Dane Rudhyar - How to Interpret the Lunar Nodes.pdf

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Part One
The Lunar Nodes in Natal Astrology
What is called in astrology the lunar nodes are the two ends of the line of intersection
between the plane of the ecliptic (i.e., the plane of the earth's yearly revolution around the
Sun) and the plane of the Moon's monthly revolution around the earth. The zodiacal signs
and degrees exist on the ecliptic plane, and the two points at which the Moon's plane
intersects the zodiac are indicated by the degrees (i.e., the longitude) of the Moon's nodes.
These two points, being the ends of a line, must obviously be in opposition to each other;
thus, if the North Lunar Node is at 10° Aries, the South Lunar Node has to be at 10° Libra. I
mention this merely because an ephemeris mentions only the zodiacal position of the North
Lunar Node. This position actually is a "mean position"; but as the nodes are not actual,
concrete entities but refer to the interaction of two cycles — the lunar month and the solar
year — the mean position of the nodes seems to be more significant than their slightly
different actual position.
The line of the lunar nodes, which I shall call the nodal axis, keeps shifting along the
zodiac. It makes a complete revolution in 18 to 19 years. Hence, if a person is born when
the North Lunar Node was at 21° Pisces, some 18 and two-thirds years later, the North
Lunar Node will return to the same position. About nine years after birth, the North Lunar
Node reaches the position which the South Node had at birth.
The motion of the nodes refers to the factor of celestial latitude. At the North Lunar
Node, the Moon passes from the hemicycle of south latitude (i.e., south of the plane of the
ecliptic) to that of north latitude; and the opposite occurs at the South Node. The entire
nodal cycle of the Moon is said to begin at the North Node. Because our civilization and its
traditions give a symbolic positive and spiritual meaning to the northern hemisphere and
the north pole, the North Lunar Node is given an equally positive meaning, for it marks the
entrance of the Moon into the regions of northern latitude. At the South Lunar Node, the
Moon leaves these regions and begins to have a southern latitude. The lunar nodes are,
therefore, the points at which the Moon has latitude 0 degrees. This can be checked in the
ephemeris by comparing the zodiacal position of the North Lunar Node and the zodiacal
position of the Moon on the day this Moon is shown to have "latitude 0° North" (column
marked "Lat").
I shall deal with the motion of the lunar nodes and the 19-year cycle it produces in a
Part Two of this article. What we must first clearly understand is the meaning of the nodal
axis in birth-charts and of the symbolic division of a birth-chart into two halves by this axis.
It is an important subject, particularly at the level of a psychological interpretation of the
natal chart of an individual person.
The Meaning of the Nodes
As the Moon reaches its North Node and enters the area of north latitude, it is as if it were
opening itself to cosmic or spiritual influences symbolically represented by the North Pole
and, more specifically, the pole star. Thus, the North Lunar Node represents the point of
intake of spiritual cosmic energies; and it was called the "Dragon's Head" — the nodal axis
being symbolized by a dragon. The South Lunar Node was the "Dragon's Tail." From a more
strictly biological and functional point of view, the North Lunar Node refers to the mouth of
an animal and the South Lunar Node to the organs of evacuation, which means both the
anus and the procreative organs from which the seed goes forth.
The fact that the South Lunar Node refers not only to the point of excretion of waste
materials, but also to the release of seed materials (fecundated or not) is still not
understood by most astrologers today, though I have stressed it for some thirty-two years.
I recall how I came to realize this fact when studying Richard Wagner's birth-chart and
finding the South Node in his tenth house. Surely, I felt, this often-called "point of self-
undoing" does not have a logical place in the house referring to the professional life of this
great genius whose works have brought to him social immortality and influenced countless
millions of human beings. Then it suddenly came to me that if the South Node truly
represents a function of evacuation or release, procreation at the biological level and artistic
creation at the cultural level constitute also a process of release of materials which the
organism seeks instinctively to eliminate.
French composer Saint-Saens used to say: "I compose just like an apple tree produces
apples." The true creative artist releases almost automatically art products which his
organism produces spontaneously and of which he seeks to get rid. He acts in relation to his
culture or to a special group of people constituting his potential public as a male fecundating
a female. The biological or ideological sperm is evacuated; and, if it is not, frustration and
tension are usually the results — unless the person is a yogi, who, according to a traditional
process, is able to "transmute" his seed into spiritual energy, in which case we can see at
work the symbolism of the great serpent who swallows his own tail.
This South Lunar Node interpretation agrees as well with what occurs in the monthly
cycle of women. The ovum is released every month at the South Node of the female body,
but it is not fecundated. It is waste material, menstruation; and its frequent discomfort or
cramps is a South Node phenomenon, just as is the daily process of excretion.
The essential fact is that these South Node processes are automatic ; they should
demand no effort if human beings lived natural and healthful lives. But also they have no
personal meaning unless the organism — biologically or emotionally — is disturbed, tense,
and under psychological pressures. The great artist or philosopher, in times of cultural
harmony in a steady society, releases his mental-cultural "seed" naturally into an expectant
and receptive public with whom communication is easy, smooth, and elating. He is the
fecundator of his race.
However, this fecundation, just because it is spontaneous and nearly automatic, may
make of him a "sacrifice" to humanity. He pours of himself unceasingly into his community;
and he has, therefore, very little left for his own personal growth and spiritual
transformation . In that sense, this South Node activity is actually a form of "self-undoing."
