Power Rangers - 03x08 - A Brush with Destiny.txt

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{1}{75}movie info: XVID  640x480 25.0fps 206.4 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{1730}{1760}Hey, Kim.
{1843}{1871}Anybody home?
{1878}{1916}Oh, hey, guys, what's up?
{1926}{1987}You were really zoned out.|You okay?
{2012}{2071}Well, I have good news|and I have bad news.
{2071}{2114}Well, I always like the good news first.
{2114}{2224}Okay. My mom's engaged to|be married to french painter.
{2270}{2313}That's him over there.
{2316}{2376}He's showing the painting|he's donating to the benefit.
{2376}{2426}He's kind a cute.
{2426}{2491}Yeah, he's really nice.
{2531}{2571}I like him a lot.
{2586}{2621}So what's the problem?
{2662}{2736}Well, he lives in Paris.
{2795}{2895}Mom says that we're all|moving there. For good.
{3009}{3145}How can I just leave, Aisha?|I'm a ranger, I just can't quit.
{3145}{3225}Look, meet us at the park|before school tomorrow.
{3225}{3260}We'll think of something.
{3266}{3335}Okay, that sounds good. Bye.
{3710}{3871}Ah, Cherie, you'll find the|french men more complex.
{3875}{3921}Oh, and how's that?
{3935}{3978}I will show you!
{4043}{4130}You are going to love Paris, Kimberly.
{4136}{4203}No way, forget it, I'm not going!
{4221}{4292}Goodbye, Kimberly, have a nice night.
{4292}{4371}Not so fast, my little croisant.
{4517}{4654}Oh, Empress of Evil, I have a|wonderously hideous gift for you.
{4654}{4732}Oh, goody, I love presents.
{4748}{4802}You never give me|anything but a headache.
{4802}{4874}Enough, what have you got?
{4874}{4926}This device enables you|to watch the dreams
{4926}{5016}of earth creatures, like this|nightmare Kimberly is having.
{5106}{5192}The poor puny pink power twerp.
{5198}{5272}She's afraid of the big bad monster.
{5279}{5342}Finster, find a way to|make that creature real.
{5342}{5412}We'll turn her own|dreams against her.
{5462}{5522}- Hey.|- Hey.
{5522}{5567}Looks like you didn't sleep too well.
{5567}{5639}I had nightmares all|night long last night.
{5645}{5708}I am so tired I can't even think.
{5708}{5769}Well, maybe we should|tell Zordon about all this.
{5771}{5817}Ah, I'm sure he already knows.
{5818}{5877}Have you tried talking|this over with your mother?
{5897}{5967}She's so happy right now|I don't want to spoil it for her.
{6132}{6253}That's right, Kimmy,|leave the spoiling to me.
{6273}{6333}I've done it, my evil master.
{6333}{6439}My machine is now capable|of turning dreams into reality.
{6446}{6548}Excellent, Finster.|Now take Rito and some Tengas
{6548}{6635}and bring me back|Kimberly's dream monster.
{6745}{6821}Tengas, from one|nightmare to another.
{6865}{6932}It's no dream. Ninja power now!
{7277}{7367}These featherheads look|even fuzzier than usual.
{8209}{8267}Put me down, birdbrains!
{8272}{8330}Kimberly, no!
{8396}{8485}Let me go, you mangy buzzards!|Let me go!
{8485}{8563}Alright, time to be all I can be.
{8610}{8645}You'll never get away with this.
{8645}{8719}Sorry, darling, evil versus|good and all that.
{8729}{8778}Mitts off the bone man.
{8790}{8843}If you're not too busy, Finster.
{8843}{8904}Roger Rito, hold her steady.
{9002}{9070}So, did you get the monster?
{9081}{9171}I am your worst nightmare come to life.
{9191}{9299}Okay, playmates, it's been|fun, but our work here is done.
{9608}{9710}Yeah, chickened out.|Good work, guys. Power down!
{9790}{9835}- Are you alright?|- What happened?
{9835}{9875}I must have blacked out.
{9875}{9933}I don't know how I got|free from the Tengas.
{9933}{9980}I wonder what Rita and Zedd want?
{9980}{10019}They didn't send those|birdbrains down here
{10019}{10059}to play a game of tag.
{10218}{10379}Skull, why'd you let me fall asleep?|We were supposed to stay alert.
{10379}{10519}I thought your snoring would scare|off any burglers, so I snoozed.
{10529}{10574}Wait a minute.
{10777}{10818}Was there a painting|here this morning.
{10818}{10934}Yeah, ah, it was just|that ugly mole picture.
{10947}{10984}Good riddance if you ask me.
{10984}{11036}Skull, if we don't find|that painting, we are going
{11036}{11104}to be doing pushups|for the rest of our lives.
{11264}{11304}- Talk.|- Tell me.
{11304}{11346}- Talk.|- Tell me.
{11346}{11389}Guys, guys.
{11390}{11427}Carry on, citizen.
{11427}{11459}What's going on?
{11459}{11555}Uh, sorry, that's|top secret information.
{11555}{11595}This weird painting of|a mole disappeared
{11595}{11645}so we're trying to find out where it is.
{11645}{11682}Way to go, nimrod!
{11682}{11734}Hey, you guys didn't|hear it from us. Okay.
{11734}{11774}Yeah, they did.
{11774}{11801}Bulk, don't.
{11801}{11849}You think Zedd and Rita had|something to do with this?
{11849}{11879}Could be.
{12206}{12239}We read you, Zordon. Come in.
