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Author: van Hauser / THC



Please excuse my poor english - I'm german so it's not my mother language 
I'm writing in. Anyway if your english is far better than mine, then don't 
think this text hasn't got anything to offer you. In contrast. Ignore the 
spelling errors & syntax - the contents of this document is important ... 

     NOTE : This text is splitted into TWO parts.
            The first one, this, teaches about the background and theory.
            The second just shows the basics by an easy step-by-step
            procedure what to type and what to avoid.
            If you are too lazy to read this whole stuff here (sucker!)
            then read that one. It's main targets are novice unix hackers.

If you think, getting the newest exploits fast is the most important thing 
you must think about and keep your eyes on - you are wrong. How does the 
best exploit helps you once the police has seized your computer, all your 
accounts closed and everything monitored? Not to mention the warrants etc.
No, the most important thing is not to get caught. It is the FIRST thing 
every hacker should learn, because on many occasions, especially if you 
make your first hacks at a site which is security conscious because of 
many break-ins, your first hack can be your last one (even if all that 
lays back a year ago "they" may come up with that!), or you are too lazy 
to change your habits later in your career. So read through these sections 
carefully! Even a very skilled hacker can learn a bit or byte here. 

So this is what you find here: 

Section I - you are reading me, the introduction
Section II - the mental things and how to become paranoid

1. Motivation
2. Why you must become paranoid
3. How to become paranoid
4. Stay paranoid

Section III - the basics you should know BEFORE begin hacking

1. Preface
2. Secure Yourself
3. Your own account
4. The logs
5. Don't leave a trace
6. Things you should avoid

Section IV - the advanced techniques you should take a notice of

1. Preface
2. Prevent Tracing of any kind
3. Find and manipulate any log files
4. Check the syslog configuration and logfile
5. Check for installed security programs
6. Check the admins
7. How to "correct" checksum checking software
8. User Security Tricks
9. Miscellaneous

Section V - what to do once you are under suspect
Section VI - the does and dont's when you got caught
Section VII - a short listing of the best programs for hiding
Section VIII - last words, the common bullshit writers wanna say

Read carefully and enlighten yourself. 



1. Motivation
2. Why you must become paranoid
3. How to become paranoid
4. Stay paranoid


The mental aspect is the key to be successful in anything. 

It's the power to motivate yourself, fight on if it hurts, being self
disciplined, paranoid & realistic, calculate risks correctly and do stuff
you don't like but are important even if you'd like to go swimming now. 

If you can't motivate yourself to program important tools, wait for the 
crucial time to hit the target, then you'll never get anywhere with your 

A successful and good hacker must meet these mental requirements. It's like 
doing bodybuilding or a diet - you can learn it if you really try. 



It's right that normally being paranoid is not something which makes your 
life happier. However if you aren't expecting the worst, anything can hit 
you and throw you off balance. And you are risking very much with your 
doings. In your normal life you don't need to worry much about cops, 
thieves and therelike. But if you are on the other side remember that you 
make other people a hard life and bring them nightmares plus work - and 
they want to stop you.

Even if you don't feel like committing a crime - you actually do. Hacker-
Witchhunting pops up fast and gets everyone who might be involved. It's the 
sad thing : YOU ARE GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE ! Once you've got the 
stigma being a hacker you'll never get it off. Once having an entry in your 
police record it's very hard to find a job. Especially no software company, 
even no computer related company will ever hire you, they will be afraid 
of your skills, and you will see yourself being forced to emmigrate or your 
life lost. Once you fall down only a few can get up again. 

Become paranoid!
Protect yourself!
Remember you have got everything to loose!
Never feel silly doing THAT extraordinary action against tracing!
Never bother if someone laughs on your paranoid doing!
Never be too lazy or tired to modify the logs!
A hacker must do his work 100% !


If you've read the part above and you think thats true, it's easy - you've 
got already become paranoid. But it must become a substantial part of your 
life. If you made it becoming a good hacker always think about whom to tell 
what, and that you phone calls and emails might be monitored. Always reread 
the section above. 

