offer in the
Russian capital at the full
content of Moscow IYP is now online. There are
also online guides to Sarajevo and Banja Luka,
Bosnia to enjoy, ahead of print editions to both
cities, to be launched in October and November.
Elsewhere, Glasgow In Your Pocket is in the
final throes of preparation: expect the guide to
hit newsstands before Christmas.
The biggest news of all though at In Your Pocket
is our new, much improved website, coming soon
to public beta. Check it out at beta.inyourpocket.
com , and let us know what you think via email:e- is our address.
Editor-in-chief Steven MacAulay
Assistant Editor Vesela Lyudskanova
Research Angel Ivanov, Petya Racheva,
Veronica de Boer, Vesela Lyudskanova
Layout & Design Krassimir Apostolov
Photos Petya Racheva, Veronica de Boer,
Vesela Lyudskanova
Cover Veronica de Boer
Sales & Circulation
Publisher Discover Bulgaria Ltd.
General Manager Veronica de Boer
Marketing Manager and PR Petya Racheva
Sales & Circulation Vesela Lyudskanova
Available from Airports – Burgas, Varna,
Plovdiv and Sofia, airline companies, rent-
a-cars, hotels, bars, restaurants, business
centres, shopping malls, foreign embassies
and international forums. To order your copy
online visit
Copyright notice
Text and photos copyright Discover Bul-
garia Ltd. – Bulgaria In Your Pocket 2008.
Maps copyright cartographer. All rights
reserved. No part of this publication may
be reproduced in any form, except brief
extracts for the purpose of review, with-
out written permission from the publish-
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In Your Pocket is used under license from
UAB In Your Pocket (Vokieciu 10-15, Vilnius,
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Editor’s note
The editorial content of In Your Pocket
guides is independent from paid-for
advertising. Sponsored listings are
clearly marked as such. We welcome all
readers’ comments and suggestions.
We have made every effort to ensure
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time of going to press and assume no
responsibility for changes and errors.
Plovdiv In Your Pocket
Mladost 4, bl. 473, vh. 2-3,
pristroika, parter
(opposite the Business Park)
1715 Sofia, Bulgaria
tel.: + 359 2 881 01 02
fax: + 359 2 881 53 32
© Discover Bulgaria Ltd.
Printed by Infopress Group Bulgaria
Published 2 times per year
15 000 copies
Plovdiv In Your Pocket
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arriVing in ploVdiV
With points of arrival characterized by confusing signs,
most of which in Cyrillic, and staff who only speak English
if they feel like it, your first five minutes in Plovdiv can often
feel like landfall on a faraway planet. A healthy mixture of
patience and good humour should be enough to set you
on your way.
Message from the Mayor
Dear citizens and guests
of Plovdiv,
Plovdiv is a city with his-
tory and traditions of long
standing – it is one of the
oldest cities in Europe
and indeed the oldest
city in Bulgaria. Today it
successfully interlaces
the spirit of the past and
its European present and
Plovdiv is a city on the
crossroad between the East and the West. That is the
reason why the people, who have come from far away,
become enchanted by what they see. The monuments
of culture are almost 200, including the Ancient Theatre
of the old Philippopolis, the Roman Stadium, the Nebet
tepe Archaeological Complex, the old Plovdiv... And along
with the antiquities are the renovated city centre, the Row
canal, the International Fair in Plovdiv, the green areas for
recreation and amusement of the citizens and guests of
Plovdiv. These places are well known even abroad.
I am convinced that everyone, who has visited the city
once, will keep coming back enchanted by the spirit of
Plovdiv, by the hospitality of the old houses and southern
temperament of the local citizens. Anyone, who has been
in contact with Plovdiv, falls in love with the city for ever.
And for us, the citizens of Plovdiv, it is a privilege to be
a part of the spirit of this unique place, hidden between
the seven hills in the Valley of Maritsa River.
