Flat bow- eng.pdf

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Now you can shoot
HEN the white man provided the American
Indian with a cheap trade musket in place of
his native bow and arrow, he saved himself a
good deal of grief, for had the red man de-
veloped his weapon along a logical path he might have arrived
at an approximation of the bow we now know as the "semi-
Indian," "flat," or "American" bow. With such a bow he could
have shot with accuracy at a hundred yards (about the extreme
accurate range of the long rifle), and could have delivered ar-
rows faster than any frontier scout could load his rifle.
Any home workman, equipped with ordinary tools, can readily
build the most modern and most efficient bow yet designed. The
best material for the amateur is the imported wood known as
"lemonwood." It can be worked almost entirely by measure-
ment, without much regard to the grain. California yew and
Osage orange probably make a better bow, but not for the
inexperienced builder.
Lemonwood can be had from most dealers in archery sup-
plies, either in the rough stave or cut to approximate outline.
The price ranges from about $1.75 to $3. In ordering you
should be careful to say you need a wide stave for a flat bow.
The dimensions given are for a bow 5 ft. 8 in. long with a
weight (the archer's term for the strength of a bow) of from
45 to 50 lb. at a draw of from 27 to 28 in. This combination is
suitable for the average man. When new the bow will draw
5 lb. or more above these figures. For clearness, only the upper
limb of the bow is shown on the drawings. The lower limb is
similar but slightly stronger. It should be 7/16 by 1½ in. at a
point 14¼ in. below the center line; 3/8 by ¾ in. at a point
24¾ in. below the center; and 3/8 by 9/16 in. (instead of 3/8 by
½ in.) at a point 1 in. from the very end.
The stave, as it comes from the dealer, has been shellacked
or varnished to prevent checking. Remove this coating from
the back—the side away from the archer as the bow is held in
position to shoot. Plane and sandpaper the wood just enough
to provide a smooth surface. Stretch a fine piece of unkinked
copper wire tightly down the center line of the stave, mark dots
at regular intervals, and connect the dots, using a long T-square
or other straightedge and a sharp, hard pencil.
Lay out cross lines as shown on the drawing and mark the
widths by dots. Connect these dots with straight lines, giving a
rough idea of the back of the bow. Since the sharp shoulders
and angles are unsightly, change them free-hand to graceful
curves along one side, then trace paper templates in order to
reproduce the curves on the opposite side.
With drawknife, spokeshave, and finally a pocketknife or
scraper and garnet paper, work to the lines marked on the back,
keeping the cuts at right angles to the surface of the back.
Run straight lines along the edges of the stave from the center
The completed bow bends
perfectly, shoots far,
and hits hard. Robin
Hood himself never had
so scientific a weapon.
This illustration shows
the bow drawn back al-
most to the "full draw"
Bows are among the oldest weapons
in the world, yet an amazing thing was
only recently discovered about them.
Through mathematical analysis, labo-
ratory investigation, high-speed pho-
tography, and painstaking field tests,
it was found that the famous English
long bow, after which practically all
target bows are patterned, does not
have the most efficient shape. Its beau-
tifully rounded limbs are a delight to
the eye, but the best cross section for
a bow is something much simpler—just
a plain rectangle. This discovery led
to the development of the modern
American flat bow, one easily made
variety of which is described here.
out to the tips to mark
the thickness of the bow,
following the dimensions
on the drawing. Both edges
of the stave should be
marked. Now mark the
profile of the riser at the
grip, dipping it boldly into
the run of the belly at
each side of the handle.
If the stave did not come
with a piece glued on to
form the handle, you will,
of course, have to cut a
suitable block of hardwood
about ½ by 1 by 8 in.
and glue it on.
Set the bow in the vise,
belly up, and shave off the
wood above the lines just
drawn. For the deeper
part of the cut near the
tips, a drawknife may be used with caution;
but nearer the handle where the cut is shal-
low, a spokeshave and small block plane are
safer. When the bow has been worked to a
rectangular cross section over its whole
length, except at the riser, which is rounded,
you are ready to test it for curve.
This work has probably consumed an eve-
ning, and you are obliged to lay the bow
away until you have more spare time. Be-
fore you do so, rub the whole bow with shel-
lac to prevent any possible checking or
absorption of water.
You now need what is known as a "tiller"
for testing the bow, as well as a temporary
or working bowstring and a shooting tab for
protecting the fingers. The tiller is a piece
of scrap wood about 7/8 by 3 by 30 in.,
notched at 2- or 3-in. intervals as shown to
catch the bowstring and notched at one end
to fit over the handle of the bow. As the tiller
may be used later on the finished handle, it is
just as well to pad the end jaw with leather.