If the above didn't helped you, then think about what happens if you are 
caught. Would your girlfriend stay at your side? Even if her father speaks 
a hard word? Do you want to see your parents cry? Thrown from your 

Don't give this a chance to happen! 

If even this is not enough to motivate you: KEEP AWAY FROM HACKING! You 
are a danger to the whole hacking society and your friends ! 


I hope you learned now why it is important to become paranoid. So stay 
paranoid. One mistake or lazy moment could suffice to ruin your life or

Always maintain motivation to do it. 



1. Preface
2. Secure Yourself
3. Your own account
4. The logs
5. Don't leave a trace
6. Things you should avoid


You should know this and practice it before you start your first hack. 
These are the absolute basics, without them you are in trouble soon. Even 
an experienced hacker can find a new hint/info in here. 


What if a SysAdmin reads your email?
What if your phone calls are recorded by the police?
What if the police seizes your computer with all your hacking data on it?

If you don't receive suspicious email, don't talk about hacking/phreaking 
on the phone and haven't got sensitive/private files on your harddisk then 
you don't need to worry. But then again you aren't a hacker. Every hacker 
or phreaker must keep in touch with others and have got his data saved 

Crypt every data which is sensitive! Online-Harddisk-Crypter are very 
important and useful: 

There are good harddisk crypters free available an the internet, which 
behave fully transparent to your operating systems, i.e. the packages 
listed below are tested and were found to be a hacker's first-choice: 

?If you use MsDos get SFS v1.17 or SecureDrive 1.4b ?If you use Amiga get 
EnigmaII v1.5 ?If you use Unix get CFS v1.33 

File Crypters: You can use any, but it should use one of the well known and 
secure algorythms. NEVER use a crypting program which can be exported 
because their effective keylengths are reduced! 

?Triple DES ?IDEA ?Blowfish (32 rounds) 

Encrypt your emails! 

?PGP v2.6.x is used most so use it too. 

Encrypt your phonecalls if you want to discuss important things. 

?Nautilus v1.5a is so far the best 

Encrypt your terminal sessions when connected to a unix system. Someone 
might be sniffing, or monitoring your phone line. 

?SSH is the so far most secure ?DES-Login is fine too 

Use strong passwords, non-guessable passwords which are not mentioned in 
any dictionary. They should seem random but good to remember for yourself. 
If the keylength is allowed to be longer than 10 chars, use that, and 
choose a sentence from a book, slightly modified. Please crypt phonenumbers 
of hacker friends twice. And call them from payphones/officephones/etc. 
only, if you don't encrypt the conversation. 

The beginner only needs PGP, a filecrypter and an online-hardisk-crypter. 
If you are really deep into hacking remember to encrypt everything. 

Make a backup of your data (Zip-Drive, other harddisk, CD, Tape), crypted 
of course, and store it somewhere which doesn't belong to any computer 
related guy or family member and doesn't belong to your house. So if a 
defect, fire or fed raid occures you got a backup of your data. 

Keep written notices only as long as you really need them. Not longer. 
Keeping them in an encrypted file or on an encrypted partition is much 
more secure. Burn the papers once you don't need them anymore. You can also 
write them down with a crypt algorythm which only you know of, but don't 
tell others and don't use it too often or it can be easily analyzed and 

Really hardcore or ultra paranoid hackers should consider too the TEMPEST 
Project. Cops, spies and hackers could monitor all your doings. A well 
equipted man could have anything he wants : Electronic pulse emanation can 
be catched from more than 100 meters away and show your monitor screen to 
somebody else, a laserpoint to your window to hear private conversations, 
or identifying hifrequency signals of keyboard clicks ... so possiblities 
are endless Lowcost prevention can be done by electronic pulse jammers 
and therelike which become available on the public market, but I don't 
think this is secure enough to keep anyone dedicated away. 


So let's talk about your own account. This is your real account you got at 
your school/university/job/provider and is associated with your name. Never 
forget to fail these ru...
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