Chinese Caligraphy.pdf

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Chen Tingyou
Translated by Ren Lingjuan
C u l t u r a l C h i n a S e r i e s
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中国书法/陈廷 著;任灵娟译.—北京:五洲传播出版
ISBN 7-5085-0322-8
I.中... II.①陈...②任... III.汉字—书法—研究—英文
著 者/陈廷
译 者/任灵娟
整体设计/海 洋
出版发行/五洲传播出版社 (北京北三环中路31号 邮编:100088)
承 印 者/北京华联印刷有限公司
开 本/720×965毫米 1/16
字 数/95千字
印 张/8.5
版 次/2003年12月第1版
印 次/2003年12月第1次印刷
书 号/ISBN 7-5085-0322-8/J·261
定 价/56.00元
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Calligraphy: A Cultural Treasure of China
A Cultural Treasure of China
Calligraphy is the quintessence of Chinese culture.
There have emerged some 1,000 kinds of wri�en languages
in the world. First, they were used to record events and
what people wanted to say. In writing, people strive to make
the scripts look beautiful and elegant. To meet special needs,
they are wri�en in artistic styles. The writing of Chinese
characters has been developed into a special high-level art.
Chinese calligraphy has flourished for several thousand
years. Like painting, sculpture, poetry, music, dance and
opera, it is a full member of the family of arts.
Calligraphy can be found everywhere in China, and is
closely linked to daily life. In addition, it leads other arts in
the number of people who practice it.
Signboards with inscriptions by famous figures are o�en
found in shops and shopping centers, adding an antique
elegance to busy and noisy trading areas.
Calligraphic works also decorate si�ing rooms, studies
and bedrooms. The Chinese characters are wri�en on Xuan
paper which is good at absorbing ink. The work will be
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