Wagner remained until his death a rather unregenerated personality. I have known, in my
early youth, the great French sculptor, August Rodin (I was for a brief period his secretary);
and he was indeed in daily contacts a cantankerous old man who treated his son very badly.
Many a genius is so enthralled by his creative activity that it becomes truly a spiritually self-
defeating process — just as are all automatic processes and all activities and capacities
which one takes for granted. In another sense, the "Don Juan" figure of the legend is a
South Lunar Node polarized person.
Nevertheless, one has to be very careful not to give a necessarily negative meaning to
the South Lunar ode in a birth-chart, especially in terms of events . It may refer in any
case to a sort of "bondage" — but it is often a very special type of bondage; it may mean
the fulfillment of a racial karma , a kind of sacrificial offering of self to humanity. At this
point of the birth-chart, the past compels; but the outcome may be magnificent in terms of
social or cultural results. If one believes in reincarnation, one can say that a capacity
developed under stress through past incarnations now produces automatically splendid
results; and this may apply to a statesman or inventor, as well as to a creative artist — in
all cases, to what we call, often without discrimination, "genius."
If genius implies a kind of automatism — however difficult the conditions of the
creative act may be if society is not receptive — talent by contrast demands effort. So does
good assimilation of food require the effort of mastication. At the North Node — the
symbolical mouth — one ingests food, whether it be physical or ideological. To eat well,
which means prolonged chewing, is a conscious, deliberate activity. It requires a choice, a
selective process. At the North Node, an individual builds himself up. He does not give out;
he takes in. But what he takes in can poison him! He may be careless or greedy in his
choice of food. If he lives in our present-day society, he has a hard struggle — if he wants
to eat only healthful and unadulterated foodstuffs — and this is true at the intellectual-
cultural level as well as that of body nourishment. This is the tragedy of our age.
The Nodal Axis in the Birth-Chart
The Moon's nodal axis has been said to be an "axis of fate"; and much of personal fate
indeed is a function of the person's ability to make the best of the demands and
opportunities of life and society around him. Perhaps more than any other factor in a birth-
chart, this axis deals with the relationship in depth of the individual to his environment. It
deals with the give and take experienced by a man in relation to the "field" in which his
existence unfolds and with the way he is able to actualize his birth potential underneath all
surface events.
This is where what are unfortunately termed "fate" and "free will" interplay. No
individual is totally free or totally compelled. The Existentialistic philosophy of French
thinker Jean-Paul Sartre, in its glorification of an absolute and unconditional freedom,
makes no sense at all; it is basically a doctrine of compensation for despair — truly a South
Node philosophy tragically seeking to "raise itself by its bootstraps" and passionately,
irrationally to deny man's sense of being totally compelled by a disintegrating civilization,
the absurdity of which "nauseates" the oversensitive and overly intellectualized, lonely
The nodal axis divided the birth-chart into two equal halves; so, of course, do the natal
horizon and natal meridian. Much has been said concerning the respective characters of the
eastern, western, above-the-horizon, and below-the-horizon hemispheres of a chart; the
preponderance or absence of planets in each of these hemispheres has been given
meanings of various kinds. A similar approach can be used with reference to the Moon's
nodal axis, as Marc Jones once pointed out and as I stated in my book Astrology of
Personality in 1936.
If one does so, however, one should realize that the whole chart is being looked at in
terms of the Moon's basic function. This function refers to man's capacity for intelligent
adjustment to his environment for the purpose of gaining a maximum (or optimum) of well-
being and happiness or comfort. The Moon, by revolving constantly around the earth,
generates, one might say, a protective electromagnetic envelope (or shield) as well as
focusing and distributing the energies of the Sun and the planets upon our globe and all
that lives on its surface.
What the ancient astrologers called the "sublunar sphere" is a vast cosmic field defined
and outlined by the cyclic monthly revolution of the Moon. It resembles a kind of matrix;
and as such, it gave rise to the connection between the Moon and motherhood. The mother
sees to it that her still helpless infant is protected from injurious impacts and that his needs
are satisfied. The baby becomes the center of her cyclic daily activities, and she attends first
of all to his feeding and elimination — i.e., to his physiological nodal axis.
Later on, as the child matures into the a self-reliant adult, he normally develops his
own Moon function. He is supposed to find his own individual mode of adjustment to
everyday life's challenges and opportunities. There are times when new powers or capacities
for adaptation are built; others, when these powers are put to work and energies released.
However, an individual is born with the Moon either in northern or southern celestial
latitude; this means on one side or the other of its nodal axis.
A nodal hemisphere begins at the Moon's North Node and progresses in the natural
order of zodiacal signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.). Lyndon Johnson , has his North Node
at 1°41' Cancer; his natal Moon at 9°8' Virgo has a very high north latitude. It is, thus,
located in the North Node hemisphere. His basic lunar emphasis throughout his life is on the
building of new faculties or power of control over his environment. If one adds to this the
massing of Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Moon, and Mercury in his first house and his "New Moon"
type of personality, one can readily understand his insistent and expansive ego, his over-
eagerness to stress "greatness" — first of all in himself — and, therefore, his extreme
sensitiveness to criticism. He seems to be at the start of a new cycle, building himself up,
while being raised to a pinnacle of power by a strong wave of destiny.
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