By bus
Central Bus Station Yug, H-2, bul. Hristo Botev 47,
tel. 62 69 37,, www.avtogari.
info. International buses arrive and depart from the central
bus station on bul. Hristo Botev 47. Facilities include ticket
offices, cafés and restaurant, 24 hour left-luggage office
(garderob-1Lv) in the main passenger’s hall.
Getting to town: Taxis are always on hand and can take
you to the city centre for approximately 3-4Lv. Buses No
1, 7, 11, 18, 20 and minibuses No 4, 8 will also get you to
the centre. By foot, go straight along bul. Hristo Botev and
then turn to the left along bul. Tsar Boris III. It will take you
approximately 15-20 min.
By car
Plovdiv is since historical times the centre point of various
cross roads.
Coming from Sofia you take the A1 on which you are blessed
wi th a b ou t 137 kil om eters o f relati vel y good h i gh way. D epar t-
ing from northern Greece you can take the mountainous route
86. You cross the border at Asenovgrad and keep on driving
north until you reach Plovdiv.
In case you come from Turkey take the highway E80 to Svi-
lengrad via Edirne (Odrin) going on via Harmanli and Haskovo
Plovdiv is just ahead.
Burgas-Plovdiv (270km) should be done via the E773/E871
provincial until after Stara Zagora. Do not miss tiny exits with
written София (Sofia) on it!
Parking in Plovdiv is generally less difficult than in Sofia. Traf-
fic jams are also less even during rush hours and drivers a
little bit more tolerable than the Sofia nervous bunch, so you
will not hear too much honking of car horns like in Sofia.
Welcome to our city !
Slavcho Atanasov
Mayor of Plovdiv
Street smarts
By plane
Plovdiv International Airport (Letishte Plovdiv) , K-8 ,
often referred to as Plovdiv Krumovo Airport, is located
12km southeast of the city centre on the main highway
Plovdiv-Asenovgrad. It has one terminal and is specialized in
servicing charter passenger flights for the Bulgarian moun-
tain ski resorts (Pamporovo - 60km, Borovetz - 90km and
Bansko 163km) during the winter period from December to
April. During the period May to November there are hardly
any passenger flights, except for landings of aircraft originally
destined to Sofia airport. The capital is some 150km away,
via A1 (Trakiya) highway. There is only one café.
Getting to town: the only way to get to town is by taxi, ap-
proximately 15 min. The fare to town should not cost more
than 20-30Lv (€10-15). Make sure you check the sticker
on the windscreen indicating the rates in BGN. Charges are
supposed to be metered and since this is an out of town
course the driver switches the meter on exiting Plovdiv, so
you pay 1 and ½ fare.
There are no regular buses except for the pick-up services
of hotels or travel companies.
The railway stop of Plovdiv-Asenovgrad trains is about 1 km
from the airport’s terminal.
Plovdiv Airport provides bus transport for the passengers of
all international carriers in case of irregularity, when Plovdiv
Airport is used as an alternative airport of Sofia Airport or
any other Bulgarian airport.
Street Улица (ул.) Ulitsa (ul.)
Square Площад (пл.) Ploshtad (pl.)
Boulevard Булевард (бул.) Boulevard (bul.)
Highway Магистрала Magistrala
Bridge Мост Most
By train
Plovdiv`s Central Station (Tsentralna gara), H-2, open
24hours, is located on the south side of the centre of Plovdiv.
There is a luggage office (garderob), just inside the station
left of the information desk. It is open 24 hours and the fee is
2Lv per item for 24 hours. The station has special facilities for
disabled people. The central pedestrian street Ivan Vazov will
lead you to the centre of the city - pl. Tsentralen, the Central
Post Office as well as the Trimonzium Hotel. The cheapest
way to get to the other parts of the city is either by walking
or by taking buses No 9, 29, 44, 99 or minibus No 3, 5, 16,
19 from the bus stop, just from the same street.
The Plovdiv
telephone code is: 032
Autumn 2008
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