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Understanding Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0
By NeonSurge
Rhino9 Publications


This documented was not made for people who have been working with Microsoft
Proxy Server since its beta (catapult) days. It is made for individuals who
are curious about the product and security professionals that are curious as
to what Microsoft Proxy Server has to offer. This document is also being
written for individuals have a general idea of what a Proxy Server does, but
wants to know more. This paper goes into discussion of Proxy Server Features
and Architecture, Access Control, Encryption, and Firewall Strategies (which
I have been getting a lot of requests for).

The second part of the documentation goes into Firewall types and
strategies, so if that's the reason you downloaded the documentation, go
straight to page 8 I believe.

What is Microsoft Proxy Server?

Microsoft Proxy Server is a "firewall" and cache server. It provides
additional Internet security and can improve network response issues
depending on its configuration. The reason I put the word firewall in quotes
is because Proxy Server should not be considered as a stand-alone solution
to a firewall need. When you are done reading this document, you will have
an advanced understanding of the Proxy Server product and also understand
firewall techniques and topologies.

Proxy Server can be used as an inexpensive means to connect an entire
business through only one valid IP address. It can also be used to allow
more secure inbound connections to your internal network from the Internet.
By using Proxy Server, you are able to better secure your network against
intrusion. It can be configured to allow your entire internal private
network to access resources on the Internet, at the same time blocking any
inbound access.

Proxy Server can also be used to enhance the performance of your network by
using advanced caching techniques. The can be configured to save local
copies of requested items from the Internet. The next time that item is
requested, it can be retrieved from the cache without having to connect to
the original source. This can save an enormous amount of time and network

Unlike Proxy Server 1.0, Proxy Server 2.0 includes packet filtering and many
other features that we will be discussing.

Proxy Server provides it functionality by using three services:

* Web Proxy: The web proxy service supports HTTP, FTP, and Gopher for TCP/IP

* WinSock Proxy: The Winsock proxy supports Windows Sockets client
applications. It provides support for clients running either TCP/IP or
IPX/SPX. This allows for networks that may be running more of a Novell
environment to still take advantage of Proxy Server.

* SOCKS Proxy: The SOCKS Proxy is a cross-platform service that allows for
secure communication in a client/server capacity. This service supports
SOCKS version 4.3a and allows users access to the Internet by means of Proxy
Server. SOCKS extends the functionality provided by the WinSock service to
non-Windows platforms such as Unix or Macintosh.

Proxy Servers Security Features

In conjunction with other products, Proxy Server can provide firewall level
security to prevent access to your internal network.

* Single Contact Point: A Proxy Server will have two network interfaces. One
of these network interfaces will be connected to the external (or
"untrusted") network, the other interface will be connected to your internal
(or "trusted") network. This will better secure your LAN from potential

* Protection of internal IP infrastructure: When IP forwarding is disabled
on the Proxy Server, the only IP address that will be visible to the
external environment will be the IP address of the Proxy Server. This helps
in preventing intruders from finding other potential targets on your

* Packet Layer Filtering: Proxy Server adds dynamic packet filtering to its
list of features. With this feature, you can block or enable reception of
certain packet types. This enables you to have a tremendous amount of
control over your network security.

Beneficial Features of Proxy

* IIS and NT Integration: Proxy Server integrates with Windows NT and
Internet Information Server tighter than any other package available on the
market. Proxy Server actually uses the same administrative interface used by
Internet Information Server.

* Bandwidth Utilization: Proxy Server allows all clients in your network to
share the same link to the external network. In conjunction with Internet
Information Server, you can set aside a certain portion of your bandwidth
for use by your webserver services.

* Caching Mechanisms: Proxy Server supports both active and passive caching.
These concepts will be explained in better detail further into the document.

* Support for Web Publishing: Proxy Server uses a process known as reverse
proxy to provide security while simultaneously allowing your company to
publish on the Internet. Using another method known as reverse hosting, you
can also support virtual servers through Proxy.

Hardware and Software Requirements

Microsoft suggests the following minimum hardware requirements.