{12239}{12314}Teleport to the Command Centre.|Angel Grove is under attack.
{12314}{12346}We're on our way.
{12586}{12626}Where is everybody?
{12671}{12716}Maybe Zordon will know.
{12749}{12854}Oh, I can't believe this.
{12894}{13004}I lost my communicator.|Okay, don't panic. Don't.
{13037}{13088}I'll just retrace my steps.
{13139}{13199}Rangers, where's Kimberly?
{13199}{13241}Maybe she's still with her uncle.
{13241}{13321}This cannot wait.|Observe the Viewing Globe.
{13333}{13386}Behold the evil Artistmole.
{13386}{13460}Let me show you a real still life.
{13480}{13540}He drains the colors|from living things,
{13540}{13602}taking their life force along with it.
{13615}{13672}That must be where the|artwork from the benefit went.
{13682}{13712}What do you mean?
{13712}{13777}The painting of a mole was|stolen from the Youth Centre.
{13781}{13825}It was supposed to be in the show.
{13825}{13898}We need to find Kimberly if we're|going to have a chance to beat this thing.
{13898}{13984}I'll search for her, Rangers.|You must go immediately.
{13984}{14051}We're on our way.|It's Morphin Time!
{14063}{14102}White Ranger Power!
{14114}{14153}Black Ranger Power!
{14162}{14200}Blue Ranger Power!
{14210}{14261}Yellow Ranger Power!
{14270}{14314}Red Ranger Power!
{14324}{14414}Ah, Power Rangers, you've|brought me such beautiful colors.
{14414}{14480}It's all over, Mole.|We're going to hang you on the wall.
{14480}{14557}No, no. My brilliant|career has just begun.
{14562}{14612}I'm sorry, time to paint it black.
{14612}{14693}An excellent suggestion|ranger, black it is.
{14888}{14947}No second rate artist|blasts the Power Rangers.
{14947}{15002}I'll take care of this clown myself.
{15013}{15062}Wait, we've got to do this together.
{15170}{15218}I must have gone right through him.
{15278}{15316}Pretty weird, huh, guys?
{15316}{15353}We didn't even make contact with him.
{15361}{15468}And now to create my|masterpiece. Rangers in danger.
{15481}{15546}Guys, we really need more|help without Kimberly here.
{15546}{15637}Aisha's right. Ninjor,|we summon you from on high!
{15672}{15715}You have nothing to fear.
{15786}{15838}Ninjor is here.
{15884}{15940}Greetings, my young friends.
{15943}{16045}So very good to see you again.|Can Ninjor be of service to you?
{16045}{16126}Probably not to them,|but your shade of blue
{16126}{16179}would look good on my pallette.
{16187}{16242}I shall remove the irritant.
{16355}{16427}This is not really working|the way I thought it would.
{16495}{16525}- You okay, Ninjor?|- Yes.
{16525}{16555}- You see what we're up against?|- I do.
{16555}{16614}Now for the finishing touches.
{16697}{16771}Not feeling well?|You all look so pale.
{16776}{16848}Zordon, we need help, we've|been drained of our power.
{16940}{16988}Ai yi yi! This is terrible.
{16991}{17065}The Power Rangers are|powerless and colorless.
{17065}{17136}Keep searching for Kimberly,|only she can help them now.
{17136}{17185}But why doesn't she answer?
{17185}{17258}I'll try increasing the|range on her communicator.
{17420}{17460}Let's see.
{17505}{17631}I remember, I came here to meet|the guys and those Tengas came.
{17720}{17763}Ah? Yes.
{17855}{17898}Zordon, I read you.
{17898}{17962}/Kimberly, the other Rangers|/are in grave danger.
{17962}{18009}/Teleport to the Command|/Centre immediately.
{18009}{18048}Okay. I'm on my way.
{18165}{18248}Welcome, Kimberly.|Observe the Viewing Globe.
{18258}{18348}You are no match for|Artistmole, Rangers.
{18348}{18400}That's the monster from my dreams.
{18421}{18449}From your dreams?
{18449}{18515}The other Rangers thought|it was stolen from a painting.
{18515}{18560}Zedd and Rita have brought Artistmole
{18560}{18611}to life from your|subconcious, Kimberly.
{18611}{18715}If this is so, only you can|destroy him by facing your fears.
{18715}{18814}Believe me, I'm not afraid of|that pathetic picasso, Zordon.
{18814}{18900}I realise that, Kimberly,|I was referring to your anxieties
{18900}{18975}over the possibility|of moving far away.
{19024}{19077}Oh, I guess I am afraid of leaving
{19077}{19124}the Power Rangers and Angel Grove.
{19128}{19207}Kimberly, we all tend|to fear the unknown.
{19207}{19237}You must trust that your mother
{19237}{19304}has only your best interests at heart.
{19309}{19349}Guess you're right.
{19355}{19424}My mom wouldn't let|anything bad happen to me.
{19452}{19505}Thanks, Zordon.
{19505}{19600}Ai yi yi! These tender moments|always overload my circuits.
{19649}{19711}Now you are ready to|face the Artistmole.
{19711}{19804}Destroying its pallette will release|the color forces trapped within.
{19804}{19844}May the Power protect you.
{19852}{19890}It's Morphin Time!
{19908}{19952}Pink Ranger Power!
{20149}{20210}A little pink for my pallette.
{20533}{20566}I don't like your style.
{20566}{20614}Who made you a critic?
{20614}{20707}Kimberly, you must not|let him fir...
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