The tiller serves to hold the bow bent for
inspection during construction and, as it
will be used often, should be carefully and
accurately made.
The string for tillering must be far
stronger than the one ultimately used for
shooting—at least 60 strands of No. 20
linen thread. Lay up twenty strands 18
in. longer than the bow, stretch them
smoothly, and wax them together. Make
two more sets and tie the three together.
With the tied ends over a hook twist each
of the three groups of thread individually
to the right and have an assistant hold the
twist in. Now take all three and lay them
round each other to the left, as if making
rope. The right-hand twist makes them
grip one another and cling together. Put
the string under tension and rub thorough-
ly with beeswax. Work it round and com-
pact by rubbing with a small piece of
leather held between the fingers. Tie a
permanent loop (bowline) at one end and
use a timber hitch to fasten
the lower end to the bow.
Later you will need a
shooting string, and because
a breaking string endangers
not only the bow but the
archer and bystanders as well,
it is better for a beginner to
buy a few strings. When one
of these becomes frayed, take
it apart, study the make-up,
read a bit on the subject, and
try to make one yourself.
You will soon be able to pro-
duce a creditable string.
The notches at the ends of
the bow, or "nocks" as an
archer calls them, are best
put in with a small round file.
At the side, near the back,
the nocks are half round,
slanting across the side to-
ward the grip and flaring
slightly to give room for the
string to change direction as
the bow is drawn. They
should not extend across the
back of the bow as this would
seriously weaken the bow tip.
Slip the loop down over
the upper tip, draw the string
down the bow, and fasten it
at the lower nock with a tim-
ber hitch. Have the string
about 3 in. shorter than the
length of the bow, that is,
measuring from nock to nock.
At left are the back and side views of the upper limb and handle
of the flat bow. Above are sketches showing how the handle and
nocks are finished and how a shooting tab, tiller, and peg are made
Using an old T-square to mark the lines showing the height of the
belly of the bow. The vise is faced with removable wooden jaws
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Testing the curve of the tillered bow on a grid-
iron chalked on the floor. In circle: Using a
spokeshave to cut the belly down to guide lines
line, chalk line, or braided trolling line. The
total length of the grip should be about 4.
in., the winding occupying 3¼ in. of this
space and the balance being covered by
leather circlets. The upper circlet has a
projection at the left of the bow; this
serves as an arrow plate and prevents ar-
rows from wearing the wood as they leave
the bow. Use rather thick leather so it
may be whittled away from the underside
to a thickness equal to the string binding.
The outer edge is trimmed to a feather
edge and the ends thinned to make a neat
joint; then the leather is dampened, glue
coated, and bound in place with narrow
strips of cloth until dry. As soon as the
leather is dry, shellac the whole handle.
The cord may then be painted as suits the
bowyer's fancy, and another coat of shel-
lac applied to protect the color.
Place the bow in the vise and have an
assistant pull carefully on the lower tip
while you pull the upper and slip the loop
in place in the nock. Do not push on the
limbs, for a breaking bow nearly always
throws splinters forward with murderous
force. The string is likely to stretch con-
siderably, and you will have to adjust the
timber hitch several times before you hold
the bow bent to any great depth.
LUSH, velvet, leather, and gimp braid
are also used to pad handles, but cord
affords a firm grip and is very durable.
Once the new bow has been well tested
and has proved itself satisfactory it should
be cleaned carefully. Remove all tool
marks and thoroughly sand it with the fin-
est garnet paper. Thin some white shellac
about fifty percent with alcohol, turn a
little on a soft, lintless cotton cloth, and
rub the bow briskly until the shellac has
dried and a surface begins to show. It will
be necessary to work a short section at a
time and to go over the whole bow several
times to build up a shellac surface. Smooth
lightly with very fine paper or steel wool
and rub with furniture or piano polish
until a dull gloss finish results. This meth-
od builds up a surface so thin that it will
not crack with bending, yet thoroughly
water resistant and beautiful to the eye.
A bow carefully waxed and polished after
each field day soon takes on a fine luster,
and the surface becomes toughened.
If, after a month or so of regular shoot-
ing, the bow is found too strong for com-
fort, it can be reduced to suit.
So far as the making of various types
of arrows, bowstrings, bracers, quivers,
targets, and other archery tackle is con-
cerned, there are several excellent hand-
books and a variety of booklets that give
detailed information.
