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E 993 Download Knitting Instructions 14, Capelet
abbreviations: alt = aternate/ly, beg = begin/ning, col. = color, cont = continu-e/ing, dec = decreas-e/ing,
foll = follow/s/ing, inc = increas-e/ing, k = knit, p = purl, rep = repeat, st(s) = stitch(es), tog = together
burda sizes 36/38 and 40/42
row from cast-on, then, on right edge, in
every other row, inc 10 sts 1x, 6 sts 1x, 4 sts
3(4)x, 2 sts 6x, and 8 sts 1x = 68 (72) sts.
Incorporate all inc sts in the cable-rib pat-
tern, crossing the sts of the large cable the
1st time in the 13th row (the 1st time in the
15th row, then in each 20th row). After com-
pleting the last inc, all sts for the total length
of the back are on the needle. Cont straight
over these sts for the collar. When work
measures 30 cm (12 inches) = 54 rows from
last inc, dec on right edge, as mirror image of
inc, to shape 2nd shoulder, as foll: On right
edge, first dec 8 sts 1x, then in every other
row, dec 2 sts 6x, 4 sts 3(4)x, 6 sts 1x, and
10 sts 3x. All sts have now been dec.
Front: Work as for back.
Finishing: Block both pieces, dampen, and let
dry. Sew shoulder seams. Make a total of 21
pompoms as foll: make 2 pompoms, each 7 cm
(2 3 / 4 inches) Ø from “Diandra”. Make all other
pompoms from “Extra Soft Merino” as foll:
make 7 pompons, each 3 cm (1 1 / 4 inches) Ø,
7 pompons, each 4 cm (1 5 / 8 inches) Ø, and 5
pompons, each 5 cm (2 inches) Ø. Sew the
pompoms to the cape front as shown or as
The figures for sizes 40/42 are given in
parentheses. If only one figure is given, it
applies for both sizes.
“Diandra” bulky yarn from Gedifra (85% virgin
wool, 15% linen, approx. 50 m/56 yds/ 50 g):
approx. 450 (500) g “natural”, color 02625.
“Extra Soft Merino” medium-weight yarn from
Gedifra (100% merino wool, extrafein, super-
wash, approx. 105 m/117 yds/ 50 g): approx.
150 g “natural”, color 09125.
Prym knitting needles, size 9 mm (US 13/ UK
If desired, 1 Pompon Set from Prym, art. no.
Edge stitches: Slip the 1st st of each row
k-wise and k the last st of each row.
Attention: Work the edges of all pieces in this
Cable-rib pattern: Work foll the knitting chart.
The numbers along the right edge and to the
right of each cable indicate right-side rows. In
wrong-side rows, work sts as they appear. All
sts are shown, horizontally. Vertically, the
rows in one pattern repeat for each pattern
element are shown (pattern repeats end with
wrong-side row).
..."--- = slip 4 sts onto cable
needle and hold behind work, k the foll 4 sts,
then k the 4 sts from the cable needle
--------,........ = slip 8 sts onto
cable needle and hold in front of work, k the
foll 8 sts, then k the 8 sts from the cable
Tension swatch: 16.5 sts and 18 rows in
cable-rib pattern, with bulky yarn and 9 mm
needles = 10 x 10 cm (4 x 4 inches).
Key to knitting symbols:
1 = edge st, worked as given, above.
2 = k 1
3 = p 1
.."-- = slip 3 sts onto cable
needle and hold behind work, k the foll 3 sts,
then k the 3 sts from the cable needle.
---,... =slip 3 sts onto cable needle and
hold in front of work, k the foll 3 sts, then k
the 3 sts from the cable needle.
Back: Work from side to side. The arrow in
the knitting diagram indicates the direction of
work. With bulky yarn, cast on 10 sts. Work
in cable-rib pattern, beg on left edge of knit-
ting chart, at arrow b (c), and inc to arrow a
in the course of the work. To shape shoulder,
inc (cast on) 10 sts on right edge in the 3rd
1 19
Copyright 2009 by Verlag Aenne Burda GmbH & Co. KG, Am Kestendamm 1, D-77652 Offenburg, Germany.
All models, pattern pieces, and illustrations are copyrighted. Commercial use is prohibited.
The publishers cannot be held responsible for damages due to improper use of the pattern or materials,
improper carr ying-out of instructions or tips, or improper use of f inished models.
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