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of Achievements in Materials
and Manufacturing Engineering
Structure and properties of hot-work
tool steel alloyed by WC carbides
by a use of high power diode laser
M. Bonek a, *, L.A. Dobrzański a , A. Klimpel b
a Division of Materials Processing Technology, Management and Computer Techniques
in Materials Science, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials,
Silesian University of Technology, ul. Konarskiego 18a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
b Welding Department, Silesian University of Technology,
ul. Konarskiego 18a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
* Corresponding author: E-mail address:
Received 20.03.2007; published in revised form 01.10.2007
Manufacturing and processing
Purpose: The paper presents the effect of alloying with tungsten carbide on properties of the X40CrMoV5-1
steel surface layer, using the high power diode laser (HPDL).
Design/methodology/approach: The structural mechanism of surface layer development was determined and the
effect of alloying parameters, gas protection method, and thickness of paste layer applied onto the steel surface on
structure refinement and influence of these factors on the mechanical properties of surface layer was studied.
Findings: Selection of laser operating conditions is discussed, as well as thickness of the alloying layer, and
their influence on structure and chemical composition of the steel. Analysis of the process conditions influence
on thicknesses of the alloyed layer and heat-affected zone is presented.
Practical implications: Laser surface modification has the important cognitive significance and gives grounds to the
practical employment of these technologies for forming the surfaces of new tools and regeneration of the used ones.
Originality/value: The outcome of the research is an investigation showing the structural mechanisms
accompanying laser alloying.
Keywords: Heat treatment; Laser; Tool materials; Wear resistance
form of heat in the surface layer. Moreover, methods which are
not based on partial melting of surface alone, but on partial
melting with the simultaneous introduction of the alloying
elements with high hardness, like carbides, are being employed
more and more widely for modification of the surface layer. High
cooling rates are obtained in this process and its end result is the
fine-grained material with the super-cooled phases. Material
transport in the liquid metal, caused by the surface tension forces,
features the main factor deciding development of the alloyed
layers. The non-uniform material heating resulting from the laser
beam impact causes development of a big surface tension gradient
Improvement of surface properties of materials used to date
features one of the goals set to the research institutions active in
the materials engineering area. Possibilities of increasing the
functional properties of the hot-work alloy tool steels by
modification of their chemical composition in a conventional way
are very limited already. Laser technique features the especially
promising tool for solving the contemporary surface engineering
problems thanks to the physical properties of the laser beam,
making it possible to focus precisely the delivered energy in the
© Copyright by International OCSCO World Press. All rights reserved. 2007
Short paper 175
1. Introduction
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
Volume 24 Issue 2 October 2007
on the surface of the liquid. The force is directed outside from the
beam centre where is the highest temperature value to its edge and
causes movement of the molten material [1-5, 12-15].
Density of power delivered to the surface layer of the
processed materials is lower for the more and more often used
HPDL type lasers compared to its single mode distribution
characteristic for other laser types; however, the energy is
distributed more uniformly across the rectangular area of the laser
beam focus [6]. Therefore, the HPDL laser is ideally suited for
modification of the surface layer of materials. Moreover,
employment of the appropriate shielding gases and correctly
selected nozzle shape, and its position in respect to the processed
material, have the objective to ensure the high quality of weld
face and repeatability of the obtained results. The advantages of
laser treatment compared to other surface layer modification
methods are: high processing rate, possibility to carry out
treatment without protective guards, modification of small,
arbitrarily selected fragments of the processed surfaces
responsible for tools and machine elements life, as well as its
material economy [7-11].
The goals of this work were: determining the technological
conditions for alloying with the tungsten carbide the hot-work
alloy steel surface layer using the high power diode laser (HPDL)
and determining the relationship between the laser treatment
parameters and structure and chemical composition of the steel.
The material under investigation were specimens from the
X40CrMoV5-1 hot-work alloy tool steel, obtained from the
vacuum cast, delivered in the form of bars with O.D. 75 mm. The
chemical composition of the steel is given below in table 1.
Specimens of O.D. 70 mm and 6 mm thick were turned from the
material delivered in a softened state, further they were
austenitized in a salt bath furnace and tempered in the chamber
furnace with argon protective atmosphere.
The specimens were heated gradually to the austenitizing
temperature with holding at 650°C for 15 min and were
austenitized for 30 min at the temperature of 1060°C. Cooling
was carried out in the hot oil. The specimens were tempered
twice after quenching, each time for 2 hours, at the temperature
of 510°C.
Table 1
Chemical composition of X40CrMoV5-1 steel
Weight, (%)
Mn Si
W Mo
Fig. 1. Experimental setup with high power diode laser HPDL
ROFIN DL 020, NM – native material, HAZ - heat effected zone,
RZ – remelted zone, AM – alloying material
0,41 0,44 1,09 5,40 0,01 1,41 0,95 0,015 0,010
Table 2
Properties of the WC powder
temp., °C
g/cm 3
HV 30
20 - 30
2730 - 2870
Table 3
Technical date for the HPDL ROFIN DL 020
Wavelength of the laser radiation, nm
808 r 5
Maximum output power of the laser beam
(continuous wave), W
Power range, W
Focal length of the laser beam, mm
82 / 32
Fig. 2. Boundary of the remelted steel surface layer after alloying
with the parameters: scanning rate – 0.5 m/min, beam power – 1.1
kW, WC layer thickness – 0.06 mm
Laser spot size, mm
1.8 u 6.8 /
1.8 u 3.8
Power density range in the laser beam focal
plane, kW/cm 2
Short paper
M. Bonek, L.A. Dobrzański, A. Klimpel
2. Investigation procedure
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Manufacturing and processing
Fig. 4. a) Microstructure of the X40CrMoV5-1 steel (SEM) after
alloying with the following parameters: beam power – 0.9 kW,
layer thickness – 0.11 mm b) the plot of intensity versus energy
dispersive X-ray radiation, representing the pointwise WC carbide
chemical composition analysis
Fusion was carried out in the direction perpendicular to the
longer side of the focused beam with the multi-mode energy
distribution, which ensures obtaining the wide weld face in the
statement (fig. 1).
