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Ba after – chase

be after – chase

be in for – expect, usu bad

be off - absent

be on – at TV etc.

be out – stop burning

be through with – end realtionship

be up to – móc/feel like doing sth

break down – zepsuć/załamać się/negocjacje/podzielić

break in – by force/illegally

break into – by force/interrupt

break off – end a relationship

break out – WAR

break through – advance

break to – tell sth bad

break up – stop for holidays/end a rltshp

bring about – cause to happen

bring back – cause to recall

break down – cause to fall

bring forward – move sth to earlier date

bring in – create profit

bring on – cause usu unpleasant

bring out – put on market

bring round – consciousness/persuade

bring up – raise a child/mention

call for - need

call in – visit briefly

call off – cancel

call on sb – visit formally

call out – firemen

call up – join the army

carried away (be) – excited

carry off – handle diffclt situation

carry out – conduct experiment

carry through – complete succesfully

come across – find by chance

come by – otrzymać/uzyskać

come down to – w spadku

come into – w spadku

come off – succeed

come out – kwitnąć/be published/stains

come round – visit casually/recover conscious

come to – amount to a total

come up – mention/arise/occur

come up to – approach/equal

come up with – find solution

cut across – iść na skróty

cut in – move suddnly in front of car/interupt

cut into – interrupt

cut off – disconnect/isolate

cut out – omit(opuszcać)

(be)cut out for – suited for profession

cut up – na małe kawałki

do away with – usunąć/obalić

do sb down – obgadywać

do in – kill

do up – fasten/tie

do with – want

draw back – wykręcać się/wycofywać

draw in – train arrives

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draw out – encourage sb shy/bankomat

draw up – stop a car/write will,list etc

fall apart – come to pieces

fall back on – ost.deska ratunku

fall behind – zaległości

fall for sb – in love with sb/oszukanym

fall in – collapse

fall in with – agree with

fall into – categories/begin

fall on – attack/eat hungrily

fall out (with) – quarrel

fall through – fail to be completed

get across – przekazać myśl

get along – cont.despite problems

get along with – be at friendly terms

get at – mean

get away with – niski mandat

get back – oddać rower

get down – swallow with difficulties/depress

get down to – start doing sth seriously

get on – enter bus/make progress

get out – become known

get over – recover

get round – persuade

get round to – find time to do sth

get through – finish/go on(difficulties)

get through to – reach by phone

give away – ujawnić sekret/dać za friko

give in/up – surrender

give off – emit

give out – come to an end/distribute

go ahead – be allowed to happen

go back on – break promise

go by – wierzyć czyimś słowom

go for – also: attack, apply for a job

go in for – take part in competition

go off – explode/alarm/milk

go out – stop burning

go over – examine details

go round – enough 4evbody/spread news/decease

go with – match

hold back – control tears, laughter

hold in – powstrzymywać

hold off – keep at a distance

hold out – last/persist(upierać się)

hold to – follow exactly/keep to

hold up – delay/use violence to rob

keep after – pościg

keep back – ukrywać uczucia

keep down – cause to remain at lower level

keep in – wyprosić z klasy

keep off - avoid

keep on – cont.despite diffct.

keep out – wykluczyć

keep up with – stay at the same level/cont.being.informed

let down – lenghten clthes/dissapoint

let off – not to punish

let on – reveal a seccret

let out – release/make cloths larger

let up – become less strong

look back (on) – consider the past

look down to – gardzić

look in on sb – pay a short visit

look into – investigate

look on – observe

look out for – szukać gorączkowo

look over – examine carefully

look round – examine a place

look through – scan

make for – go towards

make out – distinguish

make over sth to sb – dać coś komuś

make up for – compensate

pass away – die

pass sb off as sb – udawać kogoś

pass out – lose consciousness

pay down – w ratach

pay off – wypłacić odprawę

pay up – pay (a debt) in full

pull down – demolish

pull oneself together – kontrolować się

pull through – succeed desp.difficulties

pull up – stop

put aside/by – save

put across – przedstawić myśl

put away – store/put sb to prison\mental hospital

put down – write down

put down to – przypisywać coś czemuś

put forward – propose

put off- postpone(przełożyć)

put out – extinguish/cause trouble

be put out – be annoyed

put through – connect by phone

put up – erect/offer zakwaterowanie/show in a public place

run after – chase

run down – knock down (with a vehicle)

run in – dotrzeć silnik

run off – make prints\copies

run through – use up (tracić?)/rehearse quickly

run up - accumulate

run up against – encounter diff.

