Sams Teach Yourself C# in 24 Hours.pdf

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By James Foxall and Wendy Haro-Chun
Publisher: Sams Publishing
Pub Date: March 13, 2002
ISBN: 0-672-32287-0, 528 pages
Sams Teach Yourself C# in 24 Hours provides
readers with 24 structured lessons that provide a
light, but thorough introduction to C#. James Foxall
moves beyond the pure syntax covered in existing
books, to guide readers step-by-step through a
cohesive presentation of the basics of C#. Once the
basics are understood, Foxall shows the reader how
to apply this knowledge to real-world Windows
programming tasks using C#. Each chapter contains
exercises that reinforce the lessons learned in each
chapter. Tips, Notes, and Cautions provide additional
advice from the authors on how to get up to speed
and programming quickly with C#. Sidebars provide
the more experienced reader with tips that will ease
their migration from Visual Basic 6 and Visual C++ to
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