Power Rangers - 02x47 - Best Man For The Job.txt

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{1}{75}movie info: XVID  512x384 25.0fps 175.3 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{1615}{1698}Hey, guys, check it out.|Electrons are coming up.
{1701}{1776}Hey, Tommy, have you ever thought|about being school president?
{1776}{1838}I don't know.|It's kinda like a big responsibility.
{1838}{1922}Yeah, it certainly is, but think of|the thrill of the political process.
{1928}{1980}You could have a real|chance to make a difference.
{1994}{2023}That's true.
{2027}{2117}And if you run, I could be|your campaign manager.
{2175}{2212}What do you think, Kim?
{2212}{2283}Oh, I think that you'd|make a great president.
{2315}{2347}Yeah, yeah, I'll do it.
{2369}{2399}Alright, bye.
{2405}{2444}How's this for a campaign slogan?
{2444}{2499}Tommy Oliver,|the best man for the job.
{2504}{2556}Yeah, I like that!
{2633}{2679}- Hey, Bulky?|- Huh?
{2679}{2718}What if I were school president?
{2718}{2786}Huh? Ha ha ha! Funny!
{2795}{2897}No more homework, no more|detention, no more school.
{2897}{2952}Huh, Skull, that's it.
{2952}{3069}If I was school president, I'd|have access to the student files.
{3111}{3194}With those we could find out|who the Power Rangers are.
{3238}{3303}- Right behind you, Bulky.|- Yeah.
{3306}{3375}You know, sometimes the best|man for the job is a woman.
{3383}{3441}You should run for president.
{3460}{3515}Oh, I can't run against, Tommy.
{3521}{3622}Why not? You're good friends,|it would be a good clean race.
{3622}{3703}And besides, we need more women|involved in the student council.
{3749}{3904}Hey, Tommy, um, how would|you feel if I decided to run too.
{3904}{3963}- I think that would be great.|- Really? You don't think it's weird?
{3963}{4039}No, I mean, look at it this way,|at least one of us would win.
{4042}{4060}That's right.
{4060}{4164}Alright, well may the best man|or woman win the election.
{4172}{4237}Oh hey, Kim, good luck.
{4263}{4365}Excellent. Nothing can spoil|a realationship or friendship
{4365}{4439}faster than politics.|I can turn those power punks
{4439}{4480}against each other and crush them.
{4480}{4573}Yes, oh, wicked husband!|But I have just as
{4573}{4664}many diabolical plots to|destroy them as you do.
{4701}{4794}You? You're just a girl,|you can't be a better bad guy,
{4794}{4833}why your not even a guy.
{4845}{4908}What? I'll show you|what a woman can do.
{4926}{5017}While I prepare a plan to defeat|those teenage do gooders.
{5017}{5134}You're too laidback boy.|I already have a plan.
{5134}{5184}Squatt, Goldar, Baboo.
{5184}{5222}Yes, your merciless one.
{5222}{5262}Yes, o Queen of cruel.
{5262}{5370}I have something for you.|Use this magic rope spell
{5370}{5470}Tommy and Kimberly that will|make them super competitive.
{5472}{5544}Rita, does Lord Zedd know this?
{5544}{5644}No. But he will when I destroy|those puny power punks.
{5644}{5682}The he'll be forced to admit that
{5682}{5755}I'm the baddest bad girl of them all.
{5882}{5924}I really like your|campaign slogans, Kim.
{5924}{6041}Yours too. You know I'm so glad|we can run against each other.
{6054}{6080}Here they come.
{6080}{6158}Okay, you grab the end of the|rope while I go across the path.
{6158}{6219}I'll pull it when they go by.
{6569}{6621}We did it! Rita will be so happy!
{6621}{6685}I'm happy!
{6685}{6715}Way to go, Kimberly!
{6715}{6770}If you hadn't stepped in|my way I wouldn't have fallen.
{6797}{6857}Listen, buster, you're the one|who pushed me! Out of the way!
{6857}{6907}Guess you can't take a|little competition, huh.
{6907}{6956}Ha, you're the one who can't take it,
{6956}{7021}that's why I'm going to beat|you so badly in the election.
{7021}{7102}Oh, is that right?|We'll see about that.
{7149}{7245}My Lord, Rita has come up with|some hairbrain scheme of her own.
{7245}{7282}- Rita.|- Yes, Lord.
{7282}{7330}Well, you keep an eye on her.
{7344}{7410}- Yes.|- Now I must go finish my own plan.
{7458}{7497}Hey, Tommy, I got them!
{7502}{7537}Good, more posters.
{7567}{7606}Hey, who did that?
{7613}{7700}Oh, you know, gee,|I don't know. We should fix it.
{7730}{7756}A lot better.
{7759}{7834}Hey, losers. Still think|you're going to best me?
{7839}{7956}Oh, lap it up, miss second place.|I'm gonna win and prove it to ya.
{7956}{8029}Hey, you're going to vote for|me for school president, right?
{8029}{8081}No, you're not, you're going|to vote for me, aren't you?
{8081}{8140}Win with Kim.
{8171}{8240}Come on.|Let's go fix some more posters.
{8240}{8285}Tommy, wait.
{8331}{8370}What's going on?
{8370}{8448}What's up with the two of you?|Why are you both so competitive?
{8461}{8550}Don't vote for dummy? Now,|Kimberly, that's really mean.
{8555}{8596}He started it, okay.
{8598}{8682}Now I'm going to finish him,|no matter what. Come on.
