John Norman - Gor 15 - Rogue Of Gor.pdf

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Rogue of Gor
Gor 15
by John Norman
I slipped behind the girl and suddenly seized her, holding my hand tightly over her
mouth. The trash she carried spilled. I dragged her backwards. She struggled. She made
muffled noises. I threw her down, behind the row of trash containers behind the house of
Oneander in Ar. My hand was at her throat, thrusting the light steel collar she wore up under
her chin. "Make no sound," I warned her. She was blond. She wore the brief, sleeveless white
tunic of a house slave. She was barefoot. I recognized her. She was the woman, once free,
who had been last on the coffle of Oneander long ago in Ar, the same coffle in which Miss
Henderson had been secured. "Rape me swiftly," she said. "I must soon be back."
"Where is Oneander?' I asked, my eyes hard. I had had little fortune with the guards at
the gate to his holding. I knew little more than that he was not now in the city.
"Gone," she said. "To the north, business!"
"Where?" I asked. "Where?" My hand tightened on her throat.
"I do not know, Master," she whispered. "I do not know! I am only a slave!"
"Is the slave, Veminia, in the house?" I asked. "The barbarian, the small, dark-haired
one, she brought from Vonda, she sold out of the house of Andronicus?"
"It is you!" she said, suddenly, recognizing me. "The slave in the street!"
"I am now free," I said. "Where is she?" My grip tightened. "Speak!"
"She was taken north, she with ten others, by Oneander," she whispered.
"Where!" I demanded.
"I do not know," she whispered. "I am only a lowly slave."
"Who would know?" I asked, fiercely.
"Those with him," she said. "Oneander keeps a close counsel."
"Who else?" I demanded. "There must be others."
"Alison," she said, "the dancing slave at the Belled Collar, she might know. Oneander
uses her when it pleases him!"
I released her throat. She touched it, frightened, looking up at me. I looked down at
her. "I am not now in danger, am I?" she asked.
"No more than any other slave," I said.
She lay back on the cement. Her left hand touched the garbage cans to her left. "You
are handsome," she said.
I shrugged.
"You have me at your mercy," she said. "Are you going to press your advantage?"
"Do you beg it?" I asked.
"Yes, Master," she said.
"You are not unattractive," I told her. Then I thrust up the brief house tunic and she
put her arms about my neck, lifting her lips to mine.
I considered the belly and hips of the dancing girl as she thrust them toward me,
undulatingly, as the music pounded in the tavern.
"Have you heard the news?" the man next to me was asking.
"No," I said.
The girl was naked, save that she wore many strings of jewels and armlets. Too she
wore bracelets and anklets of gold, which had been locked upon her, and were belled. Her
collar, too, was of gold, and belled, She was blond, and it was said she was from Earth. A
single pearl, fastened in a setting like a droplet, on a tiny golden chain, was suspended at the
center of her forehead.
"There has been a major engagement, one long awaited," said the man next to me,
"south of Vonda. More than four thousand men were involved. Fighting was fierce. The
mobility of our squares was crucial in the early phases, separating, to permit the entrance of
charging tharlarion into our lines, then isolating the beasts." Massed men, I knew, could not
stand against the charge of tharlarion, not without a defense of ditches or pointed stakes. "But
then," said the man, "their phalanx swept down upon us. Then did the day seem lost and
retreat was sounded, but the withdrawal was prearranged to creviced ground; to rocky slopes
and cragged, outjutting formations: Our generals had chosen their ground well." I knew, too,
that no fixed military formation could meet the phalanx on its own terms and survive. Different
length spears are held by different ranks, the longer spears by the more rearward ranks. It
charges on the run. It is like an avalanche, thundering, screaming, bristling with steel. Its
momentum is incredible. It can shatter walls. When two such formations meet in a field the
clash can be heard for pasangs. One does not meet the phalanx unless it be with another
phalanx. One avoids it, one outmaneuvers it. "Our auxiliaries then drove the tharlarion,
maddened and hissing, back into the phalanx. In the skies our tarnsmen turned aside the
mercenaries of Ar, temidorus. They then rained arrows upon the shattered phalanx. While the
spearmen lifted their shields to protect themselves from the sky our squares swept down the
slopes upon them."