* Intel 486 or higher. RISC support is also available.
* 24 MB Ram for Intel chips 32 MB Ram for RISC.
* 10 MB Diskspace needed for installation. 100 MB + .5 MB per client for
Cache space.
* 2 Network interfaces (Adapters, Dial-Up, etc)

Following is the suggested minimum software requirements.

* Windows NT server 4.0
* Internet Information Server 2.0
* Service Pack 3

It is highly recommended that it be installed on an NTFS partition. If an
NTFS partition is not used, not only are you losing NTFS's advanced security
features, but also the caching mechanisms of Proxy Server will not work.

It is also recommended that your two network interfaces be configured prior
to installation. On interface configured to the external network, and one
configured for the internal network. (Note: When configuring your TCP/IP
settings, DO NOT configure a default gateway entry for your internal network

* Be sure that "Enable IP Forwarding" is not checked in your TCP/IP settings. This could seriously compromise your internal security.

What is the LAT?

This is probably one of the most common questions I am asked as a security
professional. The LAT, or Local Address Table, is a series of IP address
pairs that define your internal network. Each pair defines a range of IP
addresses or a single pair.

That LAT is generated upon installation of Proxy Server. It defines the
internal IP addresses. Proxy Server uses the Windows NT Routing Table to
auto-generate the LAT. It is possible that the when the LAT is
auto-generated, that errors in the LATs construction will be found. You
should always manually comb through the LAT and check for errors. It is not
uncommon to find external IP addresses in the LAT, or entire subnets of your
internal IP addresses will not appear on the LAT. It is generally a good
idea to have all of your internal IP addresses in the LAT.


Upon installing the Proxy Server client software, it adds a file named
msplat.txt into the \Mspclnt directory. The msplat.txt file contains the
LAT. This file is regularly updated from the server to ensure that the LAT
the client is using is current.

What is the LAT used for?

Every time a client attempts to use a Winsock application to establish a
connection, the LAT is referenced to determine if the IP address the client
is attempting to reach is internal or external. If the IP address is
internal, Proxy Server is bypassed and the connection is made directly. If
the IP address the client is attempting to connect to DOES NOT appear in the
LAT, it is determined that the IP address is remote and the connection is
made through Proxy Server. By knowing this information, someone on your
internal network could easily edit his or her LAT table to bypass Proxy

Some Administrators may not see this as a problem because the LAT is
regularly updated from the server, so any changes the user made to his or
her LAT will be overwritten. However, if the user saves their LAT with the
filename Locallat.txt, the client machine will reference both the msplat.txt
and the locallat.txt to determine if an IP address is local or remote. So,
by using the locallat.txt method, a user can, in theory, permanently bypass
Proxy Server. The locallat.txt file is never overwritten unless the user
does so manually.

What changes are made when Proxy Server is installed?

Server side changes:

* The Web Proxy, Winsock Proxy, and SOCKS Proxy services are installed and
management items are added into the Internet Service Manager.

* An HTML version of the documentation is added into the
%systemroot%\help\proxy\ directory.

* A cache area is created on an NTFS volume.

* The LAT table is constructed.

* Proxy Server Performance Monitor counters are added.

* Client installation and config files are added to the Msp\Clients folder.
This folder is shared as Mspclnt and by default has the permissions set to
Read for Everyone.

Client side changes:
* The LAT (msplat.txt) file is copied to the clients local hard drive.

* A WSP Client icon is added to control panel on Win3.X, Win95 and WinNT

* A Microsoft Proxy Client Program Group is added

* The winsock.dll file is replace with Remote WinSock for Proxy. The old
winsock file is renamed winsock.dlx.

* Mspclnt.ini file is copied to the client machine.

Proxy Server Architecture

To understand the architecture of Microsoft Proxy Server, you must first
have a basic grasp of how Proxy works for outbound client requests. Here is
a simple example:

Joe opens his browser to visit his favorite news site on the net. He types
in the sites IP address which he has memorized because...
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