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E 993 Download Knitting Instructions 15, Scarf
abbreviations: alt = aternate/ly, beg = begin/ning, col. = color, cont = continu­e/ing, dec = decreas­e/ing,
foll = follow/s/ing, inc = increas­e/ing, k = knit, p = purl, rep = repeat, st(s) = stitch(es), tog = together
size 265 x 23 cm (104 x 9 inches)
Scarf: Cast on 32 sts. Work in rib
pattern between the edge sts, beg and
ending with p 2. K edge sts in all right­
side and wrong­side rows. When work
measures 18 cm (7 inches) = 30 rows
from beg, reverse the sts for the pocket
(= p over k sts and k over p sts). When
work measures 265 cm (104 inches)
from 1st st­change, reverse the sts
again for the 2nd pocket. When work
measures 18 cm (7 inches) = 30 rows
from beg of the 2nd pocket, cast off all
sts loosely, as they appear.
Finishing: Block piece, dampen, and let
dry. Fold each pocket to right side of
scarf so that 2 k sts lie along each edge
of pockets and scarf. Sew side edges
of each pocket to the scarf, with the
seams inside the pockets.
“Silenzio” bulky yarn from Schachen­
mayr (50% polyacrylic, 25% virgin
wool superwash, 25% alpaca, ap­
prox. 60 m/67 yds/50 g): approx.
400 g “pebble heather”, color 00090.
addi knitting needles, size 8 mm ( US
11/ UK 0).
Rib pattern:
k 2, p 2 alt.
Tension swatch:
13 sts and 16.5 rows in rib pattern,
with 8 mm needles = 10 x 10 cm (4
x 4 inches).
Copyright 2009 by Verlag Aenne Burda GmbH & Co. KG, Am Kestendamm 1, D-77652 Offenburg, Germany.
All models, pattern pieces, and illustrations are copyrighted. Commercial use is prohibited.
The publishers cannot be held responsible for damages due to improper use of the pattern or materials,
improper carr ying-out of instructions or tips, or improper use of f inished models.
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