{8759}{8796}Ladies and gentlemen.
{8796}{8937}Here is the next president|of Angel Grove High, Bulk.
{8972}{9042}If elected I promise that|I will reveal to you
{9042}{9140}the true identities|of the Power Rangers.
{9177}{9220}Bulky, we don't know|who they are yet.
{9220}{9286}I know, we don't know,|but they don't know
{9286}{9320}that we don't know, you know.
{9320}{9359}- No!|- Forget it!
{9367}{9471}This is my chance. Tommy|will walk right into my trap.
{9484}{9565}Excellent plan, my genius,|if we on't say so ourselves.
{9565}{9614}Me too.
{9697}{9755}This is gonna be good.
{9885}{9975}This mud slinging campaign could|easily turn voters against you.
{9981}{10022}I want to beat her by 50%.
{10022}{10096}You know, Tommy, I don't|understand, this isn't like you.
{10131}{10179}Because I just want to win,|Billy, that's all.
{10210}{10245}Got to go.
{10319}{10355}Tommy, come to the park alone.
{10355}{10426}I have information that will|help you destroy Kimberly.
{10449}{10500}Oh, man! I've got to do something.
{10664}{10753}You have fallen into our trap, Ranger.
{10753}{10834}Goldar, I should have known|you wouldn't be far behind.
{10838}{10911}Save it. Alone you have no chance.
{10911}{10945}Oh, yeah?
{11068}{11142}I don't need help to beat|you and your clay cronies.
{11785}{11828}You don't look so good.
{11828}{11876}Maybe it's time for retirement.
{11876}{11958}I'll retire you and use|your helmet for a hubcap.
{11966}{12047}Finish him, Putties!|Once and for all!
{12121}{12154}Kimberly, we need to talk.
{12154}{12219}This campaign has gotten|completely out control.
{12219}{12293}I don't think there is anything|wrong in wanting to win at any cost.
{12363}{12413}We read you, Zordon.|What's going on?
{12413}{12462}Rangers, Tommy needs|your help in the park.
{12462}{12496}You must go immediately.
{12555}{12590}It's Morphin Time!
{12595}{12655}- Mastodon!|- Pterodactyl!
{12656}{12718}- Triceratops!|- Sabretooth Tiger!
{12825}{12888}There he is alright. Looks like|we got here just in time.
{12971}{13017}Our friends in trouble, guys,|you know what to do.
{13017}{13053}- Right!|- Let's go!
{13141}{13178}We're here, Tommy, are you okay?
{13191}{13243}Good. We'll take these goons. Huh?
{13306}{13334}Rocky, you alright?
{13334}{13373}They want Tommy.|We've got to help him!
{13373}{13454}Oh, why can't he do|anything right. I'll help him.
{13561}{13601}What do you think you're doing?|I don't need your help.
{13601}{13659}You're useless. Let me handle|this before you get hurt.
{13659}{13698}Huh? You, right.
{13698}{13747}Yes me, you arrogant airhead.
{13750}{13776}No way!
{13776}{13818}Come back here!
{13839}{13893}How dare you walk away from|me when I'm talking to you.
{13893}{13953}Typical, Tommy,|blockhead behsaviour.
{13953}{13974}Who's a blockhead?
{13974}{13998}- You are.|- You're out of your mind.
{13998}{14062}- You can't take the competition?|- You're no competition for me.
{14062}{14152}- I'm more than you can handle.|- Go back to the mall.
{14154}{14186}- Excuse me.|- Bug off!
{14186}{14250}I'm talking to M1|runnerup here and he knows it.
{14250}{14327}- I'll tell you what I know.|- This is ridiculous. Alright.
{14329}{14420}What, hey! Let go of me, let go!
{14437}{14512}Tough luck, White Ranger.|I'll take that.
{14528}{14618}- You're bad day just got worse.|- Give it back, Goldar!
{14618}{14657}You don't know what you're doing.
{14657}{14706}Put me down!|Put me down this instant!
{14708}{14773}Goldar, wait till I get my hands on you.
{14949}{15020}Oh no, look, Goldar got Saba!
{15082}{15131}I've got to get it back.
{15131}{15173}Hold it right there, Goldar.
{15269}{15305}Where do you think you're going, pal?
{15306}{15351}Leave this to a proffessional.
{15369}{15406}I'll get Saba.
{15492}{15544}Oh, way to go, Kim, do it again.
{15544}{15577}You're the one who messed it up.
{15577}{15626}I have it by now if you|weren't such a stumbler.
{15632}{15699}You stayout of this|and we'll all be better off.
{15768}{15803}Break it up, guys.
{15852}{15982}Ridiculous, Rangers. I think it's|time to see what this thing can do.
{16135}{16190}There, now that's what I call fun.
{16195}{16279}He's figured out how to use it.|We're going to have to fall back.
{16312}{16342}Goldar's taken Saba.
{16345}{16426}I could've taken it back if|she hadn't got in the way.
{16440}{16492}Well, your ponytails too tight, pal.
{16524}{16563}Hey. We guys knock it off!
{16590}{16668}Zordon, is it possible Tommy|and Kimberly and under a spell?
{16673}{16732}It might explain why|they're acting so inrationally.
{16732}{16779}An excellent hypothesis, Billy.
{16782}{16862}Alpha can you run a diagnostic|check on the two of them?
{16872}{16913}Right away, Zordon.
{16957}{16996}Your suspicions were correct, Billy.
{17003}{17061}Rita has placed them|under a pow...
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