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(*Iwalc For the double-tee hot-rolled bar, spacing of the security bracings against the turning  l1 = low =$7.1$ mm:

                                          $W40$ = l1

(*NZabezp The member is not protected against warping.*|*Member is protected against the warping.*)

*)(*Rura For tube or box profile, spacing of the security bracings against the turning

  l1 = lw =$7.1$ mm:

                                          $W41$ = l1

(*NZabezp The member is not protected against warping.*|* Member is protected against the warping.*)

*)(*NZabezp0 The coordinate of loading applied point ao = $7.2$ cm. difference between coordinates of shearing and forcing applied point as = $7.3$ cm. Following parameters values of warping are accepted: A1 = $7.11$, A2 = $7.12$, B = $7.13$.

                            Ao = A1 by + A2 as = $7.11$ ×$7.14$ + $7.12$ ×$7.3$ = $7.15$



(*Mcr Relative slenderness ratio for warping equals:


*|*It is accepted that,  the member is protected against the warping: `l L = 0.*)*)


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