Metallographic examinations of the material structures after
laser alloying its surface layer were made on LEICA MEF4A
light microscope with magnifications from 100 to 1000x.
Structure examinations and thickness measurement of the
relevant zones in the surface layer were made also on the
transverse micro-sections on the OPTON DSM 940 scanning
electron microscope with magnifications from 1000 do 5000x.
Examinations of the chemical composition in micro-zones and
analyses of the linear distribution of alloying elements in
specimens from the investigated steel were made on the OPTON
DSM-940 scanning electron microscope with the Oxford EDS
LINK ISIS energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer with the 20 kV
accelerating voltage.
Fig. 3. Surface layer of the X40CrMoV5-1 steel after alloying
with the following parameters: beam power – 1.3 kW, layer
thickness – 0.11 mm; a) SEM structure, b) linear analysis of the
chemical composition changes
The specimens’ surfaces were sand blasted and ground on a
surface grinder with the magnetic holder. The paste containing the
WC tungsten carbide powder with the inorganic binder was applied
on the degreased specimens as 0.06 mm and 0.11 mm thick layers,
which properties can be seen in table 2. The specimens from the
X40CrMoV5-1 steel, mounted on a turntable, were penetrated with
the Rofin DL 020 high power diode laser (HPDL) beam. The
technical parameters of the laser can be seen in table 3. Two fusion
tracks were made on each specimen face with radii of 12 mm and
22 mm. Dimensions of the laser beam focused on the material
surface are 1.8 x 6.8 mm. The working focal distance (measured
from the head protective glass) is 92 mm.
Basing on metallographic examinations, occurrences of two
zones in the surface layer of the investigated steel were found out:
the remelted zone and the heat-affected zone, whose thicknesses are
dependant on the employed laser treatment parameters (laser
treatment type, laser beam power, thickness of the alloying layer).
Structure and properties of hot-work tool steel alloyed by WC carbides by a use of high power diode laser
3. Discussion of the investigation results
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Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
Volume 24 Issue 2 October 2007
In case of alloying with the tungsten carbide powder, whose
melting point is much higher than the melting point of steel, with the
initially specified laser power, inundation occurs of the un-molten
WC powder grains into the molten steel substrate. Strong circulation
of the liquid metal was discovered with rapid solidification after the
laser beam has passed, leading to freezing of the structure (fig. 2). It
was found out, basing on metallographic examinations, that the
structure of the material solidifying after laser fusion is characterized
by occurrences of areas with the diversified morphology (fig. 3a)
connected with crystallization of the steel. Depending on the
processing parameters used various material mixing mechanisms
were observed. At low laser material penetration energy values the
capillary lines are not connected and the fusion structure is relatively
hogeneous. Along with the laser power growth the occurrences of
capillary lines' swirls were observed. Big dendrites occur in the
boundary zone between the solid and liquid phases, whose main axes
are oriented according to the heat abstraction directions. Repeated
crystal growth direction changes are observed, characteristic for these
zones. Structure of fine equiaxial crystals with the carbide lattice
develops in the central zone of the fused area where heat abstraction
takes place in all directions. Linear analysis of the chemical
composition revealed tungsten presence in the fused zone only (fig.
3b). No tungsten presence was found in the heat affected zone.
Undissolved tungsten carbides were revealed surrounded by the
dense lattices of the superfine eutectic mixture (fig. 4). It was found
out that laser fusion results in refinement of structure in the entire
laser power range. Different grain size was revealed during
examinations in the particular zones of the surface layer after laser
alloying. Matrix grains shape and size does not change during
fusion. Only at the crystallization front, between the fused and heat
affected zones, the elongated and smaller grains were found, which
are subjected to partial melting and re-crystallization during laser
modification in the statement.
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modified surface of tool steel, Journal of Achievements in
Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 17 (2006) 313-316.
[15] L.A. DobrzaĔski, K. Labisz, A. Klimpel, J. Lelątko,
Modelling of gradient layer properties of the 32CrMoV12-
27 surface layer alloyed with WC powder, Journal of
Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
20 (2007) 343-346.
Alloying the investigated steel with tungsten carbide causes
development of the surface layer, in which one can point out the
fused zone, heat affected zone, and interface zones. Their
thickness is closely connected with the fusion parameters, and
thickness of the fused layer changes significantly along with the
laser beam power increase. A fine-grained, dendritic structure was
obtained in the fused zone, with the crystallographic orientation
connected with the dynamical heat abstraction from the laser
beam impact zone. Occurrences of the un-fused tungsten carbide
grains were observed in the structure and the increased tungsten
content compared to the native material, whose variable
concentration is connected with the molten metal fluctuation in
the pool during alloying.
This work was partially financed within the frameworks of the
Polish State Committee for Scientific Research PBZ-100/4/2004
headed by Prof. L.A. DobrzaĔski.
Short paper
4. Conclusion
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