I nodded. I continued to regard the female before me. It was said she was from Earth.
I lifted my page to my lips, from the low table behind which I sat, cross-legged.
She regarded me, as she danced her beauty before me.
"The field was ours!" said the man. "Vonda herself now lies open to our troops!"
I nodded. I did not take my eyes from the dancer. Her eyes, on me, were sensuous and
hot, those of a true slave. It was hard for me to believe that she was really from Earth.
"The women of Vonda will soon be emptied into our slave markets," said the man.
"It will lower prices," said another, gloomily.
"I have heard," said another, "that forces from Port Olni are marching to the relief of
"Our men will turn northeast to meet them," said another.
"Please, Master," whispered the girl to me. She extended her small hand, still dancing,
as though to touch me. On her wrist was a golden bracelet, belled. I saw the small lock, with
its key socket, on the bracelet. She could not remove it.
"She likes you," said the man next to me, now paying some attention to the dancer.
Suddenly there was the fierce crack of a slave whip and the girl, terrified, scurried from
me. Busebius, proprietor of the tavern, stood at the edge of the sand. "Do you think I have
but one customer?" he called to her. "No, Master!" she cried. There was laughter. Then she
was dancing, too, before others, and among the tables. I watched her. She was a sensuous
dream. It was hard to imagine that she was from Earth.
"There was another dancer here previously," said the man next to me, "one called
Helen. She, too, was an Earth blonde. Alison was purchased to replace her."
"What happened to the other girl?" I asked.
"Helen?" he asked.
"Yes," I said.
"She was seen once by Marlenus of Ar, who purchased her. She was chained and sent
as a gift somewhere."
"I see," I said.
"Page, Master?" asked a dark-haired, belled page slave, in a scrap of diaphanous yellow
I motioned her away. She had short, lovely legs and a sweet, full bosom. The yellow
silk was belted tightly about her waist by several turns of yellow binding fiber, more than
enough to tie her for your pleasure in an alcove.
I continued to watch the dancer, now some yards away, under the low ceiling.
The girl who had offered me paga had not been truly interested in giving me paga. My
cup, clearly, was still almost full. She had been offering me something else, other wares of the
The dancer now, as the music was mounting in crescendo, was again approaching me.
I considered her ankles and thighs, the sweet belly of her, her breasts, and shoulders and
throat, the loveliness of her, her face and eyes, the latitudes of her swirling blond hair, the
shimmering, restless jewelry on her body, the metal locked on her wrists and ankles, her
collar, the pearl at her forehead.
"Master," she said, dancing before me.
I regarded her, through narrowly lidded eyes.
Then she sank to her knees and, on her knees, leaning backwards, danced before me
as a kneeling slave.
The music swirled to its climax and, as it ended, she straightened her body and then,
from her knees, lowered herself to her right hip and, extending her right arm to me, lay before
me, submitted, her head to the floor.
There was Gorean applause in the room, the striking of the right palm on the left
I rose to my feet and placed two copper tarsks on the table.
I went to the girl and, with the side of my foot, kicked her. "Get to the alcove," I told
"Yes Master," she said, and scrambled up, hurrying with a rustle of jewelry and bells to
a leather-curtained alcove.
There was more Gorean applause as I followed her and, turning, from the inside, drew
shut the curtains of the alcove. When I had them buckled shut from the inside I turned to face
the girl.
She knelt in the position of the pleasure slave, back in the alcove, on the scarlet furs, in
the light of the small lamp. I looked about. There were some chains in the alcove, and a coil of
rope, and a whip.
"If Master desires special equipment," she said, "it will be provided by Busebius."
"There is more than enough here to tame you," I said.
"Yes, Master," she said.
"You are Alison?" I asked.
"In his use of me Master may name me as he pleases," she said.
"You are Alison?" I asked.
"Yes Master," she said.
"It is an Earth-girl name," I said.
"Please do not be cruel to me on account of it," she said.
"Are you from Earth?" I asked.
"Yes," she said.
"Was Alison your original name?" I asked.
"Yes," she said, "only now Gorean masters have put it on me, by their will, as a mere
slave name."
"How did you come to Gor?" I asked.
"I do not know," she said. "I retired one night and awakened later, how much later I do
not know, naked, in a dungeon, chained with other girls."
