The Boxing Bible for MMA.pdf

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“Here’s How You Fight Like BJ Penn,
Nick Diaz, and Frankie Edgar…”
Bible for MMA
Everything You Need to Know to Box
Successfully Inside the Cage
J. Stamey
The Boxing
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Thank you so much for downloading "The Boxing Bible for MMA." If you've
taken the time to read the rundown on this report, plug in your name, and
entrust me with your email address I'll assume that you have at least some
interest in learning or improving your boxing for mixed martial arts.
Since this will be the majority of you ( some will be critics and that's ok ) I
should probably explain why developing your boxing game is even worth the
To do that I always like to reference MMA fighter's BJ Penn, Nick Diaz, Frankie
Edgar, and Gray Maynard .
The first guy I mentioned is arguably the best pound for pound mixed martial
artist ever, the second is a top 5 welterweight, and the last two are
lightweights that could easily be considered in the top 10 of what is the most
competitive division in the world.
What's the commonality in the way they all fight?
Ironically, despite two being world class BJJ black belts and the other two
being decorated collegiate wrestlers, they all elect to stand up and box a
majority of the time.
There has to be a reason for that.
So why do they do it?
They do it because they know in a sport where there is a lot of wild
undisciplined striking and poor defense, a true "hit and don't get hit" boxer
has a monstrous advantage.
They do it because they know knockouts are sexy.
They do it because it makes them more versatile.
Dare I say they do it because it's just more fun?
I guess the point I'm trying to make is if boxing is a skill set that all of these
gentlemen have been able to use successfully inside the cage, then so can
You may be wondering ..."Well, ok I see your point, but what
qualifies you to teach me any of this?"
I wish I had a laundry list of accomplishments to show you so you'd know this
isn't a waste of your time, but I don't. The truth is I'm not the guy you would
typically get MMA instruction from.
I'm not really a trainer, because I've never been paid to do so.
And although I plan to, I've never fought in any type of formal competition so
I don't think you could call me a "fighter" either.
So why should you listen to me?
Well, because boxing was my first love and I don't think there's anything I
know more about than boxing, except perhaps bodybuilding... funny right?
After watching the first Castillo/Corrales fight I knew that that's what I
wanted to do, I felt it. It connected with me.
That was the summer of 2005.
4 1/2 years, 21 DVDs, 4 VHS tapes, 10 books, 5 trainers, 18 training partners,
and 1200 hours of mitt work, bag work, and sparring later you've got me as I
am today-- a walking, talking, boxing bible . I say that jokingly of course, but I
wanted to convey to you the kind of time I've put into it and that I do have
some idea of what I'm talking about.
Now you might say to yourself, "Yea that's great Jonathan you're
knowledgeable about boxing, but this is MMA dude "...
Very true, and I know that. Obviously there's more to boxing for MMA than
just boxing. That's why I referenced all those MMA fighters above to show you
that it can and IS done. BJ, Nick, Gray, and Edgar all utilize other tactics
unrelated to the sweet science that allow them to stay on their feet and do
what it is they like to do.
As for me, MMA has become my new obsession. I've spent the last 18 months
familiarizing myself with it, and training it much like I did with boxing.
When you add that in with my boxing background I feel like I can bring you a
unique perspective that you might not be able to get elsewhere.
With that being said, what you'll find in the following pages is what it'll take
for you to box successfully in mixed martial arts. I'll guide you through
everything you need to know to stay on your feet, out of the clinch, and
throwing punches just like BJ, Nick, Gray, and Frankie .
Thanks again for the opportunity to work with you and I hope you enjoy!
Jonathan Stamey
Editor/Dir of Operations
Atlantic MMA, Inc.
P.S. Here's my email so you can let me
know of any questions you may have. I'd love to help!
P.P.S. This Free Report is not fully complete as you’ll see there are
missing chapters…no worries though, as I complete them you will be
updated with each via email.
Table Of Contents
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