CDisplay Comic Reader Utility ============================= The Windows Comic Reader utility 'CDisplay' was written to ease the reading of comics with the pages in JPEG, GIF or PNG format. The installation program is called setup.exe; run this to install. A shortcut is placed on the desktop. Double-click the shortcut to start the program. When run, the program takes over the whole screen to maximise the area available for display. While running there are lots of pop-up hints - especially on the configuration screen. Leave the cursor stationary for a second or two and you should see them. Or, press F1 for context sensitive help. Right-clicking with the mouse pops up a menu; the top entry is 'load files'. When selected, a file browser appears. Browse to the appropriate directory. All files in the directory will be pre-selected - if this is what you want to read then just press go. Otherwise the desired pages should be selected using left-mouse-click and shift-left-mouse-click and ctrl-A (ie the standard Windows mechanisms for selecting a range of files). Alternatively a ZIP, RAR ACE or TAR file can be selected; in this case any pages within the archive file will be selected automatically. The program sorts the files into alphabetical order for display. Under all usual file naming conventions, this is the correct order for reading. First any .nfo or .txt files (which traditionaly contain comic information) are displayed. The info can be dismissed by double clicking or pressing any key. Simultaneously, the initial page is displayed. The space bar provides an intelligent forwards mechanism. It pages around the image until it has all been displayed whereupon it displays the next page, the idea being that the entire comic can be read with the space key. Alternatively, use the arrow keys, 'Page Down', and 'Page Up' to read the comic. You can also drag the page around using the mouse and the scroll wheel. The program can be minimised by pressing the 'm' key or by using the pop-up menu. The program can be terminated by pressing the 'x' key or by using the pop-up menu. Read the help for more detailed information on controls and configuration options. Bugs, Problems and Enhancements =============================== The yellow reduction can occasionally leave some orange blotches on badly yellowed pages. Finally ======= Bug reports and enhancement requests to: Bugs will be addressed and enhancements considered.