"All slaves?" I asked.
"Yes," she said, "though we did not know it at the time, we were all slaves."
"True slaves?" I asked.
"Yes," she said, "true slaves."
"It is a pretty name," I said.
"Thank you, Master," she said.
"Too," I said, "it is a superb name for a female slave."
"Yes, Master," she said. "Thank you, Master."
I regarded her. "You appear to be a slave," I said.
"I am a slave, Master," she said.
"The men of Gor," I said, "say that the woman of Earth are natural slaves. Is it true?"
"Yes, Master," she said. "I, and the other girls on my chain, swiftly learned that we
were natural slaves."
"How was this information received by them?" I asked.
"Generally at first with chagrin and shame," she said, "then with helpless resignation,
objective recognition and sober acceptance, and then with a liberating and unspeakable joy."
"Are you a natural slave?" I asked her.
"Yes, Master," she said.
I regarded her.
"Try me," she said. "Judge for yourself"
"But you are of Earth," I said.
"Does it dismay you," she asked, "that I, a woman of Earth, should be a natural slave?"
"Get on your back," I said.
"Yes, Master," she said. She unlooped the strings of Jewelry from her body, putting
them to one side.
"No," I said, "leave the armlets, the pearl drop at your forehead."
"Yes, Master," she said, and lay down.
"What do you want to do?" I asked her.
"Please my master," she smiled.
"It is a slave's answer," I said.
"It is my answer," she said, "and I mean it, and am proud of it."
"On your stomach," I told her.
Uneasily she turned to her stomach. She then lay tense in the furs. "Master has
removed the whip from the wall," she said. "Am I to be whipped?" I caressed the side of her
body, gently, with the coils of the whip. She shuddered. "You have a slave's fear," I said. Then
I replaced the whip on the wall. I then touched her body and she squirmed in the fur,
clutching at it with her small fingers. "Yes," I said, "you have a slave's reflexes."
"On your back," I then ordered her, sharply.
Swiftly she turned to her back, and looked up at me, frightened.
I took the rope from the side of the alcove and, folding it so as to make four strands,
looped it several times about her throat and knotted it. I thus made a heavy rope collar for
her, knotted under her chin, with heavy guide strands. I then jerked her to her knees before
me, her chin pulled up by the knot so that she must look at me.
"I am prepared to believe that you are, as you claim, a natural slave," I said. "Do you
know the penalty for a slave who lies?"
"Whatever the Master wishes," she whispered, terrified, looking up at me.
"Do you know one called Oneander of Ar?" I asked.
"He is a merchant," she whispered.
"Do you know him?" I asked.
"He comes upon occasion to the Belled Collar," she whispered. "Please be kind to me,
I jerked the heavy rope and she cried out in misery.
"Do you know him?" I asked.
"I have served him," she wept.
"Do you know him!" I said.
"Yes, yes!" she wept, half pulled from her knees. "He uses me as it pleases him, as an
abject and total slave."
I looked down at her, fiercely.
"Busebius has me on retainer to him," she said, "that he may use me when he wish.
Sometimes I am sent to his house!"
"Where is he?" I said. "Where!"
"Lara!'' she cried. ''Lara!'' This was a town in the Salerian Confederation, at the
confluence of the Vosk and Olni. It was no wonder Oneander made no public fact of his most
recent itinerary.
I threw the girl from me to the furs.
Sometimes a man speaks freely to a slave. Oneander had, perhaps in his drink and
pleasures, confided his intentions to the slave in his arms.
"I was not to tell," she wept.
Perhaps she, a foolish Earth girl, had asked him, and he had not been in the mood to
beat her. Perhaps he was proud of his plan to undertake such a bold venture in troubled
times. I did not know. Ar, of course, was not at war technically with the Salerian
Confederation. Similarly at that time hostilities with confederation cities had been limited to
skirmishes with Vonda. His act, thus, though perhaps one of dubious propriety, and
accordingly not one he would care to publicize in the streets, of Ar, was neither treasonous nor
illegal. It did, however, ara being a member of the Salerian Confederation, suggest some
economic desperation. Being denied the markets of Vonda, and perhaps of Port Ow and Ti, it
was natural, I supposed, for Oneander to turn to Lara.
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