
(2 KB) Pobierz
            SiS 900/7016 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter Installation
                     for NetWare DOS ODI Driver

(1) Installation from CD ROM

    1. Please make sure CD ROM player work fine under DOS environment.
    2. Run INSTALL.BAT and press any key to accept the agreement.
    3. Select "Client Installation".
    4. Select "NetWare DOS/WINDOWS Client (VLM)".
    5. Specify your target directory, default path is C:\NWCLIENT.
    6. Allow system to modified your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS.
    7. Select YES to install support for MS Windows, if you accept.
    8. Move the highlight bar to Select the driver for your network
       board and press <Enter>.
    9. Put the released diskette into floppy disk and go to bottom
       Select "OTHER DRIVERS" under Network Board.
    10.Please insert SiS PCI Fast Ethernet adapter driver diskette into
       floppy disk.
    11.Specify the full path of ODI for DOS driver, Ex: A:\NWCLIENT.
    12.Select "SiS 900/7016 PCI Fast Ethernet".
    13.Move to "Highlight here and press <Enter> to install".
    14.Press <Enter> after you configure correctly, then installation
       will copy necessary file to your hard disk.
    15.Restart your system and connect to NetWare server.

(2) Manual Installation
    1. Assume you have installed NetWare Client for DOS system.
    2. Copy SIS900.COM file from SiS PCI Fast Ethernet driver diskette
       into the NetWare client directory containing LSL.COM, IPXODI.COM,
       NETx.COM or VLM.COM, VLM files.
    3. Modify startup batch file -- STARTNET.BAT:

        Content of STARTNET.BAT
        SET NWLANGUAGE=English

        LOGIN XXXX

        Content of NET.CFG
        Link Driver SIS900

              FRAME ETHERNET_802.2
              FRAME ETHERNET_802.3
              FRAME ETHERNET_II

(3) Installation from Diskettes

    1. Creat Diskettes for installation from CD ROM
    2. Run INSTALL program and press any key to accept the agreement.
    3. Please reference above "Installation from CD ROM".

(4) Set Media Type

    1. Default is Auto-detect.
    2. Force media type.
      Modify Net.cfg

      Link Driver SIS900
           Mediatype Type
           FRAME ETHERNET_802.2
           FRAME ETHERNET_802.3

         Type       Ethernet Standard    Duplex
       --------     -----------------    ------
        AUTO          auto-detect         Auto
        UTP           10BASE-T            Half
        UTPFULL       10BASE-T            Full
        FAST          100BASE-T           Half
        FASTFULL      100BASE-T           Full

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