see about – deal with

see off – odwieźć kogoś pociąg

see out – odprowadzić sb do drzwi

see over – inspect a place

see through – not be deceived

see about – begin to do

set aside – save for purpose/stop sth

set back – cofnąć zegar

set in – state of weather

set on – ause to attack

set sb up – cause sb to receive blame

set to – begin working hard

set up – start a business/establish

stand by – support/be ready for action

stand for – represent

stand in for – replace sb temporarily

stand out – be noticeable

stand up for sb – support

stand up to – resist

take back – apologise

take in sb – give accomodation/make cloths narrow/fully understand

take off – 1/2/imitate/take time as holiday

take on – undertake work or employ

take out – remove/clean

take over – gain control

take to – begin a habit/like

turn down – refuse an offer

turn in – go to bed/give to police

turn out – produce/prove to be

wear away – (of wood/stones)reduce gradually

wear down – reduce oposition gradually

wear off – stop gradually

wear out – exhaust\sb i sth

work on – have an effect on

work up – develop

a cold fish

a couch potato

a dark horse

a fly-by-night – sb unreliable

a live wire

a night-owl

a really close shave – o mały włos

above board – honest

alive & kicking – żywotna

an early bird

as bold as brass

as busy as a bee

as clear as a bell

as cool as a cucumber

as fit as a fiddle

as flat as a pancake

as gentle as a lamb

as good as gold

as large as life

as light as feather

as poor as a church mouse

as pretty as a picture

as proud as a peacock

as regular as clockwork

as silent as a grave

as two peas in a pod – 2 krople wody

as white as a sheet

at a loose end – nie mieć nic do roboty

by & large – everything cosidered

cheesed off – annoyed

dead beat – exhausted

fair & square – clearly

for donkey’s years – bardzo długo

from head to foot – od stóp do głów

from scratch – from beginning

full of beans –

give & take – kompromis

hard up – short of money

he blows his own trumpet

he’s got a real bee in his bonnet

in a nutshell – jednym słowem

inside out – na lewą stronę

it doesn’t hold water

loud-mouthed – talking too much

null & void – nieważny

on all fours – na czworakach

on the house – na koszt firmy

over the moon – vey happy

pigheaded – stubborn

sb is looking daggers at sb – spode łba

she flies off the handle

she’s all fingers & thumbs

short & sweet – krótko i treściwie

skin & bone – skóra i kości

standing on my head – z zamkn.oczami

stuck up – zarozumiały

the apple of one’s eye

the last straw – tego już za wiele!

the life&soul of the party

through thick & thin – na dobre i złe

to be at loggerheads with – drzeć koty

to be head&shoulders above

to be up & about – żywotnym być

to cook by the rule of thumb

to feel out of sorts – cienko

to have one’s heart in sth –włożyć w coś serce

to hear through the word of mouth

to look down in the mouth

to make one’s presence felt

to tell sb apart - rozróżnić

under my nose

under the thumb – pod pantoflem

wear & tear of sth – trudy czegoś

well off - ?


needn’t + pres.inf = don’t need to

needn’t + perfect inf = happened but unnecesary


as if / as though + any tense

= probability

as if / as though + past smp/cont

= unreal in the present

as if / as though + past perfect

= unreal in the past

Due to the fact, that...

Due to the traint strike...

It’s such a lot of people..

It’s so hot a day that...

However fast he runs (no matter how)

few – countable

little – uncountable

Both ... & .... + plural verb

Either ... or ... + sng/pl verb

Neither ... nor...+ sng/pl verb

Not only ...but also...+ sng/pl verb

to/ in order to/ so as to+inf

so that + can/will - pres/fut reference

so that +could/would – past reference

with a view to / with the aim of/+ ing

In case + present – pres/future reference

„I’ll phone him in case he’s forgotten the app.”

In case + past – past reference

„He took a torch in case there was no light.”


For fear / lest + might / should

„They put on their life jackets for fear they might drown”

For fear of sth/doing sth

„He left his money in the hotel for fear of losing them”

Prevent + sb/sth + (from) + -ing form

Avoid + -ing form

He works hard > He said that he worked hard

He is working hard – he was working hard

He worked hard – he (had) worked hard


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