Keep the bow unbraced when not in use.
Hang it from a peg or lay it on a shelf or
across a pair of pegs supporting the middle
third of the bow. A good bow rack can be
made by driving sharp-pointed finishing
nails from which the heads have been
S soon as you have a bend of some 5
or six in. in the bow, place the tiller
on the handle and hold the bow, back down,
on the floor, steadying it with your toes.
Then pull the string up a few notches on
the tiller with both hands. Have your as-
sistant ready with a piece of chalk to mark
any section which does not bend evenly,
or the whole bow must contribute to the
shot to obtain the utmost efficiency.
Let the bow down, unbrace it—that is,
slip the loop out of the upper nock—and
replace in the vise for scraping at the
spots marked by the chalk. To make sure
that the whole section is reduced evenly,
rub the part to be scraped with soft pen-
cil lead. By scraping the marks away, you
remove a thin layer of wood and will not
risk reducing one side more than the other.
Flat bows bend in a different arc than
ordinary long bows—practically a perfect
arc, slightly flattened in the center opposite
the grip. So slight is this flattening that
the radius of the curve of each limb should
be the same as the length of the draw—in
this case 28 in. If a template like that
on the following page is laid on the floor
and the bow worked down carefully until
it fits neatly within the arcs, you are prac-
tically sure to produce a bow which will
give flat trajectory, good distance, and
little jar. Do not keep the bow at full
draw more than a few seconds at a time.
Generally speaking, the bend should
show first in the center of the limbs, then
in toward the grip, and lastly in the third
of the limbs nearest the tips. Allowing the
tips to bend too early in the work weakens
them excessively and produces what are
known as "whip ends."
Finally the corners of the limbs are
rounded slightly to lessen the danger of
denting. Draw a line 1/16 in. each side of
the back corners and 3/32 in. from the
belly corners and round only to these lines.
Sand with No. 6/0 garnet paper until fairly
smooth and rub on a good coat of shellac.
The bow is now ready to shoot for the
first time. Although it is not essential, a
good practice in breaking in a new bow
is to select arrows considerably heavier
than those to be used later. If heavy ar-
arrows are available, use them for about
200 shots, as this works the bow down
without permitting it to recoil too sharply.
Bitch hunting arrows 3/8 in. in diameter
are about the right weight for this purpose;
otherwise use cheap birch target arrows.
They can be obtained from archery dealers
or sporting goods stores for so little that
it hardly pays to attempt to make them.
Besides the shooting tab to protect the
fingers, an arm guard or "bracer" is needed
to prevent the bowstring from bruising the
left forearm. The conventional bracer is
made of heavy leather, but a piece of
fiber or thin, narrow strip of hardwood may
be tied on to serve the purpose.
Now tiller the bow again. It will have
lost weight and changed shape slightly,
and will need further correction.
Glue on a thin piece of white pine to
round out the back of the bow. Taper it
in gracefully to meet the back of the bow,
and round it into the sides. A serviceable
grip is made by serving the bow with crab
Slight reductions are made with the
blade of a penknife or a steel scraper.
The wood is first marked with soft
pencil so no spots will be overlooked
Especial care and delicacy are
required in trimming down the
tips or ends of the limbs where
the bow is narrow. The best
safeguard is to test the bend
frequently by using the tiller
Wrapping the grip with crab line. The line
is clove-hitched to a convenient nail or hook
clipped part way into a plaster wall and
slipping over them dowels in which a hole
has been bored. The holes in the dowels
should be a close fit. If the nails are
driven at a slight upward angle and the
dowels are cut to fit the wall closely, the
effect will be that of wooden pins set in the
plaster. If the nails alone were used, the
iron would corrode and leave unsightly
marks on the bow.
SHELF, too narrow to accumulate
other impedimenta and with a raised
edge, makes an excellent place to lay a
bow. It can be provided with a backboard
bearing pegs for hanging other tackle.
If you must keep your bow in a steam-
heated apartment during the winter, place
it in the coolest dry room. Hot, dry heat
soon makes a bow brittle. When storing
the bow, wrap it from end to end in a strip
of woolen cloth, such as an old spiral leg-
ging before slipping it into a bow case. It
should be inspected from time to time,
warmed occasionally, and strung and bent
at intervals during the off season. In short,
it should have about the same considera-
tion that you give your rifle or your golf
A flat bow stave with handle riser glued on,
as purchased from dealer; and the knots used
at upper and lower ends of the bowstring
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